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As the bus makes its way toward the college, I watch the city pass by through the rain-fogged window. The gray buildings blend with the mist, creating a melancholic scene. The sound of tires on the wet asphalt echoes in the cabin, accompanied by the murmuring of passengers and the gentle sway of the vehicle.

My gaze turns to the inside of the bus, where people are absorbed in their own worlds. Some are engrossed in their phones, others whisper quietly to their travel companions. The atmosphere is calm, almost peaceful, despite the chaos outside.

As the bus nears the stop near the college, the sense of familiarity with the mysterious man still hammers in my mind. His voice echoes in my ears, and I wonder where I might know him from.

As I stand to get off the bus, a sudden thought strikes me: I forgot my umbrella. I vaguely remember leaving it somewhere while talking with him. I grumble to myself about the distraction and decide to face the rain without it.

I walk towards the college, detouring to the fraternity where I live. The rain falls heavy and cold, soaking my clothes and leaving me shivering. I arrive at the fraternity completely drenched, my hair plastered to my face and my clothes clinging to my body.

As soon as I enter, I come face to face with Amara, my roommate, and Simon, whom I did not expect to see so soon after what happened at the dance. My heart races and my face instantly pales. I wasn't ready to face him again, especially after thinking that I might have given in to him in the bathroom. Trying to disguise my discomfort, I force a nervous smile and give a quick nod before hurrying towards my room, wishing I could disappear.

"Belle, wait!" Simon's voice echoes through the stairwell, but I ignore him, running to my room.

As I close the door behind me, I can hear his rapid footsteps coming up the stairs, the sound resonating in the empty fraternity hallway. My heart beats erratically in my chest, fear and anxiety mixing inside me as I hurry to take off my wet clothes.

Just as I'm about to pull a T-shirt over my head, I hear the doorknob turn, and my heart leaps into my throat. Startled, I turn to see Simon standing in the doorway, his eyes fixed on me with a look of surprise and something else harder to define.

"Simon, what are you doing here?" My voice comes out in a shaky whisper, shame consuming me as I realize he almost caught me changing.

He seems to regain his composure quickly, but the tension between us is palpable. Simon tries to mouth some words, but nothing comes out. I ignore the feeling of shame, grabbing the towel on the bed to dry my hair.

"We need to talk, Belle," he finally says, his voice soft and serious, making me shiver involuntarily.

I try to avoid his gaze, turning my face away to continue drying my hair. But before I can escape, I feel his hand gently holding my arm, his presence so close that I can feel the warmth of his body.

My heart races even faster, and I finally force myself to look at him, meeting his intense eyes fixed on mine. I know I can't run from this conversation any longer.

"You haven't been returning my calls, you don't reply to my messages. I apologized for not finishing our conversation, but I was sincere when I said all that to you," he says, his voice laden with concern and frustration.

A knot forms in my throat as I try to find the right words to explain.

"Simon, it's not about that," I murmur, fighting back the tears that threaten to escape. "It's about what happened that night at the dance. I... I thought I was with you, but then I saw you with Evelyn, and..."

My voice trails off, the memory of that night flooding back, bringing a wave of emotions.

"What happened that night?" Simon asks, his eyes searching mine intensely, trying to understand my apprehension. I take a deep breath, fighting the urge to reveal the truth.

"It's not important," I say evasively, looking away. Simon frowns, clearly unsatisfied with my response.

"Belle, you've been acting strange since that night. I need to know what happened." His insistence starts to irritate me, and frustration bubbles within me.

"Simon, please, forget about that night," I reply, my voice laden with irritation. "It was nothing, it doesn't matter. Let's just leave it behind and move on."

He seems surprised by my reaction, but he finally relents, although his expression still shows concern.

"Alright, if that's how you want it," he murmurs, before leaving the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I hear the sound of the door slamming, making me startle. I walk with the towel to the window, watching the heavy rain outside. Simon leaves the fraternity with determined steps towards the college field, his hoodie protecting him from the rain.

Then, something catches my attention. A man in a black coat and a hood stands outside, staring directly at my window. I blink a few times, trying to make sure I'm not imagining things.

But there he is, motionless under the torrential rain, his gaze fixed on me. A chill runs down my spine, and a feeling of discomfort settles inside me. Who is this man and why is he watching me?

I hear the creak of the door opening and quickly turn, seeing Amara enter the room with a worried look on her face.

"Belle, are you okay?" she asks, her gaze shifting from the window to me.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just... distracted." I force a smile, trying to appear calm. Amara frowns, clearly not convinced by my evasive answer.

"You've been acting strange lately, Belle. What happened between you and Simon?"

Amara's question makes my chest tighten, but before I can respond, my gaze involuntarily returns to the window. The man in the black coat and hood is still there, his mysterious presence deeply intriguing me.

"It was nothing, Amara," I murmur, shifting my gaze away from the window again. "Just a talk. I don't want to talk about it."

Amara looks like she wants to press further, but then follows my gaze to the window and seems to notice the man in the rain. Her eyes narrow in confusion.

"Who is that?" she asks, her voice filled with curiosity.

Before I can answer, I feel an irresistible urge to look back at the mysterious man outside, his presence completely mesmerizing me.

"I don't know, maybe he's not even looking this way," I shrug, trying to ignore the feeling that he is indeed watching me. But then, to my surprise, I see the man lower his head and turn on his heel as if about to walk away.

Relief washes over me, but at the same time, a lingering unease persists. Who was that man, and why was he watching me? His image remains etched in my mind, leaving me with a disturbing sense that this would not be the last time I saw him.

"Maybe it's some ex of the girls from the room next door. One of them said the other day that she was being stalked by her ex. Crazy stuff, huh?" suggests Amara, her voice casual as she sits on the bed, looking at me with a smile.

"Yeah, it could be," I respond vaguely, but my mind is still on the mysterious figure I saw outside. I glance at the window one more time, half-expecting to see him again, but the man is gone, leaving only the relentless rain falling outside.

Amara keeps talking, sharing some funny stories about her classes and classmates, but I find myself distracted, thinking about the man in the black coat and hood. Who was he, and why did he leave me so intrigued?

"Tomorrow's your interview, are you excited?" Amara says with an excited voice, clapping her hands.

"Yes, I'm excited, but also a bit nervous," I confess. "It's a big opportunity, and I'm hoping everything goes well." I smile, trying to shift my thoughts away from the window.

I flop onto the bed, looking at Amara smiling all excited.

"I'm sure you're going to rock it! And remember, if it doesn't work out, which I doubt, I'll be here to pick you up and get you on another one to show them that you are an excellent jewelry designer."

Her support warms my heart, and I thank her sincerely. "Thanks, Amara. You're the best friend anyone could have."

She stands up, smiling. "I know. Now, I'll let you rest and get ready for the big day. Good luck, Belle!"

After Amara leaves, I'm alone in the room. I walk over to the window, my gaze searching for that man, whose presence intrigued me so much. Is he out there again, watching me? I look for any sign of his presence in the dense rain outside, but all I see are drops of water hitting the glass, obscuring my view.

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