Grace And Elegance
Keira's Pov
Helen and Lisa gets done styling Princess Lyna's hair with golden pins just as Lady Doria walks into the room without bothering to knock.
Princess Lyna rises and bows her head in respect.
"I assume you have rested well and that you're ready for your first test. One of your most impressive virtues will be tested today." She says and Lyna confidently nods her head. "Good, follow me, the council is waiting." Lady Daria says and turns to lead the way out. We all follow behind, Lyna wearing an excited smile. She trusts that her beauty will impress the council enough to help let her pass the tests.
Lady Doria leads us towards a different palace building reserved for kings' officials and other employees. The paved paths are full of uniformed servants in haste and crowds of unknown people.
Princess Lyna holds her head high as she walks gracefully behind Lady Dorian.
A plump servant carrying a tray with plates of food and glasses of wine walks fast towards us. She walks steadily, but bumps on Princess Lyna as she strides past us. The glasses of wine and plates of food food fall and soak the front of Princess Lyna's yellow dress.
Lyna gasps in shock, her eyes turning red with rage as she gapes at her stained dress dripping with wine. "See what this pig did to me! My dress . . . is now a mess!" She screams and Lady Doria turns instantly. All the people nearby halts to stare as Princess Lyna makes a scene.
I was watching the plump servant approach, she bumped into Princess Lyna intentionally and simply let the wine and food pour on the Princess's clothes. Why does it seem like this is the test?
"How dare you do this to me?! Have you no manners?" Lyna angrily yells at the servant.
"Calm yourself, your highness. We can quickly return to your room and get another dress." I urge, knowing that if this is the test she has already failed.
"This was my best dress, human! And this wretched idiot has completely ruined it!" She snaps before slapping the servant on the face. The woman gasps and takes off running.
"I must go back and change, I cannot meet the council looking this way." Lyna says to Lady Doria, her voice hoarse with rage.
There is a massive stain on the front of her sleeveless dress and the soaked fabric is still dripping with the wine. This must be her worst day ever, because no servant of Silverthorn would dare bump so carelessly into her.
"I am sorry we cannot keep the council waiting any longer, Princess Lyna. You can explain to them what happened, they will not mind the mess." Lady Doria answers, causing the princess's eyes to widen in shock.
"But . . . I am supposed to look . . . " She trails off as Lady Doria turns and resumes walking, leaving her with no choice but to follow.
Lyna appears extremely embarassed and angry as everyone we meet stares at her stained dress. Her confidence is completely gone and has been replaced with furious look.
"The council may not mind the stain, your highness. Try to stay confident." I whisper from behind but both Lyna and my fellow servants scoff.
"What do you know about confidence, human? I bet you have never even looked likable since you were born." Helen hisses, shooting me a glare. "No wonder the moon goddess denied you a wolf." She adds, being loud enough for everyone nearby to hear.
I let myself fall quiet and keep following. Lyna's face reddens with overwhelming shame as we walk into a spacious hall with a group of men and women all seated behind a long desk.
Lady Doria quickly introduces Princess Lyna as the newest contestant to the council. Lyna has her head lowered in embarassment despite the fact that the faces of the councilmen do not reflect disapproval. This is another prove that the accident was indeed part of the test.
"Your highness Princess Lyna of Silverthorn, welcome to the palace of Lunacrest. Your participation in this contest is highly appreciated." The councilman at the centre speaks in a gentle tone and Lyna nods her head in response.
"We are curious to know what happened to your gown, your highness. It is a bit inglorious for our royal guest to be seen in a messed up dress." A councilwoman expresses.
Princess Lyna finally looks up, her face expressing anger.
"I was nicely dressed when I left my guestroom," she fiercely defends. "But an idiotic servant ran into me on my way here and let all the gross she was carrying fall on my dress!" She unwisely complains.
None of the members of the council appear surprised, they just glance at each and nod their heads on some kind of mutual understanding or agreement.
"Please accept our sincere apologies for the accident, your highness. You may now return to your room and change into a clean gown." The councilman at the centre says.
"Thank you. I appreciate the opportunity to change into a clean dress before the test starts." Lyna sighs with relief.
But the members of the council shake their heads. "Your highness, you have already completed today's test."The councilman says and Lyna raises her eyebrows in confusion.
"The accident with our servant was part of your test for grace and elegance." The man explains and our princess lets out a low gasp in shock. "A noble lady is expected to handle strenuous situations without losing their temper or resulting in rush actions. To become a reputable wife of our great kings you must possess a lot of grace." The man adds.
"Does . . . this mean that I have failed?" Lyna inquires worriedly.
"The results of your performance shall only be revealed to our kings for now. Please return to your quarters and wait for your next test." Lady Doria replies in a tone of finality.
Princess Lyna looks so embarassed that her hands and feet literally shivers.
"Let's go, we must not offend the council." Lisa urges. Princess Lyna hesitantly follows us out of the hall.
She just failed the test of grace and elegance, the one virtue she was most confident that she possesses. For the next several hours she will unleash her anger and frustration on us. And she will be even more desperate to meet the angel kings and entice them with her beauty.