Read with BonusRead with Bonus



[...] 8 months earlier...

Today, the city lights up with the vibrant colors of high society as I prepare for a Masquerade Ball, invited by Simon Shen, my longtime friend and heir to an influential family in Chicago. The occasion? I recently graduated in jewelry design. Although not one to seek the spotlight, I am dressed for it, according to Simon.

The green satin dress, meticulously designed, gracefully hugs every curve, while the black lace embroidered details add a touch of sophistication to the fabric. The black mask, with lacy patterns, lends a mysterious air to my face, accentuating my eyes and the gentle curve of my lips. Even as I prepare to enter a world of luxury and ostentation, my goal is clear: to find job opportunities that will allow me to move forward after leaving the sorority.

I take a deep breath in front of the imposing mansion, watching as luxurious cars stop in front of the entrance, disgorging elegantly dressed guests. The glow of the mansion's interior lights seems to echo the glamour and refinement of the venue, creating an atmosphere of festivity and celebration. My hair is loose, cascading in soft waves down to my neck, complementing the ensemble with an aura of naturalness and elegance.

With the tips of my fingers lightly pressing the fabric of my coat, I feel the chilly wind gently caress my cheeks. I glance around, searching for Simon among the guests entering the mansion. He said he would be waiting for me in the foyer, but so far, I haven't spotted him. Anxiety begins to well up inside me, mingled with excitement and curiosity about what lies inside.

"Simon, where are you?" I whisper to myself as I take my phone out of my purse and type a message to him amidst the many I've already sent. I look up, taking a deep breath, as I nervously tap my heel on the ground.

"Perhaps it's best to come inside, miss. It's starting to snow heavily." Simon's voice snaps me back to reality, and my eyes meet him, displaying a playful smile. I feel a mix of relief and anxiety seeing him there, finally.

"You want to see me freeze for taking so long." I joke as I take a step toward Simon, feeling the warmth of the mansion's entrance contrasting with the cold of the night. As I approach, I can't help but notice his imposing figure. Simon is tall, with blond hair that gleams in the light of the chandeliers, and his posture exudes confidence and determination. He's dressed in a sleek black tuxedo, which accentuates his strong, athletic build. His blue eyes shine with a playful expression as he prepares to respond.

"Sorry, Belle, I was busy talking to some businessmen at my father's request." Simon reaches out his hand toward me, waiting for me to join him. I take off my coat, handing it to one of the mansion's servants for safekeeping.

"It's okay, I forget you're from that world. You don't need to fight for a job to leave the sorority." I smile somewhat awkwardly, placing my hand on his. The touch is comforting, as always when I'm with Simon.

"By the way, you look stunning, Belle. I knew this dress would fit you perfectly." His compliments warm my heart, and I thank him with a shy smile.

"Thank you, Simon. You always know what to say to put me at ease." I express my gratitude as he guides me through the ballroom, where the dance is in full swing. The sound of the captivating music and the shimmer of the guests' attire leave me enchanted.

"Belle, this is where you'll find the inspiration you need. But you know, if you want, I can get you a job real quick." Simon whispers close to my ear, causing me to turn my head to look at him. His blue eyes radiate confidence and determination, but also a hint of mischief that makes me smile.

"I know, Simon. But I want to achieve this on my merit. I know I can do it," I reply firmly, feeling a shiver run down my spine with his proximity.

I push that aside as two men approach us, champagne flutes in hand. Impeccable smiles adorn their faces, as well as their elegant attire. I force a smile in their direction, ready to interact cordially.

"Simon Shen, the famous playboy of Saphyr," one of the men introduces himself, with a playful tone. "And who is this lovely lady by your side?"

The men turn their attention to me, expecting Simon to introduce me. I feel a slight discomfort in the situation, but I keep a polite smile on my face as I watch the interaction closely.

"This is Isabelle, she's a jewelry designer, resisting the proposal to work for Saphyr," Simon responds, with a hint of pride in his voice. "She's a longtime friend."

