Valentina Pov

I glanced at my cousin, hoping to find answers, but Dante wouldn’t meet my eye. Which meant this was bad. Really bad. Normally he relished my unhappiness. One of Ravazzani’s men entered and leaned down to speak in his ear. The edge of Ravazzani’s mouth curled as he listened, then he waved the man away. Returning his attention to my father, he said, “No, The wedding will take place at my home in Siderno, where Dimitri resides. We leave tomorrow.”

Dimitri ? And wait, Siderno? As in Italy? What the fuck was happening? Lines deepened on my father’s forehead. “But what about me and my family? We have a right to…..”

Stiffening, Ravazzani glared at my father, and the mood in the room went arctic. “Be very, very careful, Roberto,” he said softly. “You lost your rights when you lost my shipment.”

Yikes; No one moved and the moment stretched. I’d never seen anyone put my father in his place before. No one had ever dared. I held my breath until my father finally put up his hands.

“Mi ,” he apologized.This appeared to appease Ravazzani, but I still had no idea what they were talking about. “Will someone please tell me what is going on?”

I blurted, unable to hold back any longer. Ravazzani moved quickly, stepping closer, until he towered over me. His irises were so blue, with hints of grey, but they didn’t seem angry. Instead, he appeared amused. “You have spirit. That’s good. You will need it, piccolina.”

Walking around me, he went to the door, trailed by five of his men. “I expect her ready, Mancini,” he said over his shoulder. Anger burned in my chest. Are you ready? Like I was a piece of luggage? No one was carting me off to Italy. I was going to school in New York City, not getting married to some scary Italian man who was most definitely in the mafia. When the door closed, I rounded on my father. “Papà, what is this all about?”

He dragged a hand down his face and dropped into his chair. Uncle Reggie and Dante didn’t move, but the rest of my father’s men left the room. “Sit, Tina .”

“I’d rather not. I’d rather stand until I know what’s happening.” Papà slapped a hand against the surface of his desk. “For fuck’s sake, Do as you’re told!”

I hated when he spoke to me so coldly, like I was one of his men. Dante shook his head, clearly indicating he thought I was an idiot, and Uncle Reggie wore his usual frown. Pushing away the hurt and confusion, I slid into a chair. “There. Now please explain what is happening.”

“You have been chosen to wed Ravazzani’s heir, Dimitri . It’s a good match, Tina ; An honour, really.” An honour? I stared at the man who’d promised I would receive a college degree before marriage. Who said I could have my choice in a husband. Empty lies. Every single one.

“Absolutely not. I won’t marry a stranger in Italy. I don’t want a mafia husband. I’m going to school in the fall.” My father’s face hardened into a scary expression, one I’d never seen before. I suspected this was his ’ndrina face, the mafia leaderwho did terrible things with no remorse. “You will do as you are told or people will die. People in this family. Is that what you want?”

The threat hung in the air between us and I thought of my twin sisters upstairs, asleep and trusting. With no idea I was being forced to choose a life I didn’t want to secure their safety. It’s no choice at all. I would do anything for them. Though I was just two years older, I had been the one to care for them after my mother’s death. I taught them about boys and periods; Helped them buy bras.

Dried their tears and managed their screen time. The backs of my eyelids started to burn. “Why is this happening?”

“Alliances through marriage are a part of our world. There is nothing anyone can do to prevent this. I expect you to do your duty and make Dimitri happy.” I pressed a hand to my stomach, trying to ease the sudden cramping of my insides. How had my future changed so drastically? “But you promised,” I said weakly, fighting tears.

His expression didn’t budge. “My promises to the Ndrangheta come first. Now, do not dishonour me. This is an opportunity for us to gain more power through your husband’s family. Ravazzani is one of the wealthiest men in Italy, the head of one of the largest clans, the ’ndrina which bears his name.”

Power. Wealth. Was that all anyone cared about? I rubbed my eyes, uncaring if I smeared my mascara. “This isn’t fair.”

“Grow up, Tina ,” Dante sneered. “Ravazzani is one of the highest ranking men in all of the ’Ndrangheta. You’ll be married to his son, who will inherit everything one day. Any woman in our circle would kill for this chance.”

“Screw you, Dante. I don’t want to marry a boss,” I snapped. “I want to go to school and get a degree.” Like I had been promised. College meant freedom from my father and his men. It meant living in New York City and going to clubs and bars, dating boys and drinking too much.

I would study and have a career and live a normal life before I had to marry. It was all my mother had wanted for her girls. Be your own woman, Valentina . Don’t make my mistakes. She was a top Italian model before she met and married my father. While their marriage had been a love match at first, she said she always regretted giving up her career for him.

“Stop,” my father said. “You’re acting childish. It’s been decided. Go up and pack your things. I expect you to be ready first thing tomorrow.”


“Not another word, Valentina . You are leaving with Rafael Ravazzani and that is final.” I pressed my lips together and rose. The men said nothing as I left, thinking I’d agreed.

That I’d willingly cross an ocean and marry a man I hadn’t met, just because my father screwed up with some mysterious shipment. They should have known better.

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