The Old Life Returns


I will graduate from Palomino Bay University next year. I'm working on my master's in forensic psychology. I will make something of myself and prove to the home-wrecker and my father how very wrong they were to kick me out onto the streets only two months after we moved.

According to the home-wrecker, since I'm a lying, thieving whore, I could be an adult and live on my own. My father did not defend me. He did nothing. He believed every negative, untruthful word that came from her lips about me. That hurt the most.

I'm the child he raised, and he should have been supporting me no matter what dumb mistakes I made. I didn't drink or do drugs. I didn't even go out to parties. I was at home that night.

Now being shacked up with two known gang leaders is not helping my cause currently, but I'm in love with them.

They let me stay with them 3 months after meeting me when they found out I was living in a truck I bought for $400 with tip money. Before that, I was sleeping in a shelter at night.

I met the two gang leaders while working part-time as a server in a local dive bar during my senior year at Palomino Bay High School. They are Slater Zen and his second Camden McCoy, the leaders of the Ravagers.

The two became regulars, but what I didn't know at the time was that Slater was also the owner of Raves, the dive bar where I was working. I couldn't serve alcohol, but I was good at serving food and taking orders. They would request me every time so we could talk and flirt often. If I was honest, it's mostly because they wanted me off my feet as often as possible.

Slater's house is within walking distance of Palomino Bay University, for which I could get a scholarship. I did some research on it, noticing it had a great mental health program. I had already applied to PBU at the beginning of my senior year before ever meeting Slater and Camden. It was a cosmic intervention.

Both Slay and Cam became my best friends. Neither one of them had pushed me to be more than that until after I graduated from high school. We started dating a few months after that.

For the past four years, I've been attending the University while working part-time. Even the guys have told me many times over that they would support me, so I don't have to work while attaining my degree. I would get too bored with that, though.

Slay and Cam know my entire life story, including Ronin and Razz, and the relationship we shared. They needed to know that part when we met.

They share me, but I hardly doubt they would with two unknown men. I'm sure Roan and Razz have moved on, discarding me just as my father did. They never came for me like they promised they would.

It's only a matter of time before Slater and Camden dispose of me as well. I'm expecting it, which is why my education is so important. I'm a throwaway, after all.

But for now, Slay and Cam are helping me towards my goal. If there is something I've learned about that I want to see if it works, they are good sports to play along. Although Cam and Slay may not be thrilled, they are assisting me in learning how criminals operate. This will provide the courts with insights into their behaviors. I told them that at least this way I might keep them safe in my way. I still have no desire to be involved with their work, just to study them and their members.

Walking into the University for the first time this year, I feel a sense of pride that this is what I'm supposed to do. Become a forensic psychologist. My brain will give me the future I desire. I've been going to the University during the day and working at Raves as a bartender/server in the evenings.

What I wasn't expecting was seeing Ronin and Razz both walk into my first class of the year. My chest once again constricts. Butterflies riot in the tummy with anxiety. I sit as far behind them as I can, hoping that I can just admire the boys I love turned into men.

Will they notice me? Do I want them to? Did they pick this school knowing they would find me here?

Razz's shoulders are broader with tight, toned muscles filling out his wrinkled navy V-neck that clings to his chest. The tattoos from his hands up both arms disappear beneath his shirt, showing a few more stretches onto his neck and underneath his chin. The denim jeans that hug his butt are halfway stuffed into untied black combat boots. He looks as though he didn't shave this morning and his hair is mussy with tangled curls, not the artful way he used to.

No. I bet he just crawled out of bed and threw clothes on.

Ronin has his blue-black hair, which is short on the side and back, the top brushed forward to cover his distinctive eyes. His button-down silk black shirt is wrinkle-free, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, highlighting the ink he now has on his forearms. He has undone the top two buttons of his shirt, revealing tattoos that crawl halfway up his neck. I'm surprised, considering Ronin was adamant about not having any that would show up under a suit. He is wearing torn dark denim jeans and black motorcycle boots.

The Ronin I knew would wear Italian leather dress shoes and slacks, not jeans and boots.

Ronin has bulked out, too. He is huge! Slater and Camden work out and fight in cage matches regularly to maintain their jacked physique, but he might have exceeded their size.

Both of my boys have turned into frightening men who are too handsome for women not to flock to. I doubt these men are the same boys I once knew. They certainly don't appear to be.

I know I changed. I had to grow up quickly from the spoiled rich girl I was when my mother was alive.

Do I want to know them now? Will my boys even recognize me? I'm too afraid to find out.

It was difficult to hide from them in most of my classes. Luckily, the girls that flocked to them helped me with that. Ugh, it's as though men look gruff and mean with a deadly air about them is a major turn-on for these chicks.

Please, Daddy, treat me like shit. I want whatever scape of attention you give me. At least that is what they are saying in my head, trying to garner my ex-boyfriend's interest. I know that's not the case because my men give the same aura that these two do. The similar auras attracted me to Slay and Cam.

I rushed to the parking lot when my classes were over to my Ducati. I got it for my birthday last year from Slater and Camden. I pull on Slater's leather jacket, then pleat my hair before shoving my helmet on. I climb on and start her. I open her up and head home after I make it onto the street, hoping my two boyfriends are there for me to tell them about seeing my exes.

I need to talk to them so I can figure out what to do next. It was painfully obvious today that my body still craves both Ronin and Razz.

When I arrive home, the house is empty. I throw my bag in my room, sitting on our enormous bed to toil on some schoolwork before I head to the club. I'll see Slater and Camden there for sure. They guard me nightly.

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