Part Four

Inside the SUV, Dominic pulled his phone out as he dialed Isadora’s number. It rang several times before it went to voicemail. Dominic didn’t like that she hadn’t answered. He wasn’t used to people not being at his beck and call, and he knew he wouldn’t attempt to reach her further.

He smirked as her name flashed on the screen of his phone. “Isadora.”

“I was in the shower, seeming to have just missed you,” she replied a little breathlessly.

“Good. Be ready to leave in thirty minutes, and pack an overnight bag. I’ll send someone for you.”

“What if I already have other plans?” Dominic could hear the smile in her voice, but he wasn’t one to play games, especially not with women.

“Then cancel them. The car will be there in thirty minutes. Don’t make me wait.”

Austin chuckled as he looked at Dominic. “Yeah, tell her, boss. Nobody makes you wait.”

Isadora’s stomach clenched when someone knocked on her hotel door. Her hands trembled slightly, and she drew a deep breath before opening her only exit. She recognized the fellow standing in front of her. He’d brought her back the previous night.

“Do you have luggage?”

“Yes, sorry.”

She picked up the bag she’d left on the chair, and he shook his head as he took it from her grasp. She locked the room behind herself when another man fell into step behind them. Her heart rate sped up as her hands became clammy.

The SUV waited in front of the hotel’s revolving door, and the moment her feet hit the pavement, the door opened as Isadora was ushered inside the vehicle. The SUV pulled into the street the second the door was closed, and Isadora found herself sandwiched in between two large men.

“Where are we going?” Isadora asked.

“To one of Dominic’s apartments,” the man answered.

They drove for twenty-five minutes before the driver turned into an underground parking garage. They quickly herded her out before they walked past the elevators that stood to their left. Behind the corner was another elevator, and it opened the moment the man scanned a key card.

Isadora felt like she was living in a dream. Surely, this wasn’t his life. She could never live like that, being shepherded everywhere. The elevator closed, and they pushed another card into a slot as they punched a code in.

Two minutes later the elevators opened on the third floor from the last, right into an apartment unlike anything she had ever seen. The tiled floors gleamed under her feet. In front of her was a view so stunning that it took her breath away.

One half of the wall was made of glass, as the natural light filtering in gave the place a warm feeling. The living room was open-plan with plush couches, a thick carpet, and a small fireplace. The dining room was off to the left, with an open-plan kitchen right next to it.

To the right was a hallway, and she wondered how many rooms there were. Movement caught her eye as Dominic came walking towards her from a door nestled between the kitchen and the dining area. He wore a suit, like always, and looked devilishly handsome.

“Thank you, Aiden. You may take the night off. We won’t be leaving.”

The man nodded his head, and then the elevator doors closed as she was left alone with Dominic Vittori. Dominic picked up her bag, motioning for her to follow him. He headed down the hallway she’d seen and opened the last door.

“This is the main suite. I want you to make yourself comfortable here.”

“This all seems a bit too much,” Isadora said.

“I like my privacy. Let me get you something to drink.”

Isadora nodded her head and followed Dominic out of the glorious master suite. It had a king-size bed, the same glass instead of walls, and a large flat-screen television mounted to the wall. She’d spied a bathroom through an open door but hadn’t seen much of it.

“Downstairs is a personal gym, an indoor pool, and a recreational area,” Dominic said.

“The building has an indoor pool!”

“This is my building, and the only residents are my men, aside from the two top floors, which are my private floors,” he said without sounding boastful.

He opened a bottle of red wine and closed his eyes as he sniffed the cork. Isadora had no idea what he was doing, but it looked more sensual than she thought he had meant it to. He poured wine into two glasses and handed one to her.

“Thank you.”

“There are a few things we should discuss before we move forward.” The look in Dominic’s eyes told her that the moving forward he referred to was definitely sex.

“Okay …”

“I value honesty above anything else. The conversation might seem very personal, but I do need to know the details. When was your last period?”

Isadora’s cheeks heated as she looked at him. He was calm, not joking at all, as he seemed to wait patiently for her answer. “Three days ago.”

“That’s good, which means the Noristerat shot will work immediately. The pill is less effective,” Dominic said.

Isadora couldn’t believe she was discussing contraceptives with him. She wasn’t sure if she should feel flattered. It was definitely a first for her, but Dominic hadn’t even blinked as he spoke, like it wasn’t a shocking topic of conversation at all.

She knew that, no matter what he said, she wasn’t going anywhere. She was on the inside of Dominic’s world now, exactly where she wanted to be. There was no going back now. She was too close to vindication to walk out now.

“Okay, let’s say I’m into all of this; what’s next on your list?” She licked her bottom lip and noticed the way he stared at her.

His face became serious again, and it took a few beats of her heart before he spoke again. “I would prefer for you to be waxed everywhere.”

Isadora had no words. Her cheeks were red as she thought about what that meant. Waxed everywhere. She’d never done that before, but the idea made her clit tingle.

“This apartment is here for you to use. I would like for you to stay here and not worry about accommodation while you are here.”

“Stay here? What’s next? Will you tell me not to work?” Dominic smiled, and something fluttered in her stomach.

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