I walked out of the bookshop as I finished paying for the book I bought. I decided to go to the ice cream shop to buy ice cream there before going back to the arcade. I pick cookies and cream, and mango flavor, and it takes a minute before the lady finishes scooping. I paid for it and smiled at her.
I walk and sit on the bench near the ice cream shop to finish the ice cream. I just keep on eating while looking at the people in front of me. I also think of something, especially what happened earlier. About that man, I wanted to know if I was connected to him. I do not know how the curse will break, but the only thing that Kalsey said to me is that it will only break if someone is willing to sacrifice himself for me and who will love me with this ugly face of mine right now.
"Karsen, huh?" I said and just kept on eating.
As I finished eating, I started to walk again to go to the arcade. I took a glance inside the arcade and saw Chel and Leandro playing inside. I didn't want them to bother me, so I decided to wait for them outside.
I have been waiting for hours while just looking at the people below. The arcade was placed on the second floor. I looked behind me when someone suddenly tapped my shoulder. I saw Leandro and Chel looking at me with a wide smile.
Chel suddenly gave me the stuffed toy that she was holding and spoke. “Here! It is yours, and here’s mine,” she said while shaking the other stuffed toy that she was holding. It is a cat stuffed toy; mine was blue and hers was green.
“Thank you,” I said, smiling at her.
“We are hungry now; do you want to eat? Anyway, why are you waiting here for us? You can head inside and play with us,” Leandro said while we were walking.
“Nah, both of you know that I don’t like playing games," I answered.
"Well, yeah, my bookworm friend," Chel said. I just gave her a chuckle.
We decided to go outside the mall after Chel heard rumors about the thrift shop near the mall. She heard it from the group of teenagers beside us earlier, and Leandro and I had no choice but to follow her.
We head inside the thrift store, and I look at the dresses that caught my eye’s attention. I walked unconsciously and took off the yellow dress, then suddenly I bumped into someone.
"Ouch." I moaned in pain, then touched my forehead and looked up at someone I bumped into. My eyes widened when I saw his face once again.
"Oh, it is you again. I am sorry, are you okay?" he asked and held my hand, which made me feel like I was floating. I grabbed my hand out of his grip and told him that I was fine.
"It is my fault anyway; I did not look where I was going," I said, and I apologized to him. "Why are you here?" I ask him. Looking at the thrift store, there were no men's clothes, so I got curious.
"Ah, my sister loves to wear clothes from the thrift store so I thought to buy her some, and I guess you’re here to buy as well?" he curiously said. I was about to reply when Chel came.
"Oh, you are talking to a friend," Chel said and looked at me. As if she’s trying to tease me with this guy.
"I am just following my friends here; this is Chel," I said and pointed at Chel. She raised her hand and waved at him. "And this is Leandro," I said too and pointed at Leandro. Both of them shake hands.
"We just met a few hours ago," I explained to Chel. Her mouth forms an O shape and speaks.
"Nice to meet you too, Mister?" the guy chuckled and spoke.
"I am Karsen; nice meeting you two," he answered, then looked at me. "And you are?"
I gulped and looked at him intently. I don’t know if it is the right thing to say this, but.."I am, I am Charlotte." I saw his shocked eyes after he heard my name. Is there a problem?
"I see, so you are Charlotte; nice name, huh? Same name as the book I have read; that is why I am shocked," he explained himself. What is so shocking about that? As if my name is unique and only a few people know about it.
Minutes later, his friends came up. They are the ones I saw earlier. There are four, including Karsen. "Who are they?" one guy asks him, looking at us. I looked away when the three of them stared at me.
I clear my throat first and speak. "We had to go. Nice meeting you, Karsen." I smiled at them and quickly walked away from them. Those three just suddenly look at me, I don’t know why but I feel so uncomfortable.
"Wait for us, Charlotte!" Both Leandro and Chel shout and I can sense them running closer to me. I let out a sigh and stopped walking faster. Seconds later, Chel was already in front of me. She can sense that my insecurities are attacking again. She held my hands and hugged me tightly.
Because of what she had done, I cried silently in her arms. "There, don’t cry. We will always be here for you, okay?" she told me and patted my head. I am older than her yet I still act like a baby in front of Chel.
"Hey." All of us looked behind us when we heard a voice. It was them so I quickly hid my face. "Did we do something wrong? What can we do to make it up?" I heard a man’s voice which made me look at him. It was Karsen’s friend. The one with an angelic face. "I am Noah," he added with a smile on his face.
I shook my head and spoke. "No, you did not do something wrong. I am sorry for acting like that."
"We thought Railey scared you, look, his face is scarier than the ghost, right?" One man abruptly appeared in front of us which shocked me.
"Stop it, man. It is not funny." The one who called Railey speaks and smacks the other one’s head.
"We were worried when you suddenly ran away from us, so we decided to follow you. They may be like that, but they are good people." Karsen suddenly showing up made my heart beat faster. Somehow, I can feel the dizziness again. I touch my forehead because of the pain. "Hey, are you okay?" he was concerned.
I am not sure why, but every time Karsen comes around, I get a strange feeling in my heart, my head hurts, and I get dizzy. Why is this happening? He is the only person who can do this to me. I can no longer keep my consciousness. I need to rest.
"I need rest." After saying those words, I nearly fell to the ground and slowly closed my eyes, but someone caught me and carried me like a bridesmaid.