The Perks of Being Chosen

I wait until the door is firmly shut and Luc’s long out of hearing range, then I turn to Kate, searching her eyes and asking her earnestly, “Are you alright?”

She laughs. “Uh, what do you mean? You’re the only one here who was drained to the point of death, and hey what did that feel like anyway? Because the little kisses I got did not hurt at all. They were--”

“Better than sex, yeah, yeah, I know, and that should be concerning, right? These vampires or whatever they are--”

“Definitely vampires. Immortal, sexy vampires,” she blissfully sighs.

“These blood-sucking freaks,” I counter, “clearly have some kind of toxin in their saliva. It makes us feel all giddy, then it acts as some kind of mind control--”

“No, I don’t think so,” she cuts me off. “I mean, just look how you’re acting – straight up rudely independent. And they didn’t make me come here either. You know that right? All they did was show me a good time, then invite me downstairs.”

“That’s where we are?” I press. “Some basement beneath the club?”

“Oh yeah, they’ve got this entire underground estate!” Kate beams. “It is so fucking cool. I can’t wait for you to see the library, and the ballroom! And--”

“Can’t say I care,” I insist, tone dry. “See I’m more focused on escaping this prison before dinner time arrives and I’m sucked dry!”

“That is not going to happen,” Kate insists, slapping me lightly on the shoulder. “I mean, I’m sorry it happened to you your first time sanguinating with Luc, but it’s not going to happen like that again. You just caught him off guard because you taste so mind-blowingly good. Which – jealous!” She rubs sadly at her wrist. “I guess my blood is like over-salted soup to him, whereas you’re straight up delicious.”

“So delicious he is now going to serve me up as a meal to the entire rest of his coven!” I remind her panickedly, and she waves it off like nothing.

“And it’s going to feel great, trust me. Most of the vampires here are actually really gentle. Like the guy I was with last night, Julian, he only took like the littlest taste,” She traces the puncture marks in her neck in fond reminisce. “like, not even a pint, and then he would not stop apologizing for it, asking if I was okay. Which… not at all hot to be honest. That blushing little boy needs to own his animal energy, start acting like a proper vampire, you know?”

“Start acting like Luc you mean?” I guess, and she gives an eager nod.

“Hell yes. I was so stoked when he invited me in here. Though the first time it was just to give you that life-saving blood transfusion, hooking up your IV and all that. Which, oh right!” she draws another blood bag from the duffle bag beneath the bed. “Lay back and rest for a while. You’re still all anemic and stuff.”

“Due to the assault and near-death gnawing on!” I remind her scathingly, putting the needle in myself this time. I am grateful for the fresh infusion of blood though, because yes, I am still feeling all light-headed and dizzy. Surprised I didn’t give Luc an overdose with the amount he took from me.

I settle back against the pillows with a sigh, looking over to the locked and most closely guarded door. “I am going to escape this place,” I promise, turning my eyes back to Kate. “And when I do, I am taking you with me, because you are clearly not at all in your right mind at the moment--”

“Leah,” she cuts me off, expression suddenly serious. “Do you actually like your job?”

I flush. “I… I mean, it’s a good career--”

“With shitty hours, straight up gross responsibilities, and a toxic work environment of judging coworkers who don’t really care about you at all.”

“Well, yes, but--”

“And how’s your love life? How was the Tinder scene treating you? Because do you want to hear my reality? Awful ex boyfriends and one night stands where the guy gets off, but never bothers to even check that I’m enjoying it. Compare that to last night – three orgasms.”

“At least one of those from potentially infectious vampire saliva though, right?” I desperately interject, and Kate just shakes her head.

“Whatever. Turn your back on something magical and awesome if you want to, Leah, but I for one am not going back to my shitty, insect-riddled apartment, my empty fridge and my mountain of student loans.”

“You’d rather be a sex slave in a night-club dungeon?”

“Not a dungeon, an underground mansion in a night club run by a mind-meltingly sexy and suave vampire who could grant me the gift of immortality,” she counters, and I stiffen.

“You want to be a vampire?”

“Well yeah, why not? I was always more of a night-life girl than a beaches and tan lover anyway. So, I keep giving blood until they’re tired of that, or someone accidentally drains me… But then some nice vamp like Julian will step in to save me, I’m sure of it, gifting me their blood in return and bringing me back.”

I’ve never met this Julian, but he sounds much more gracious than Luc, a narcissist who I’m certain would leave Kate dead on the floor if he ever took it too far and drained her the way he did me.

I look to my slowly dripping blood bag and pick at the sheer material of my scandalous nightie that’s not so much covering my chest as it is drawing attention to it. “I still say Luc’s a total scum bag and you should keep your distance, not go out of your way to get close to him. Just look how he dresses up his dolls, this completely objectifying--”

“Hey, I picked that out for you,” she pouts. “It’s comfier to sleep in than your other dress, now isn’t it? And I think you look nice in it. Makes you look all virginal and special, and it’s perfect for your skin tone.”

I blink. “So… Luc didn’t strip me naked and force this costume change?”

“Nope, all me,” Kate offers. “You needed a sponge bath to get all that club-floor grime and glitter off you anyhow.”

“And that corset…” I gesture to the low-cut, most uncomfortable looking contraption pushing up her breasts.

“Yes, I picked this out myself,” she snaps, sounding more than a little defensive. Then she perks right up again. “And wait, that’s right. You have not even seen your closet yet! Come on.”

I use my IV stand as a walking stick, as Kate leads me over to the set of double doors right across from the bed. The walk-in closet is loaded with shoes and accessories. There’s a variety of classic and gothic designs of black lace and red silks, but also bright pink tops and neon green hoop earrings, none of it suitable to be worn in a business meeting or casual coffee date, but all items that would look great under the neon lights of the club above us.

“They say Luc will buy his praels absolutely anything they ask for,” Kate informs me in sing-songy enticement. “Custom-tailored dresses,” She holds up a pair of gorgeous, thigh-high heels. “patent leather boots…”

“And are the women who commissioned all these outfits already drained and dead, I wonder?” I force out shakily, and Kate frowns.

“No, Luc says he’s never killed anyone. But I imagine he doesn’t keep them around forever, once they start to age and all that. And I mean, I haven’t met any immortal women down here. You know, people that he’s turned…”

Then they’re probably all dead, Kate, and Luc’s just as much of a liar as he is a leech.

That said… This room is ten times better than my previous living situation. It’s an extravagant wardrobe with an equally extravagant bathroom attached. I have a nice long soak in that massive tub, equipped with jets and all, and I think seriously on what Kate said.

My life before last night was nothing to envy. It was kind of a frustrating slog.

At least I had Gracen…

A half-breed vampire crippled by stomach cramps from the briefest touch of my lips. Someone so sensitive to my blood that the tiniest cut completely debilitates him. No wonder he never took things farther with me than second base. He was probably worried he’d lose control and suck me dry, the same way Luc almost did.

But at the same time… Why bother to wear those glamoured glasses to hide his true face? It would have made his days a whole lot easier if he could have gone through life, especially our middle school, looking like a grade A stud instead of a dorky nobody.

What did Luc mean with that comment about true mind control?

Just what effect will Gracen’s dreamy, dark eyes have on the populace now that the illusion is shattered?

I have too many questions, and I need to go see him.

I need to survive the evening here first and find some way to break free of this prison.

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