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Chapter 8 The Child Went with Her Again

Galatea was furious at Alaric's attitude.

"Mr. Knight, I'm not sure what misunderstanding there may be between us, but it's rather excessive for you to cost me my job, isn't it?" Galatea did her best to keep her temper in check.

Alaric glanced upstairs, worried that Caspian might hear Galatea's voice. He stepped forward, grasped Galatea's wrist, and roughly dragged her towards the door.

"A woman like you who does vile things and then pretends to be innocent doesn't deserve to be a doctor. Now get out of here!" Thinking of Caspian's wild behavior from the previous day made him want to strangle this woman.

"Care to tell me, Mr. Knight, what I've done to ofeend you?" Galatea had intended to make a genuine apology to regain her position at Serenity Heights Medical Center, but the man's attitude remained as appalling as ever.

"Quit playing innocent. Your act doesn't fool me!" At this point, Alaric was dragging her to the door, about to throw her out, but Galatea clung desperately to the doorframe.

"We've never crossed paths before, let alone had any bad blood. What could I possibly have done to repulse you so much? Please explain it to me!" she demanded.

No sooner had Galatea finished speaking than a noise came from upstairs. After yesterday's incident, Alaric was on edge. He shot Liona a quick glance.

Liona rushed back to the bedroom to check; Caspian was still asleep. She locked the bedroom door from the outside.

Seeing Liona's composed demeanor as she descended the stairs, Alaric finally breathed easy and turned to face Galatea.

"I've met plenty of women like you," Alaric said, eyes full of contempt. "Trying to curry favor with my son to climb the social ladder. Nice try, but my kid has a mom, and you don't measure up!"

Alaric couldn't fathom why Caspian was fond of Galatea or why he saw her as a mother figure.

Galatea was livid. "Alaric, are you delusional? When have I ever tried to win over your son?" she retorted, finding the accusation absurd. "If you're suffering from a mental disorder, I'd suggest you get to a hospital fast. An early diagnosis means an early recovery."

"Galatea!" Alaric seethed, not used to being spoken to this way.

"You meet countless people every day. You remembered my name from one introduction?" Galatea countered. "Could it be that you're attracted to me? Is that why you always seek my attention?"

At her words, Alaric's anger intensified, and his grip on her wrist tightened as if trying to crush it.

"An overconfident woman looking for trouble, that's what you are!" he accused.

"Are you furious because I'm not interested in you?" Galatea continued. "Is that why you're so petty, getting me fired? It's disgraceful!"

"Galatea, stop being shamelessly deluded about your appeal. A woman like you doesn't even warrant a second glance from me!" Alaric eclaimed.

"Weren't you just looking now?" Galatea rebutted.

Alaric fell silent.

Behind them, Liona stifled a laugh, having never seen anyone leave Alaric so infuriated yet speechless.

Stirred awake by what he thought was Galatea's voice, Caspian emerged from a hazy dream state. Groggily, he swung his legs out of bed and wandered to the bedroom door, only to find it locked from the outside.

"Dad!" Caspian banged on the door, yelling, "Are you there? Let me out!"

Liona heard him first and hurried to inform Alaric, "Mr. Knight, Caspian's awake."

"We can't let Caspian see that woman again; it'll only trigger another episode," Alaric declared.

This time, Alaric was harsher, dragging Galatea to the door. "You're not welcome here. Now get lost!"

Worried that merely locking her out of the hall wouldn't be enough to get rid of her, Alaric hauled her across the courtyard and cast her out of the gates.

Harry, witnessing a man ejecting his mother from a distance, quickly ducked behind some hedges.

"Wow, that guy is sharp. Mom's got a game? Just back in the country and already knows a wealthy man?"

From his hidden spot, Harry couldn't make out their words, merely observing the man forcefully leading Galatea away.

Meanwhile, unable to open the locked bedroom door, Caspian dashed to the window. Peering through, he saw the very scene of Alaric dragging his mother out.

"Mom!" It wasn't just a dream after all; she was truly here. Caspian screamed out, his voice faintly reaching Galatea, but Alaric heard it loud and clear.

"I've warned you, this place will never be for you!" Alaric quickened his pace, pulling her more roughly, "Keep coming back, and losing your job will be the least of your problems!"

Watching Alaric drag his mother out, Caspian grew desperate and distressed.

Even though it was his father—the man who had tenderly raised him—seeing him treat Galatea like that fueled a surge of anger in Caspian.

As Galatea was about to be shut out permanently, Caspian swiftly fashioned a rope from his bedsheet, tying one end to the bedpost and dropping it out the window. It was just on the second floor, not too high.

Galatea stood locked outside just as Caspian fled through a side gate from the back.

"Alaric, you're nothing but a mean, delusional coward!" she yelled.

From the illustrious Stellan to the ordinary citizens, Galatea had encountered all sorts of people, yet never had she seen someone as disturbed as Alaric.

She had intended to plead her case and secure her job, but things had backfired.

"There's no reasoning with such a despicable man. I'll have to regroup and plan my next move," Galatea resolved.

Galatea strolled away from the suburb's villas, only to hear a child call out behind her, "Mom!"

Turning around, she spotted Caspian in his pajamas and slippers. Once again, her brows furrowed with irritation.

"Harry!" Galatea scolded, her anger flaring. "How many times must I tell you? You can't keep sneaking out after me!"

"I'm sorry, Mom. I promise it's the last time," pleaded Caspian, fearing Alaric might catch up. He grabbed her hand, and they started running. "I'm hungry; let's hurry home."

As they dashed away, Liona realized that Caspian was missing!

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