Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1: Seven Years Later

Seven years later...

"Helena! Can you check if we still have a stock of pregnancy tonic?" Lord Fabio, my boss, yelled from the front of the counter while I was cleaning his study room, just as he had told me to.

"On it, my lord!"

I wasted no time as I went to the storage room, looking for the specific box where we were keeping the tonic that enhanced the chances of pregnancy. Counting them had bestowed a slight frown on my lips since we only had one box left here.

"And I told him to order another batch..." I murmured, sighing before telling Lord Fabio what I found.

Watching him entertain the customer made me thank the Moon Goddess since that customer was one of the problematic ones I had encountered. That customer, who purchased pregnancy tonic, always acted ill towards the personnel here in this shop, including me.

She would become kind if Lord Fabio took care of her orders.

"Helena, you take out the trash," Lord Fabio ordered. He then went to the desk to handle the accounting records, which he had ordered me to do earlier.

Pursing my lips into a thin line, I felt a pulse pinching me so hard. He had been ordering me left and right since this morning, and it seemed this man didn't know that his personnel was to take a break at once.

I inhaled and exhaled, not wanting to overwhelm myself with stress. There was no way that I would complain about my job since I needed money for our everyday living.

I wasn't residing solo. There was a companion by my side, someone significant who had been there for me since my split from Azarius when I fled. She had been with me for seven years, and I would never regret having her.

It was my daughter, Amaryllis, who saved me from the depression that was about to settle within me.

While taking out the trash, my focus was split the moment I noticed numerous banners adorning the streets, signaling that the harvest festival had already arrived. The shop owners had already decorated their shops for the one-week harvest festival.

"I shall bring Amaryllis here..." I muttered, smiling, determined to let my daughter see the harvest festival that happened once a year.

As dusk fell, it marked the time for me to finally head home. Exhausted, I sometimes regretted that working in a pharmaceutical shop was one of the shops that attracted more customers than the other shops I had worked at over the past few years.

As I strode the pavements, a familiar house highlighted my view. This made me walk hastily more than ever before. I decided to stop by before the door and knocked on it.

The door opened and revealed a 35-year-old woman. She smiled from ear to ear upon seeing me.

"I hope I am not late, Breysia," I said, greeting each other by letting our cheeks touch.

"No worries. It's perfect timing since she just asked me earlier if you had arrived." Breysia winked at me before she gestured her head. "Come in. She's playing with my kids."

I didn't hesitate to welcome myself as I got in. My eyes darted at the little girl, who was chortling while holding a doll and a wooden cup.

"Amaryllis, sunshine..." I called her by her name and her nickname.

Amaryllis' eyes widened as she turned her head in my direction. "Mother!" she glowed.

The moment I heard her longing tone, my heart was tugged. I instantly knelt on one knee. "Amaryllis..."

"Mother! You're here!" Amaryllis giggled and ran in my direction.

Her little arms wrapped around me as I hugged her and smelled my pup's sweet scent. My wolf was purring already as we got to hug the most precious person we held so dear at that moment.

Suddenly, the exhaustion I had been dealing with a while ago faded away when I held my daughter in my arms.

My daughter, my only pup, and I was thankful that I had her, the blessing Moon Goddess bestowed on me.

"How's your day, Amaryllis? Did I make you wait that long?" I asked softly as I lifted her and spun her around. She giggled one more time before I stopped and looked at her so I could adore her cherub, pretty face.

Her face bore a striking resemblance to mine, and her eyes, a majestic forest-green, were partially obscured by the amber hue she wore to conceal their true origin, inherited from her...

"I had fun playing with them, Mother!" I snapped back when Amaryllis spoke. She turned her head to the other kids and waved her hand at them. "And Lady Breysia told me that I'm improving my writing."

"Is that so?" My face brightened up as she nodded. "That is good to know, sunshine." I kissed her forehead.

While Amaryllis was playing with Breysia's kids, I went to offer my thanks to Breysia for taking care of my daughter while I was working.

