7. Father and Son
Edwin stood in front of Aneska's bedroom door with his back to the door. Aneska opened the door and was silent. The girl thought the person knocking on her bedroom door was David, the usual guard as before.
"What's that?" Aneska asked without opening the bedroom door wide.
The man turned around,- but didn't say anything other than move his index finger to get Aneska to come closer. Even though she was annoyed with the way Edwin treated her, Aneska did what the man ordered and stood two steps in front of Edwin, who was secretly watching Aneska.
It seemed like the man was assessing Aneska's appearance in front of him.
Aneska was confused by Edwin's strange behavior and automatically paid attention to his appearance. Aneska thought there was nothing wrong. But why did Edwin look at her for so long from head to toe?
"Is there something wrong?" Aneska asked, uncomfortable being watched for too long by the man with the sharp gaze.
"There isn't any. Let's go." Edwin turned around after saying that.
Aneska's eyes widened at the man's nonchalant attitude.
"Seriously?" sighed Aneska irritably.
Even so, Aneska still followed Edwin behind the back of the man who walked so casually like a young master. It's true that Edwin is a young master, but Aneska didn't expect it. The girl clucked behind Edwin who was walking towards the exit of the house.
"Where are you taking me?" Aneska asked again.
The man didn't answer, just opened the main door and went out.
Aneska glanced to the right as soon as she stood on the terrace, there was David with his gaze straight ahead, a flat facial expression, and a tall, sturdy body posture.
David himself did not respond when Aneska stared at the man for a long time, observing him in silence until he was left behind by Edwin's steps.
"What are you doing now? Fast!" shouted Edwin from where he was standing waiting for Aneska.
"Yes," said Aneska and immediately turned her attention back to the front, where Edwin was still waiting coldly.
As soon as Aneska stood behind Edwin, the man immediately took another step, continuing his path towards the main house.
Aneska didn't say anything, but she felt uneasy as soon as her feet stepped through the big door of the house. I remembered how Edwin's father behaved yesterday, who was authoritative despite his cold expression, but it was enough to make Aneska nervous. The man seemed able to read Aneska's thoughts, even though it was only the girl's thoughts.
The main house was large and had a scary aura, making Aneska's nervousness even more intense until the girl's hand reflexively reached for the back of the shirt Edwin was wearing.
What the girl did made Edwin stop in his tracks, and looking back, Aneska stared at him with deep lips. But Edwin didn't respond, letting the girl hold the back of his shirt.
The room was very spacious, and the corridors in the main house were so wide that Aneska was confused about where to go. But the girl didn't ask because her throat suddenly felt tight, the feeling of nervousness getting stronger in Aneska's body.
After turning several times through several rooms, Edwin finally stopped in the living room of the main house, and there was a man sitting relaxed on the sofa with a tablet in his hand.
"You called me?" Edwin asked coldly.
The man sitting on the sofa looked up from the tablet, was silent for a moment, then glanced at Aneska who was behind Edwin.
“Good afternoon, Aneska. How was your evening and morning?" asked the man casually.
Even though he looked friendly, Aneska was still nervous because the man's sharp gaze made Aneska's body stiffen.
"Y-yes, okay," answered Aneska haltingly.
Unexpectedly, the man who was the king of the main house and Edwin's father smiled faintly. Alendra Zeelar placed his tablet on the table and turned his gaze back to his son.
“Why just stand up, sit down,” said the man in a commanding tone.
Aneska would just follow Edwin, like the girl did yesterday, following a servant who took her to the back of the house where Edwin lived.
The aura emitted by the father and son was so cold and eerie. However, Edwin complied and sat on the sofa opposite his father. Aneska sat beside Edwin a few centimeters away, at least not too close to the man.
After a long silence, no one spoke at all, but it was different for Aneska, whose body stiffened because Alendra's slightly intimidating gaze made the girl not move where she was.
Realizing this, Edwin started making noise and attracted his father's attention.
“So what would you say, Dad?” Edwin asked without a friendly tone.
Alendra's attention was focused on Edwin and stared at him for a moment.
"Nothing. I just want to invite Aneska to lunch together. Is that okay, Aneska?"
Alendra's friendly attitude was a little strange for Aneska who responded with a nod.
"Then what do you mean by placing her in my house?" Edwin asked while slightly turning his face towards Aneska without changing the direction of his gaze from Alendra.
Alendra was silent for a moment, the expression on his face made Aneska look at the man strangely.
Alendra is not too old and not too young. However, the man looked fit and healthy even though his head was starting to turn gray.
"I'll explain when your mother comes back," Alendra answered briefly.
Edwin fell silent again. The attitude of the two men did not seem friendly, judging from their cold attitude, it seemed that the relationship between father and son was not good.
"When will Mom come back?" Edwin asked again.
"Tomorrow. I want to introduce Aneska to your mother. But, it looks like there will be a little problem," said Alendra.
Edwin's eyebrows rose, a little curious about this matter.
“You will find out later. I want to know what your attitude will be," admitted Alendra with a stiff smile on his face. Maybe it's his best smile.
Aneska herself was just silent, trying to digest their conversation which Aneska couldn't understand at all.
Alendra's gaze turned to Aneska who was still silent.
“I noticed you didn't touch the water at all, Aneska. Aren't you thirsty?”
It seems like Alendra is trying to be nice to Aneska, different from his cold attitude towards Edwin.
"Oh, I'm fine," answered Aneska.
Once again Alendra smiled, but this time his small smile looked normal to Aneska.
Secretly the girl took a deep breath.
For a while, no one spoke between the son and his father. Alendra looked back at the tablet screen.
Aneska glanced at Edwin secretly with her eyes, and the man just remained silent with his right leg resting on his left leg, his back leaning against the sofa, and his arms folded, showing Edwin's boss-like attitude. But not surprisingly, this man is called the young master. Aneska wondered if they were the only ones in the big house apart from the housekeeper, servants, and guards. Are there only Edwin and Alendra? Aneska knew that Edwin's mother was not there. What Aneska means is, does Edwin not have siblings or something?