My eyes meet Simon's briefly, silently thanking him for the compliment. However, my attention is diverted when one of the men mentions Simon's fiancée, Evelyn. A chill runs down my spine as I try to maintain a neutral expression. Hearing her name brings discomfort, stirring up unpleasant memories. Evelyn becomes engaged to Simon out of convenience; he tries to escape her in every way possible because she's controlling and jealous. How many times has she embarrassed me in college just because we happened to be heading in the same direction? Amalia and I used to call her a spoiled brat because anything related to Simon, she wants to know and control. It's suffocating, and if she's here, she'll find a way to humiliate me.

I shift my gaze away from Simon, focusing my attention on a group of people near the bar, trying to disguise the discomfort I feel. The man's voice continues to echo in my mind, bringing back unpleasant memories of past confrontations with Evelyn. Taking a deep breath, I try to push these thoughts away, reminding myself that I'm here to achieve my goal, not to be affected by other people's problems.

As I subtly distance myself from the conversation, weaving through the crowd of people chatting and dancing, my gaze is drawn to the glittering jewelry adorning the high society ladies. I watch with fascination the variety of styles and unique designs, each reflecting the personality and taste of its owner.

Each piece of jewelry seems to tell a story, revealing the talent and creativity of its designer. I admire the meticulous details, and the gemstones shining under the salon lights, and I lose myself in thoughts imagining the creative processes behind each piece.

With a slight tilt, I pick up a champagne flute from the tray balanced in the waiter's hand, nodding my thanks. With the glass between my fingers, I feel the coldness of the crystal against my skin as I survey the salon around me.

My eyes are drawn to an adjacent room, illuminated only by the soft light of the moon pouring through the massive windows. I see snowflakes falling upon the trees in the garden, creating a unique beauty to behold. Driven by curiosity, I start to walk towards the windows, drawn by the beauty of the falling snow, a smile escaping my lips, the glass gently touching them.

Distracted by the spectacle of nature, I don't notice the silent presence of someone approaching from behind. A husky, captivating voice breaks the silence, causing me to tremble slightly.

"The snow seems even more beautiful up close, doesn't it?" The voice, with an accent unfamiliar to me, carries an intriguing charm. As I turn to face the speaker, I'm met with an elegant man, with deep eyes and a captivating smile. His black velvet mask adds an air of mystery to his figure, complementing his sparse beard and square jaw. With his hands in the pockets of his black tailored pants, he observes me with curiosity, his eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

"Sorry if I caught you off guard," he continues, his gaze fixed on me with some interest. "You must be the charming lady who's attracting so much attention at this party."

His compliment catches me off guard, and for a moment I find myself speechless. I quickly regain my composure, trying to maintain my cool in front of this mysterious and seductive man.

"Thank you for the compliment," I reply, forcing a gentle smile. "And who might you be? I don't recognize you among the guests. Not that I'd recognize anyone, considering I don't frequent places like this." I let out an ironic laugh.

"Let's just say it's better if you don't know who I am," he replies with an intriguing smile, his eyes sparkling with a playful glint. "Perhaps next time I'll tell you my name."

His comment only puts me on edge. What does he mean by 'next time' when we don't even know each other, let alone each other's names? I offer a polite smile, holding the glass in my hand. I glance back at the window, returning to admiring the falling snow.

"Aren't you going to join your boyfriend?" His comment only adds to my bewilderment. Boyfriend? I never mentioned anything about that. But before I can respond, he moves closer and stands beside me, watching the snowfall outside. Despite his seemingly innocent question, I can feel his gaze on me, even if I don't directly see it.

"I don't have a boyfriend," I respond softly, keeping my attention on the landscape beyond the window. "And even if I did, I think the snow makes for more pleasant company tonight."

His presence beside me is intriguing, and though I must remain cautious, I can't deny there's something about him that piques my curiosity. He flashes a mischievous smile, turning towards me; the closeness of his body leaves me restless, with a strange sensation, but not uncomfortable.

Suddenly, I feel his warm breath in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. His lips almost graze my skin as he whispers something I can barely hear, but his words leave me unsettled. My senses are alert, my heart beating faster in my chest as I try to process what just happened.

I blink slowly, still lost in his words, and turn my face to look at him, but when I finally do, I only see the emptiness in front of me. He's already gone, disappearing into the crowd like a fleeting shadow, leaving me with the perplexity of his whispers and the uncertainty of what just happened.

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