Chapter Seven:
Alley POV:
It's been a couple days and the trackers have nit reported anything new which tells us that they are being kept on some sort of schedule. Unfortunately, no children have been seen at all and I am tired of waiting. "Alright, let's hear some different ideas." I said looking around.
"I don't think it would be wise to rush in." Diane replied first.
"No, they would see us all coming from a mile away, we need to think of something else." Charlotte added.
"We could cover our scent, stay in the trees?" Jasmine remarked, making everyone look at her.
"Wolves, climbing trees? Now that is a funny thought." Emma laughed.
"That is a disaster waiting to happen, we could always cloak ourselves." Pythia said. "Can't use too many people though." Ambrosia said, looking at her. "Well, we have a lot of witches we can use for it, pair them up maybe? Like three per one?" I asked. "It could work, just depends on how many people you are wanting to take but I don't recommend taking a lot." Pythia replied. "No chance any of you are going without us." Stephen said, walking in the door. "We won't leave you guys behind, don't worry." I replied with a smile. "Let's not forget about me." Jeremy said, walking in with Cass. "Hey! How are you?" I asked, hugging her. "We are well, thriving. Heard you guys might need some help." Cass replied. "We are trying to come up with a plan to get in without really being seen." Emma said.
The two of them looked so good, healthy and happy. They've had a few kids of their own but wanted to stay within their area. Jeremy is big on privacy and keeping his mate alive and safe since she is human. "Why don't you use a disguise? Do you know what they look like?" Jeremy asked. "Some of them are infected vampires, black veins, greasy frail crazy hair. They look sick." Ambrosia replied. "So why not put a little paint or something on you, get some contacts for your eyes and go from there?" Cass asked. "That's a start, we have Celeste and Malachi, they could teach us how to behave or something." Pythia replied. "Only issue with that is that none of the other infected would know who we are." Ambrosia said. "That's true, but we can ask them how well they knew all the others." Pythia replied. "I'll go and get them." Ambrosia said standing at her feet. "It's good to see the two of you again." Ambrosia added looking between Jeremy and Cass. "You too Ambrosia. We will come by for dinner and catch up." Jeremy whispered, hugging her. I forgot she helped him hide away so he could be happy and free to live his life. In a way she saved him and one thing I really admired about her.
When she walked out the rest of us looked at each other. "Now a back up plan in case that one doesn't work." I said. "Cloaking would be the best option, I've teleported an entire building with some help we could probably do it again." Pythia replied, shrugging her shoulders. "That drained you, no way." Tye quickly replied. "I could teach Alley and the others, they are just as strong and can help." Pythia said. "I still don't like it. We barely made it out last time." Tye replied. "Well, the more we practice the more we get better. Don't worry." Pythia said, patting his shoulder. "Fine, but if you can't get it under better control then we come up with another plan. I won't risk that." Tye replied sternly. "Alright deal." Pythia said with a smile. It was funny to see them like that, but I understood. "Two days to practice. If that doesn't work we pair up like we said earlier." Tye said. "Guardians will stay up high like they normally do to oversee things." Xander added. "Is there a way to communicate with them since they don't have a wolf?" Collin asked. "Ambrosia and I would be able to hear them and we can relay the messages with an open link from our wolves to yours." Xander replied. "Alright good, that seems easy enough." Stephen said. "What do their lands look like now? I need a visual or something." Jeremy said. "Well, they keep the high rankings close to their main building while the lower ranking is made to fight each other around the area. The infected just roam around keeping an eye on them." Xander replied.