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Demanding Answers

Chapter 7

Gasps and murmurs rippled through the banquet hall as all eyes turned toward the royal couple making their entrance. Crown Prince Alucard was as regal as ever, exuding an air of confidence and authority that naturally drew people's attention. His forest-green eyes sparkled with warmth as he exchanged polite nods and smiles with those around him.

Beside him... my heart fell to the ground as the professor announced that she was future Crown Princess Charity, who was a vision of elegance, with her flowing midnight black hair cascading down her back and her cerulean eyes exuding both grace and charisma.

I felt my heart race as I locked eyes with Alucard. A subtle but unmistakable smile tugged at the corner of his lips when he noticed me amidst the crowd before quickly looking away. I quickly caught my heart when it almost dropped to the ground, not knowing what to do.

As the royal couple approached, the room fell into a respectful silence. Alucard was a highly esteemed figure, and his presence demanded reverence. Charity, on the other hand, had a reputation for her diplomatic abilities and charm, making her equally admired.

Headmaster Matteo, the headmaster of the royal academy, stepped forward to greet them, his posture regal and polite as he extended his hand to Alucard. "Your Royal Highness, welcome to the banquet. And Her Royal Highness, it is an honor to have you both grace our celebration."

Alucard smiled warmly, shaking Headmaster Matteo's hand firmly. "Thank you for the invitation, Matteo. We're delighted to be here and celebrate this special occasion with all of you."

Charity's eyes swept across the room, and her gaze locked onto mine for a fleeting moment. Her smile was polite, but her eyes seemed to hold an assessing glint, as if she was studying me.


I almost gasped when I felt a hand on my back, only to see Jaromir, who had a worried expression. "What?"

"You look pale. Are you feeling okay?" he asked softly, gently tucking a few strands of my hair behind my ear, and he almost flinched when he noticed Lady Evelina standing beside me. "Evelina, you're here..."

I glanced at Jaromir when I noticed how his soft tone changed into a disdainful one. On the other hand, Lady Evelina smiled and raised her flute glass. "It has been a while, Jaromir."

Jaromir's eyes expressed something, an emotion, but I couldn't fathom what it was. He looked away before he gently dragged me away from her.

"Do you know her?" I couldn't help but ask, looking in Lady Evelina's direction. She sighed softly as we left, but when our eyes met, she lifted a bright smile before looking away.

"Acquaintance," he answered brusquely, but his tone became nonchalant, which made me worried.

I wanted to ask more, but it seemed like he was not in the mood anymore. "When you are ready, tell me who she is to you, Jaromir," I said softly before tapping his back, almost pinching myself for not letting myself look forward to how things were going in Jaromir's life.

As soon as he smiled and nodded, I knew by then that there was something more between Lady Evelina and him than met the eye. There was a conclusion that I had in my mind, but I needed to confirm it first to Jaromir.

Throughout the evening, I mingled with various guests, including some of the royal academy professors and other noble students I had acquaintances with. I couldn't help but steal glances at Alucard and Charity. They seemed to share a natural rapport, comfortable in each other's presence. It was evident that they were genuinely fond of each other, which tugged at my heart with a mix of emotions.

How was that possible? Alucard marked me and even professed his love to me when he was at my pack a few days ago. How come he was engaged to someone else?

Or how long had been engaged? Did he deliberately leave me out of the idea that he was engaged, or what? How could he do this to me? I needed some explanations.

Outside, I found a quiet spot in the academy's gardens, where moonlight filtered through the branches, casting a soft glow. Taking a deep breath, I tried to clear my mind and sort through my feelings. I needed to find a way to approach and confront him. I was his mate. He should be able to answer me.

Before I could fully gather my thoughts, footsteps approached from behind, and I turned to see Alucard standing there, looking regal in the moonlight.

My wolf reacted upon seeing him. The bitterness was trying to eat me, as I couldn't even tell if he was being genuine right now or what. "Alucard..." My voice croaked as I looked at him with longing.

"Lady Faustina," he uttered, and I swallowed hard, sensing my heart constricting in my chest upon perceiving the indifference in his tone.

It felt as if I were a complete stranger to him. The boredom reflected in his eyes mirrored the same expression I witnessed when he first woke up after being in a vegetative state.

And my wolf was hurting. She didn't like how Alucard was looking at me as if I was just some speck of dust.

I clasped my hands together, feeling restriction inside me. But watching him taking a stroll with small steps brought pain to my heart.

"S-Since when are you... engaged, Alucard?" I stammered, feeling overwhelmed by the deluge of questions flooding my mind. "You said that you couldn't come to the pack because Alpha King Azarius had assigned you more workload. How could you be engaged when..." My hand instinctively pressed against my left chest, feeling a stinging sensation prickling in it as I couldn't continue the part where we spent time with each other.

Alucard turned towards me, his expression still unreadable. "Charity is already betrothed to me for three months now. Is that what you wanted to hear?" he asked spitefully and coldly.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I struggled to keep my emotions in check. His words felt like a dagger to my heart, and I couldn't comprehend why he would keep such a significant detail from me. My voice trembled as I tried to respond, "You should have told me. Why didn't you?"

