Chapter One:
Alley POV:
It's been a few months since the twins were born and we were finally getting settled in but that meant it was now time to get back to work on what was important at the moment.
"Is everything set up in the meeting room?" I asked as I cleaned up the kitchen.
"Yes, and remember that Ambrosia, Pythia and the boys are visiting their other covens today to make sure they have everything they need." Stephen replied. A small part of me was sad that they wouldn't be here but I knew they needed to make sure things were okay with their people. Plus they were taking my brothers as well, so they could check on the other packs that have merged with the covens. We set up all the smaller councils and each month we decided we would pop in and see how they were all doing.
Today the other ladies on the high council were coming over along with Xander sending Baine over so we could listen to what they found out. Lately all the guardians have been broken up into different groups making sure everyone is safe along with watching over the other packs. I know they are used to it all but we still worry about them being out there for hours on end in the elements. The weather is starting to get colder so we ordered a bunch of stuff to make sure they all stayed warm.
"The others should be arriving soon, I'll go make sure everything is ready just in case because I know you are going to ask." Stephen said, kissing the top of my head.
He knew I worried way too much. When he started to leave the room I heard our front door open. I looked over my shoulder to see Baine walking in with a few others.
"Hey guys, how are all of you doing?" I asked with a smile. They didn't really talk too much no matter how hard I tried but I've come to understand that it's just who they are.
"We are well. Xander said we needed to come over." Baine replied. I nodded my head and walked towards the stairs,
"Follow me please. Can I get you guys anything?" I asked without glancing back.
"We are fine for now, thank you though." One of the female guardians replied.
I opened the office door to see all six ladies that make up the high council of white witches standing there with their mates, who make up the high council of wolves with myself and Stephen.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen!" I spoke excitedly while looking around with a smile on my face.
"Alley dear, it's always good to see you." Diane replied with a bright smile.
"Baine, good to see you again." Josh replied, holding out his hand. Baine never replied, just nodded his head and shook his hand. We really need to work on his people skills I half laughed to myself.
"Alright, so fill us in, what have all of you seen?" Stephen spoke directly to Baine.
"It seems they have a routine of sorts, none of the children have really been spotted so we think they are in a basement or potentially underground somewhere." Baine replied.
"That or they got rid of them..." A voice muttered before speaking louder, "I would rather not think like that but we have to know and understand that it could be a reality." The same female guardian from earlier stated matter-of-factly.
"I'm sorry, what was your name again?" Emma asked.
"Qetsiyah." She replied without any hint of niceness in her tone. She is the more serious one out of all of them if memory serves me correctly.
"Right, sorry again." Emma said quickly, before looking between myself and Baine.
"Don't mine her, she is just cranky." Baine said, giving her a look. Seems to me he isn't the only one who needs to work on his people skills, I laughed internally, before Baine broke my train of thought.
"Anyways…" he started again, emphasizing the look he was giving Qetsiyah, "The infected vampires are the ones running everything. They have the wolves patrolling and are forcing them to fight each other. Some have died from their injuries, and they all look filthy and very underfed." Baine reported.
"In your opinion, will this be an easy take down?" Jasmine asked.
"I think it should be, teleportation would be the best way to get in and out quickly, but we will need to prepare ourselves for a fight with them." he replied looking between Jasmine and myself.
I nodded my head, trying to think of possible strategies. I know we could easily do what he suggested but I wouldn't make a move without talking to Ambrosia and Pythia first.
"How infected are the others?" I inquired.
"As of today, they are not too bad; but, I suspect they have another month or so before they become unsavable." he paused,
"I'm also not entirely sure if we have seen all of them during our scouting trips. How big were those packs exactly?" he asked, looking at Stephen and the other Alphas.
"They had a couple hundred members, maybe a little more." Josh replied quickly, with a bit of confusion on his face.
"Then some are not there." Harvey, the male guardian beside Baine, replied gruffly.
Now my eyes went wide, if they are not there then where could they be? I thought to myself. 'They could be hiding in the woods.' Rose said swiftly in my mind and I looked around at the others. "We need to get some trackers and send them out discreetly to search the woods and see if they find anyone." I added listening to Rose. I have been with her long enough to know not to question what she says.