Chapter Four: Isabelle
If I had been more in tune with my body and surroundings, I probably would have noticed sooner that the hallway we were walking down wasn’t actually heading to the bathroom before we reached another set of double doors. As it was, I had no clue what was happening until I was pushed through into the cool night air. The night lit up with the millions of lights of the city that never sleeps. That’s the first thing I notice, the next is the sounds of passing cars, honking horns and general city noise. Still confused, I try to look around, only to have something thrown over top of my head stealing the sight I, really, just gained back.
“Wait! What’s going on?” I say and start trying to scramble away from the girl only to be met with a hard chest to the back and strong huge arms wrap around me.
“It really took you that long to realize something was going on? Jeez, pretty but not very bright” a deep voice says. I feel the vibrations from his chest as he tightens his grip as I struggle. Kicking my feet and wiggle as much as I can, trying to get him to drop me. I have to get back to Alessandro he will kill me if he can’t find me, if I go missing.
“No stop you have to let me go! He is going to kill me please I have to get back before he looks for me. I can’t be out of his sight!” I try to scream but even to my own ears its barely a whisper. I am truly terrified of what he is going to do when he finds me. Have I thought about dying? Yes, every day. But I always thought I’d find a way to do it myself. Quick and relatively painless. Alessandro makes everything hurt, my death would be no different. My statements seem to confuse my attacker because his grip loosens just a little bit, not enough to get free but enough for me to pick up on a bit of shock.
“Umm well okay then. Are you sure this is the right girl?”
“Yes, now get her in the damn van. We don’t have long befor-“The girl starts to say before something bangs in the hallway behind us.
“Fuck okay times up lets fucking go!” He throws me over his shoulder and starts running. Then I hear gunshots and then I really start to scream. Before I hear yelling that muffled with the distance, we are gaining from them.
“Are you stupid! What if you would have hit.” That’s the last thing I hear as I am tossed into what I can only guess is the for mentioned van. I hit the floor of it hard. My left shoulder and hip take the brunt of the hit. That doesn’t stop the fact that my shoulder into my chest is screaming at me. It’s a pain I’ve felt before, and I know its not going to be good. Its made worse when the van lurches into gear and speeds away flying around a corner sending me flying to the side of the van. Hitting my shoulder once again causing me to cry out this time.
“Shit. I think we have a problem.” The girl says.
“What kind of problem?” The guy says as he speeds away taking turns with what seems to be reckless abandonment that make me question if he feels life is worth living.
“Well umm, well you see well..”
“Car! Spit it out!”
“Her shoulder doesn’t look right…” She almost sounds sorry.
“What do you mean?” He almost sounds scared. Before she could answer I decided to just tell them.
“It feels dislocated again. Collarbone might be broken again too.” I grimace and grit my teeth as he takes another turn making me roll some more. This time I don’t let the scream escape. They are silent for a while before both speaking at the same time. The girl says “fuck.” “Again?” the mystery guy says.
At the again I know I fucked up. I should have kept my mouth shut. At that moment I decide not to say another word. I chose to let the darkness wash over me numbing me to everything. No matter how this plays out I’m dead. So why should I feel anything? We drive for what feels like forever, at least the guy has decided to take more care of his driving because I don’t get thrown around anymore. When we arrive at the destination, and they open the doors to the back I hear him cuss under his breath.
“Yea that’s bad.” He carefully grabs my ankle and pulls me to the edge and helps me stand grabbing my right arm. Now that I am vertical, I can feel my left arm hanging at my side, brushing my side as I’m lead somewhere. Soon enough we stop walking and even through the cloth on my head I can smell the wet moldy air. Once the bag is lifted, I can see its worse than it smells. I’m in a cell. Surrounded by cement. I’m in a cement box with a thin plastic pad on the floor and a bucket for toilet, and shackles on the wall. From a gilded cage to this. Its only logical considering the next place that will house my body is going to be a wooden box. Without turning around to see the man I know is still standing at my back or saying a single word I walk to the corner that houses what I know is going to be my bed counting my steps. Six. Six steps considering I was about two steps into the room when I started counting its about eight by eight. I fall to my knees on the bed. Just sitting there waiting for the man to leave. After realizing I wasn’t going to say anything or even look at him sighs and leaves. Turning the lock once, he is on the other side and leaves.