My heart had been soaring with hope, believing that he would soon fulfill his promise of being together and asking for my hand. But then, like a sudden storm, I discovered the truth about his engagement, and the news struck me like a lightning bolt. The pain in my chest mirrored the dark clouds that loomed overhead, casting a shadow over the once bright future I had envisioned. The realization hit me hard, shattering my dreams into a thousand pieces.

And now, I found out that he was engaged for three months? Then, what did he call about what he did and told me that he loved me? Were those all nothing?

I looked at him, searching for any sign of regret or remorse, but his expression remained unreadable. It was as if he was a stranger, distant and detached from the emotions that were swirling inside me. My mind was clouded with a mix of hurt, anger, and confusion.

How could he have led me on, making me believe that we had a future together, only to discover that he had been engaged all this time? The thought of him being with someone else, planning a life with another woman, was like a knife twisting in my heart.

I tried to speak, to ask him how he could do this to me, but the words caught in my throat. The pain was too raw, too overwhelming, and I found myself at a loss for words.

In that moment, I felt as though everything I had believed in, everything I had hoped for, had crumbled around me. The future I had envisioned with him was now shattered, and I was left standing there, feeling like a fool for ever trusting him.

The reality of his engagement hit me like a tidal wave, and I knew that things would never be the same between us. The love and trust I had once felt for him had been replaced with hurt and betrayal, and I knew that I would never be able to look at him the same way again.

As I struggled to regain my composure, Alucard's cold demeanor remained unchanged. It was as if he didn't care about the pain he had caused me. A part of me wanted to walk away, to leave this garden and never look back. But another part of me couldn't let go just yet. I needed answers, even if they were painful.

"Alucard, why? Why did you say those things to me if you were already engaged?" I couldn't contain the tears that had been threatening to fall. "You led me on, made me believe we had a future together, knowing all along that it was impossible?" I asked, my voice wavering.

He sighed, but his expression remained remote. His hands were on the pockets of his trousers, not saying a word.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" I couldn't help raising my voice. "Are you just going to stand there and say nothing? Are you not going to explain yourself?" I asked through gritted teeth, hearing my heart already shattered and pulverized on the ground.

I did not care now if there were other people out here. This was too much. I expected that I would be seeing him again, and now, I found out that woman named Charity was engaged to him.

Alucard retrieved his pocket watch and glanced at it before turning his cold gaze towards me. "I must return. Charity will be looking for me."

Alucard's dismissive response only fueled the fire of hurt and fury within me. How could he act so callously, as if our time together meant nothing to him? As he mentioned Charity's name, it felt like a slap to the face, a reminder of the reality that he had chosen someone else.

"Charity will be looking for you?" I repeated, my voice trembling with emotion. "And what about me? What do I mean to you, Alucard?" I took a step closer, my fists clenching at my sides. "Was I just a passing fancy, a mere distraction while you were away from your betrothed?"

I couldn't explain these weighty feelings that were starting to burden me, looking at the person who claimed that he loved me as I let myself be inside his arms.

He seemed to hesitate for a moment, his gaze finally showing a flicker of emotion, but it quickly vanished behind a facade of indifference. "My duty and my future lie with the kingdom and my family. I cannot change what has already been decided."

I shook my head, tears flowing freely now. "You can't just dismiss everything between us as if it didn't matter! You marked me, Alucard! You told me you loved me, and I believed you!" My voice cracked with emotion, and I could hardly see him through the blur of tears.

He wasn't even answering me properly. All he was doing was avoiding me!

Alucard breathed out, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I am already engaged, Faustina. Just forget what happened between—"

Emotions overwhelmed me, and without thinking, I lashed out, slapping him across the face. His head turned to the side, but he remained composed, his eyes now filled with coldness. Tears blurred my vision as his words pierced through my heart. All those promises and sweet words in the letters felt like a cruel deception.

"Are you done?" he asked, his voice icy. "One more slap, and I can summon my elite knights to deal with someone who dared to hurt the crown prince of this kingdom."

My heart pounded in my chest, a mix of fear, vexation, and heartache pulsing through my veins. I couldn't believe the person standing before me was the same man who had once professed his love so passionately. The slap had been an impulsive act born out of my pain and frustration, but now I realized the gravity of my actions. I had just struck the crown prince, a grave offense that could have severe consequences.

Tears continued to stream down my cheeks as I took a step back, horrified by what I had done. "I-I'm so sorry," I whispered, my voice trembling. "I didn't mean to..."

Alucard turned his head back to face me, his expression unreadable. "Save your apologies," he said coldly.

Without another word, he turned and fled from the garden, not daring to look back. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, and I felt utterly lost.

"Alucard..." I called his name in an inaudible tone, reaching out my hand to him as if doing that could make him face me and answer all of my questions. But all I did was watch him taking my heart away from me, not believing that the Alucard I faced was the same person I had entangled with a few days ago.

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