The New Life Now


My phone rings.

"Hey babe, sorry we aren't home. We had some things to take care of. The boys are with Cam's mom," Slater says in that deep, slow southern Hispanic drawl of his.

I heard muted screams through the phone, suggesting Slater went outside while Camden dealt with a man, possibly beating or torturing him. If he is from another gang or depending on how badly the idiot messed up, he might end up dead.

"It's okay Slay, I get it. I'm glad you keep me out of your business."

I mean the gang business or interworking of it all. I've never desired to be a part of them, but I enjoy the protection that comes with their claim to me. I just want to be with Slater and Camden.

"You're too good for us, Diosa. Could you pick us up something to eat and come to Raves early? I left you forty bucks on the counter."

My guys are always looking out for me. They never want me to spend my money on bills or food. I instead use my money to help me pay for whatever I might need or gas. Most of the time I wake up to a full tank in the Ducati or the truck when I know the tank is bordering on empty.

They are sweet. Just like Ronin and Razz were, they are terrifying assholes to anyone else.

"Sure. What are you craving? I'm thinking something from our favorite little Italian pizzeria, Don Zanetti's," I say. The pizzeria is the best around. The pizzas are handmade and cooked in a brick oven. Of course, it's owned by Chief Dominic Zanetti, and he is very particular about the food his restaurants serve.

Butterflies flutter around as they imagine young Razz arguing with his father over having to eat something he didn't like. There was a lot of yelling and food flying in the back kitchen when Roan and I went to check on the commotion. We walked in to see his father, Ranger Smithson, the dance instructor, force-feeding Razz, who was in a headlock covered in sauce. We walked back out to leave him to his punishment. We weren't about to be involved in that.

"Sounds yummy," he says to me. I hear him open the door and yell at Camden. "Yo Kill-shot! You okay with pizza?"

"Damn it, Slayer, you made me bust his kneecap off when I was only going to smash it!" I chuckle at Camden's response to Slater.

I love the unique street names people come up with. Me, they just refer to me as Goddess thanks to Camden and his big mouth. I made the mistake of telling him I was named after the Greek and Roman Goddess of the hunt, moon, and childbirth. He had been drinking, so that was also the night he and Slater publicly claimed me. I was their goddess and else could touch me but him and Slater.

After a minute, I hear another scream before Camden shouts, "So long it's from Don Zanetti's!" It has the best gluten-free pasta and pizza variety in town, which is good since Slater is highly intolerant to gluten.

"Well, you heard him, Diosa," Slater addressed me after shutting the door.

"Okay, I'll meet you guys at five. I have something to tell you that might change things. I'm not sure yet. Just know that I'm so grateful to you both," I tell him with sincerity.

I don't know where I would be without them stepping in to help me when they didn't have to. They could have thrown me away at any point.

"Artie, you overreact. We will be fine. Cam and I will not let you go so easily. How many times do I have to tell you? You are not a throwaway girl," Slater says in a soft and coaxing tone.

Tears prick my eyes. Damn him. Slater always seems to know what I'm thinking.

"Okay. I'm going to get some schoolwork done. Later, Slay." I'm deflecting and Slater knows it.

"Alright, Mamacita. See you soon." Butterflies riot in my gut every time he calls me that. Slater Zen doesn't care for many people or animals. But those he loves he is extremely protective of.

Just look at his three-legged dog he rescued from a trash bin. He killed the man responsible for doing that to the tiny puppy. This was before I met them, shortly after he became the leader of the Ravagers. Speaking of Indiana.

"Indy!" I shout.

Soon I'm pushed back onto the bed, my makeup being licked off by the large wet tongue of a champagne Staffordshire Terrier missing one front leg. I laugh, pushing him off me.

"I love you too Indy. Do you want some food?" Indiana jumps down and then starts his jumping, spinning dance he does when he is ready for food. He is so cute!

His name comes from Slater's favorite action hero.

I get him fed, then check the cat's dry food on the top of the cat tree, which is fine. "Clemmie kitty, kitty, kitty. Come get food."

I set open a can of wet cat food on the next highest ledge and here bounds Clementine, Camden's orange-striped munchkin cat. She is long with short, stubby legs. She is Indiana's best friend, and I'm positive Clementine doesn't know she is a cat. She acts like a dog, which is comical. We don't even have a litter box because Clementine prefers to potty outside in what was once a flower bed in the backyard. She uses the doggy door and everything.

Clementine was another rescue, I think. Honestly, I'm fairly certain Cam stole Clem from someone he kidnapped and tortured. I'm sure the guy had it coming, considering Slater vets everyone to ensure that their killing and/or maiming is justified.

Yeah, my men are morally gray. Good thing gray is my favorite color.

I stroked Clem's back. Screw schoolwork. Instead, I grab my electronic reader to read my newest reverse harem book until it's time to meet my men.

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