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The diner buzzed with activity around us, but Emily and I were engrossed in a conversation that made my stomach churn. Emily stared at me, her eyes wide as if processing every word that came out of my mouth.

“Please, Emily, say something,” I pleaded, nervously playing with my milkshake.

She blinked a few times, still looking shocked. “I... I don't even know what to say, Lily. Your father's wedding is tomorrow?”

“Yes. Apparently, he and Samantha decided to make things official very quickly.” I sighed, trying to grasp the speed of events.

Emily tilted her head. “And you only met this Samantha today?”

“Yes, exactly. He never brought her before, and now, all of a sudden, they're getting married.” I twirled the straw in my milkshake, unsure of how to process everything. “And like, suddenly it was just my dad and me, and starting Monday, we'll be four people living together... me, my dad, her, and her son.”

Emily's gaze suddenly changed, as if an idea had occurred to her. “Wait, did you say her son? What do you mean, a son?”

“Yeah, she has a son. Apparently, he was supposed to join us for lunch, but the guy just didn't show up.” I replied, still processing all the information.

Emily's eyes widened. “And is her son handsome?”

I stared at Emily, surprised by the change of focus. “Handsome? Emily, we're talking about my dad's wedding tomorrow and a sudden change in my life, and you're wondering if her son is handsome?”

She shrugged. “Sometimes, a cute face can make everything seem less bad.”

I laughed, shaking my head. “You're impossible, Emily. But, honestly, I haven't even thought about that. I just know things are a mess.”

“But tell me, how was the meeting between you and Samuel?” Emily returned to the main topic.

I took a sip of my milkshake, trying to postpone the inevitable. “Well, we met at the coffee shop, he took me to the concert, then there was an after-party at the hotel, and I... ended up spending the night with him.”

Emily's eyes lit up. “Wow, Lily! Did you spend the night with Samuel from The Wild Ones? Friend, you fulfilled every fan's dream of sleeping with their idol!”

I shook my head, still finding it hard to believe. “Yes, I did. It was surreal, Emily. But now, with all this happening, I don't know what to think.”

Emily laughed and nudged me lightly. “But seriously, Lily, this is amazing! Imagine telling your kids that you lost your virginity to none other than Samuel from The Wild Ones!”

I rolled my eyes, laughing at Emily's fertile imagination. “You're really something, you know that?”

She winked at me. “That's why you love me, friend.”

Our laughter echoed through the diner as we continued our conversation. However, Emily adopted a more serious tone.

“But seriously, Lily, don't get too carried away with this. Samuel is known for dating several girls and playing the playboy role. He might not even remember you tomorrow.”

I nodded, agreeing with Emily. “You're right. I don't want to build expectations. It was an amazing night, but I know these things with famous musicians usually don't go beyond one night.”

Emily smiled and gave my hand a comforting pat. “That's right, Lily. Enjoy the moment, but don't forget to keep your feet on the ground.”

I nodded, thankful for Emily's friendship and sensibility. Even though the night with Samuel was a dream come true, it was good to have someone to remind me of reality. After all, life continued, and now I had an incredible story to tell, even if I didn't know what the future held.

She smiled and suddenly changed her tone. “So, what do you plan to do now?”

I pondered for a moment. “Now? Well, now I have to find a decent dress for my father's wedding.”

The night was beginning to fall as Emily said her goodbyes at the diner's entrance, leaving me alone to deal with my tumultuous thoughts. With my father's wedding to Samantha approaching rapidly, I knew changes were inevitable. I decided to walk down the street, absorbing the fresh air while contemplating what the future held.

As I got lost in my thoughts, a car started moving alongside me. Instinctively, I quickened my pace, glancing at it from the corner of my eye. The driver's window rolled down, revealing the familiar face of Samuel.

“Are you running away from me?” he teased, looking at me with a mischievous smile.

Surprised, I responded, “What are you doing here? I thought you were heading to Nashville with the band.”

Samuel parked the car, giving me a playful look. “I overslept and ended up staying behind. After all, I spent a wonderful night with a girl named Lily Thompson, who left me alone afterward.”

A blush warmed my face. “I'm sorry, Samuel. I didn't know how to react.”

He approached me and proposed, “I'll only forgive you if you come with me to a special place.”

Curious, I asked, “What place?”

Samuel took my hand with a mysterious smile. “It's a secret. But I promise we won't take long.”

I glanced at the clock and hesitated. “I need to buy a dress for a wedding tomorrow. The stores will close soon.”

He looked into my eyes with conviction. “Trust me, we won't take long. It'll be something quick.”

I smiled at the prospect of escaping a bit from the chaos that awaited me at home and agreed. “Alright, Samuel. Let's go.”

I got into the car, and as he drove, the anxiety about my father's wedding dissipated a little. Samuel kept the destination a secret, but the idea of a getaway with him was tempting.

It happened so quickly; suddenly, I found myself against the wall, and he was kissing me so passionately, his breath carrying a refreshing minty scent. I couldn't resist and gently bit his lip. He let himself be carried away, accepting the bite, slowly pulling away, making my teeth graze against his lower lip.

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