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"Your Majesty, Alpha King Azarius has already affixed his signature. He is waiting for you to sign the divorce papers."

I raised my gaze to encounter Lawrence Naville, Chancellor of the Sowinski Kingdom. Subsequent to Azarius and my marriage of convenience, Lawrence assumed the role of Azarius's aide.

I nodded but then had to avert my gaze. My hand trembled as I reached for the fountain pen, and the document placed before me carried the weight of a heavy heart. Right there lay the divorce papers I had to sign.

Just by staring at it while rewinding Azarius' anger at that time because of what I did, my eyes were getting misty, and I did not want to sign it. But if I kept prolonging this, I would add fuel to the fire.

"Furthermore," Lawrence paused, testing the water when he saw my hesitation on the divorce papers in front of me. "Luna Queen Macedonia, you need to forfeit your royal seal and bestow it back to His Majesty."

My guts somersaulted at his words as I smiled bitterly. "I see..." Knowing well what he meant, a tear had already fallen from my eye.

My hands clenched at Lawrence's words, hurting to know that Azarius earnestly relinquished my Luna Queen title. Such an act would strip me of my authority as Luna Queen, rendering me powerless to give orders, regardless of my continued title.

"I see," I whispered before hastily wiping the tears and signing my name. My heart was already tearing apart as soon as I read it.

Macedonia Stallone

I wrote that beside Azarius's. Now, I wouldn't be called Macedonia Stallone-de Carteret anymore.

I was officially divorced from him, my mate, the man I love, his only childhood best friend and royal playmate...

Him... Azarius Kingston de Carteret, the current Alpha King of the Sowinski Kingdom. After this, I was not a member of the royal Lycan family. He would exile me and never forgive me.

Lawrence stacked the documents, the crisp parchments wafting and reverberating in my chamber as he prepared for his departure. "The official divorce announcement will be happening by the end of this month," he declared, ignoring my painful expression. But I could see the sympathy in his eyes as he had no idea what had gone to Azarius' head for divorcing me. He bowed his head before leaving my premises.

When he was out of sight, I hastily returned to my desk and took the royal seal. I stared at it, almost cradling it like a pup. "It would be over now," I murmured.

"Your Majesty..." Hydra, my lady-in-waiting, looked hesitant when she saw my distraught expression when I stormed out of my chamber while holding the royal seal.

"I am fine. I just need to return this." My voice was composed, and I could not bear the sight of my feet bringing me to Azarius' study room.

Each step I imprinted on the floor was aching my heart. As soon as I handed this over to him, it would be over for me, reigning as one of the monarchs. I understood Azarius' intention, so I had to forfeit everything.

I knocked on the door, and it was immediately opened. Upon seeing Azarius' cold expression, my heart skipped a beat before lowering my gaze to what I held.

His eyes squinted before he looked away and twisted his body to stride to his desk. I bit my lower lip, trying not to cry because it was painful that Azarius used to have a beaming smile on his lips as he ushered me inside, seeming like his tail wagging. He would even joke, "Come in, Mace! I have been eager to see my future Luna Queen!"

And now... He changed. Because of me... It was all my fault. I made him act like this to me.

I welcomed myself and closed the door. Azarius was already sitting behind his desk as I saw the impending work he had to take care of. Judging by how they were stacked poorly meant Azarius neglected them.

When he assigned me as his assistant during our teenage years and before our wedding, I ensured they were well-kept and would even scold him if he was not doing his work. I missed those old days. I missed those times when I was only by his side and served him even without this mate bond that was tied between us.

I breathed slowly, trying not to croak my voice. "Lawrence told me to return this." I walked straight to his desk and placed the royal seal on it. His gaze fixated on it, and he was not even touching it. I gulped, trying to find my voice. "Azarius, I just want to let you know that Iā€”"

He cut me off by summoning his hand. "Scoot now. I do not need to hear anything from you, Macedonia." He glared at me. "I do not want to hear any lies from your mouth."

I bit my tongue, hearing the bitter coldness of his voice. His familiar devoid expression was simply a facade that he was hiding his genuine emotions. And I knew that he was hurting because of me.

"I respect your wishes." I tried to smile, but it did not reach my eyes, letting tears flow down my cheeks. "One thing I can only say. Iā€”"

"Leave now, Macedonia. Get out! I don't want to see you!" Azarius forcefully struck his desk, causing me to startle, well aware of his sense of disrespect and the looming growl.

Carefully, I dabbed away my tears and raised my skirt to execute a deep curtsy before him. "I-I shall take my leave, Your Majesty."

No more addressing him on his name. I already lost all the rights to call him that.

That was when I spun in my heels, not daring to look back. My heart had been taken away from me when I left his study room.

I cried my heart out from the heartbreak, collapsing on the floor as soon as I arrived in my chamber and dismissed all of my ladies-in-waiting who were worried about me. It took me over an hour to finally compose myself because I knew what would happen next. Sobbing, I wiped my tears so I could state what I needed.

"Clavo," I called in my firm tone.

Out of nowhere, I felt a presence in my chamber before looking at the opened window to see a man wearing all-black clothing with his face covered with a mask.

"You have summoned me, my lady?" he asked politely, ignoring how messed up I was.

My lips quivered as I sniffed. "Help me escape from here."

As I gave the command to prepare my departure, he nodded silently, vanishing into the shadows of my chamber. Alone in the dimly lit room, my emotions swelled, a tempest of love, regret, and sorrow. The weight of my decision bore down on me like a leaden crown.

It hurts. It hurts that I was now divorced from him. He hated me now. I should have said it sooner to him. Now, I had to endure the consequences of my actions...

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