"I can't thank you enough, Breysia. I swear, I am going to pay you in the near future." I held her hands, showing how grateful I trusted my daughter to her.

I had never trusted anyone since I ran away. It took me years to find someone to trust, as I needed someone to care for my daughter while working. Breysia was one of them. She became my friend when I arrived in this town almost a year ago.

She chuckled and gently squeezed my hands. "You don't need to. I am glad that January has a playmate." She was referring to her daughter. "Lambert doesn't like playing dolls, so I am thankful that Amaryllis is here."

Chuckling, I hugged her again. "Thank you again. Amaryllis, let's go."

"Bye, January!" Amaryllis waved her hand. "Bye, Lambert!"

Upon her approach, I extended my hand to her. Amaryllis grasped it as we strolled along the pavement, her soft humming filling the air.

"Mother, can we go into the town tomorrow night?" she inquired, her eyes wandering about, captivated by the street decorations.

"Of course we will!" I winked at her, watching her lips stretching a big smile.

"Yay! I'm excited!"

That made me at ease. I knew that Amaryllis liked festivals. She didn't want to miss them. Just thinking how enthusiastic she was about them made me think of her father, who also loved them.

This ached my heart because even though Amaryllis has a resemblance to me, she reminded me of her father, who divorced our marriage from what I did in the past.

Now, I fled seven years ago...

I went as far as changing my hairstyle and hair color, transforming from my former long auburn locks to short black hair. This metamorphosis was made possible by the enchanted jewelry I had commissioned from the divine priest. Similarly, for my daughter, I acquired incantation jewelry capable of altering her eye and hair color.

It was imperative that no one discovered my daughter's true heritage, bearing the distinctive forest-green eyes of the royal lycan lineage. These eyes, which glowed under the lunar moon, were a telltale sign of her ancestry.

"Shall we make some stew together?" I proposed upon our arrival at an apartment that seemed neither rundown nor orderly.

"Hmm!" Amaryllis nodded while opening the chest to get one of the books she would read later. "Yes, Mother!"

My lips formed a smile. It was good that my daughter didn't grow up with luxury. But it was also my responsibility to provide that.

If only I resided in the House of Stallone, I would ensure she had everything she required—proper attire, a comfortable bedroom, a quality education, and much more. However, as a commoner for the time being, my ability to provide for my daughter's needs was limited.

Amaryllis and I were in the midst of preparing our supper when a knock sounded at the door. The rhythm of the knock was unusual, causing me to gasp slightly in surprise.

"It's Clavo, Mother!" Amaryllis exclaimed with a bright smile.

I halted her. "I shall handle with Clavo first. You can read your books, sunshine." I winked at her, trying to show that Clavo used an unusual rhythm of knocking to tell that it was him who had arrived.

My feet dragged me to the door after I saw Amaryllis' face brighten at my words. With each step, I could feel how fast my heartbeat was. Even my wolf was agitated since, just as Amaryllis said, it had been so long since we last saw Clavo.

Clavo... He was the one who helped me escape after my divorce from Azarius. He was also one of the shadows who served the Alpha King, my former husband, and my mate, Azarius Kingston de Carteret.

As my hand grasped the doorknob, I silently counted to three before turning it and swinging the door open. Before me stood Clavo, his expression earnest as he bowed respectfully. I stepped out of the apartment, closing the door behind me.

"Greetings, Lady Macedonia," Clavo greeted, still maintaining his bow.

I pursed my lips into a thin line, not liking what I just heard. "I went by the name of Helena now. Didn't I tell you so many times?" I said in a low tone so other people couldn't hear me.

"My apologies, my lady." But Clavo didn't look guilty at all.

It made me scoff, and I heaved out a sigh. "What is it now?" I asked impatiently, feeling a little nervous since he only appeared when something was going on.

Clavo, his expression still serious, locked eyes with me before glancing at the door behind me. "You must leave this town at once," he announced, causing me to clench my hand. "Alpha King Azarius has received information that you are here."

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