Part Seven
“Anything specific you want to do today?”
She looked thoughtful for a moment, and Dominic watched as she shifted on the soft cushions. He was pretty sure that she was still a little sore. He wanted to take her again, but he wouldn’t. It wasn’t in his nature to hurt people he didn’t have to, and never a woman, unless she deserved it.
“Do you ever do anything normal?” She twirled a strand of her hair around her finger as she watched him.
“Define normal?”
“Like ice skating or going for ice cream, maybe going to the movies or eating at a diner,” she said.
“I’ve done all of the above … when I was twelve or so.”
Isadora laughed delightfully as she stood up from the couch. “Great! I’ll go get ready, and then we can walk around the market square. There’s always lots to do there on Sundays.”
She disappeared down the hall before he could tell her that he hadn’t exactly planned on going out, and he wasn’t sure who’d be more pissed off, Hudson or Ethan, but there were ways around that as well. He heard the shower the moment he walked into the bedroom, and he stood in the doorway, watching her.
There was something sensual about watching a beautiful woman under the spray of water—the way it cascaded over her shoulders, down her back, running in rivulets down her legs. He shook his head and headed to the basin to brush his teeth.
They left the apartment half an hour later. Isadora hadn’t fussed much; she’d pulled on jeans with a tight top and a light sweater over it before pulling sneakers on her feet. She’d tied her hair in a bun at the nape of her neck and put on make-up, declaring herself ready.
Dominic had pulled on boots with a light jacket and pulled a baseball cap low over his brow. It hid his eyes, making him look like every three million other men in the city. It was a beautiful morning, as Dominic took Isadora’s hand when they exited the building’s side door.
They took a cab to the downtown market square, and within seconds, they were engulfed by hundreds of other people. Dominic wasn’t worried about having been followed or even about being recognized. It was a breath of fresh air to be able to walk around incognito.
Isadora looked free and happy, the sun making her brown hair glint as rays caught it. He was kind of mesmerized by the ease with which she navigated the market square; her confidence was a turn-on, as was the fact that she was sharing something she liked to do. They bought take-away cups of coffee and perused the wares for sale.
Despite his misgivings, he was having fun, and by noon, they had bought hot dogs from a street vendor and sat down on a park bench to eat. Dominic had just finished his hot dog when his phone pinged, and he opened the message from Ethan.
It was a picture of him eating the hot dog with a message. ‘Are you having fun?’ Dominic had to smile as he looked around at the area where the picture was taken, but he couldn’t see Ethan. They were masters of blending in.
“Ethan.” Dominic answered his ringing phone.
“Are you fucking insane?”
Dominic chuckled. “I’m hardly recognizable.”
“Dominic, you promised.”
“It was Isadora’s fault. She made me go out,” Dominic said, and her eyes widened as she turned to look at him.
Ethan chuckled as well. “Nobody makes Dominic do anything he doesn’t want to. I’ll keep my distance, but you know Hudson’s going to go berserk when he hears about this.”
The call ended before Dominic could say anything in reply, while Isadora’s folded arms and tapping foot made him smile. “Did you seriously just blame me?”
Dominic laughed and took her hand as they stood up. “He didn’t believe me anyway, so it doesn’t matter that I did.”
“You’re mean, which is going to cost you,” she said.
Dominic smirked as an idea formed in his head. “I’m willing to pay off my debt with sexual favors.”
Two elderly people turned to look at them with open mouths, and Isadora blushed bright red as he laughed. “I can’t believe you just said that!”
“The alternative is that we get ice cream and I lick it off your body,” Dominic replied.
She slapped his arm lightly and laughed as she walked away from him. “You’re terrible.”
“But we are going back to the apartment so I can fuck you until you can’t walk, right?”
They did, in fact, go back to Dominic’s apartment. The moment they stepped out of the elevator, Dominic pushed her against the wall. With her sweater and shirt quickly discarded, he pulled her bra down over her breasts before capturing her nipple in his mouth.
She ground her core against him as he pressed his erection against her, and within minutes she was shuddering through her first orgasm. Clothes trailed the path to the main bedroom as Dominic carried her to the bed.
He pulled her jeans and panties down her legs and pulled her up into a sitting position on the edge of the bed. She watched him as he took his own clothes off and fisted his erection. His cock twitched as he pressed it against her lips, and she opened her mouth.
He pushed in slowly, letting her get comfortable with him in her mouth, before he started pushing in and pulling out. Her teeth grazed along his length, and he lost all thoughts of being careful. He fucked her mouth hard, but she kept at it, gagging at times and fisting him at other times.
He didn’t warn her when his spine tingled and his balls tightened. Her eyes widened in surprise when he came inside her mouth, and he pushed his cock in to the hilt until his legs stopped shaking. She was breathing hard and gasping for breath when Dominic pulled out of her mouth and pushed her down onto her back.
She came twice more, once with only his mouth and then again with his mouth and fingers. By that time, his erection was painfully hard again, and he took her from behind, hard and ruthless. By the time he was close, she was whimpering, and he knew she’d be sore for at least two days.