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I wake up before the alarm goes off, anxiety already keeping me company in bed. Today is the big day: my interview at the renowned jewelry store in Chicago. I feel a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through every cell of my body. I get up and walk to the mirror, watching my reflection as I try to calm the storm of butterflies in my stomach.

In the closet, I face the tough decision of what to wear. I pull out some options, placing them on the bed. A navy blue pantsuit, a simple and elegant black dress, and a gray skirt and blazer set. Each piece makes me question: is this the impression I want to make? Could each of these choices say something about my ability to take on the position I so desire?

After a few minutes of indecision, I opt for the black dress. It's simple yet elegant and makes me feel powerful. To protect myself from the chilly March weather in Chicago, I choose a long and elegant overcoat that matches the dress perfectly. Completing the look, I choose a pair of high leather boots and a discreet handbag.

As I dress, doubts begin to invade my thoughts. Am I really ready for this challenge? The competition will be fierce, and I don't know what to expect from the interview. I take a deep breath, trying to push away the insecurity. I need to trust the skills that have brought me here.

Before leaving, I take one last look in the mirror. I adjust my hair, check my makeup, and make sure everything is perfect. Today is the day I will show my worth, and nothing can stop me. With one last determined sigh, I grab my keys and leave, ready to conquer the world, wrapped in my overcoat against the biting March wind.

I leave the building, glance at the window where my room is located, trying to figure out if you can really see anything from there. But I quickly dismiss the thought, heading to the taxi stand. I don’t want to risk being late by using public transport. I wave down a taxi that's approaching and quickly get in, thankful for the warmth that greets me.

"123 Main Street, please," I ask the driver, who nods and sets us in motion.

As the taxi glides through the still-busy streets of the early morning, I pull out my phone to distract my mind. I check my messages, emails, and take a quick look at social media. However, I can't fully concentrate. My mind goes back to a scene from the night before: a hooded man standing in front of my window, looking straight at me. His presence was so disturbing that I barely slept, and now, the thought of him following me to the interview makes me feel an unease I'm not accustomed to.

I put away my phone and decide to look out the window, trying to push away those disturbing memories. The city is alive, people rushing back and forth, busy cafes filled with customers in search of their first coffee of the day. The sun, weak but present, tries to warm the chilly landscape of the season.

The taxi makes one last turn, and we arrive at the desired address. Diamond Haven Jewelry stands out among the other buildings with its elegant and inviting facade. I pay the driver and step out of the taxi, taking a deep breath, trying to leave behind the nervousness and the eerie memory of the hooded man. Today is an important day, and nothing will stop me from doing my best.

I wipe my sweaty hands on my overcoat, trying to calm the nerves that seem to dance under my skin. Facing the facade of the jewelry store, my heart beats faster. I'm so nervous I can barely breathe. I take a deep breath, gathering all my determination, and step forward, entering the jewelry store.

As soon as I cross the doors, I am instantly charmed by the decor of the reception area. The space is a spectacle of elegance and sophistication, with walls adorned with dark wood panels and display cases showcasing a stunning variety of jewelry, each piece illuminated by small spotlights that make the diamonds intensely sparkle. The marble floor shines under the soft lighting, and a large crystal chandelier in the center of the ceiling adds a touch of glamour to the environment.

I walk up to the reception desk, where a receptionist greets me with a warm smile. "Good morning! Can I help you?" she asks, her voice as welcoming as her smile.

"Yes, good morning. I'm Isabelle Nash, here for the job interview," I reply, trying to keep my voice steady despite the lingering nerves.

She nods understandingly, typing something into her computer. "Ah, yes, Isabelle Nash. Please, wait a moment in the room next door. Someone will come to fetch you soon for the interview."

I nod and head to the indicated waiting room, still impressed by the beauty of the place. With each step, I try to absorb the serenity of the environment, allowing confidence to settle in my chest.

I walk into the room, settling into one of the rose-toned armchairs that are meticulously positioned around a small, elegant center table. The space is cozy and designed to convey tranquility, with neutral-toned walls and delicate artworks that add a touch of sophistication to the environment.

I take a deep breath, feeling the soft fabric of the armchair under my fingers. I observe the other chairs around, empty for now, and the quietness of the place helps me gather my thoughts. I glance at the magazines on the table—recent issues of fashion and business publications—but I decide to leave them aside, preferring to close my eyes for a moment to focus.

While I wait, I think about what brought me here. The long hours of study, the internships, and now the possibility of a job that seems more like a dream than reality. My heart still beats fast, but the initial anxiety gives way to a growing sense of expectation.

Suddenly, the door opens gently, and an elegant woman enters the room. She introduces herself as the HR manager, with a welcoming smile that makes me feel welcome.

"Isabelle, right? It’s a pleasure to meet you, I'm Clara Thompson. Shall we start the interview?"

I nod, standing up even more nervous than when I arrived. I follow her to the interview room, ready to face the questions and show my passion for jewelry and design.

The HR manager leads me through a hallway to a small, well-lit room with a glass table and two chairs. I sit down facing her, and I notice she has a stack of papers and my resume in front of her. The environment is professional, but her friendly smile helps ease my anxiety.

"So, Isabelle, thank you for being here today. Let's start with something simple. Can you tell me more about your experience with jewelry design?" she begins, maintaining eye contact, which gives me a sense of interest in what I'm saying, unlike other places I've been.

I take a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "Sure," I start, trying to project confidence. "During my degree in jewelry design, I had the opportunity to intern with some renowned designers, where I could enhance my skills in creating pieces that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also commercially viable. My final project was displayed at a university exhibition, and I received great feedback from both teachers and visitors."

She nods, jotting something down on her papers. "Interesting," she comments. "And about your technical skills? We're looking for someone who not only designs but can also work directly with the materials. Do you have experience with this?"

"Yes, I do." I continue, feeling more comfortable talking about my passion. "I worked directly with metal forging and cutting precious stones. I believe understanding the manufacturing process is crucial for jewelry design, as it allows the designer to make more informed and innovative choices."

She smiles, looking pleased with my answer. "That's excellent. Our team highly values the ability to integrate design and production. Now, tell me about a challenge you faced in your previous job and how you overcame it."

I think for a moment, carefully choosing my example. "During one of my internships, I was challenged to create a jewelry collection inspired by modern art, which was outside my comfort zone. I dove into research, visited exhibitions, and experimented with unconventional shapes and materials. The result was a collection that not only respected the modern aesthetic but was also commercially successful. It was a great learning experience about adaptability and innovation."

The manager nods, clearly impressed. "That shows great adaptability and creativity. Very well, Isabelle. Do you have any questions for us about the position or the company?"

"Yes, I would like to know more about Diamond Haven's current projects and how my role would fit into the company's future goals."

She explains the upcoming projects and how they are expanding their presence in the global market, detailing where my experience and skills would be most useful. I feel a wave of excitement at the thought of being part of something so dynamic and innovative.

"Thank you, that sounds amazing. I am really excited about the possibility of contributing to the team," I respond, with a sincere smile.

The interview ends with a firm handshake and an invitation to stay in touch over the next few days. As I leave the room, I feel a mix of relief and anxiety. The opportunity seems perfect, and I did my best to demonstrate my value. Now, all I can do is wait and hope the next phone call brings good news.

Now I need to return to the fraternity to meet up with Amara, so we can try to visit some apartments, and tonight I have a shift at my beloved bar in the most coveted nightclub in Chicago.

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