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Chapter 2: Sudden Decision

"Where is he right now? Where is his last location?" I asked Clavo the moment I dragged him to the riverbank away from my apartment. Pacing back and forth, I turned at him in frustration. "Clavo, answer me!"

This was not the only time Clavo told me I had to leave the town where I was residing. I had been to so many places, and every time, he would inform me that Azarius found some clues to find me.

It started seven years ago. When I fled, Azarius announced a search party all over the kingdom. I never expected that he would still try to look for me, even with what I did. I left the palace without his knowledge because I didn't want to hurt him anymore.

And I was deeply hurt when he divorced our marriage and never paid attention to me since that day. There was no way I would even witness them announce that Azarius and I were officially divorced.

What made me question his intentions throughout these years was why he was still looking for me even after he announced our divorce. What motivated him to find me when I knew he deserved better?

"The last information I have is that Alpha King Azarius is in the east, negotiating with some packs there, Lady Macedonia," Clavo explained, his gaze lowered and filled with uncertainty. "Beyond that, I'm unsure of his whereabouts as he hasn't provided any updates. That's why, as soon as I had a day off, I hurried here as quickly as possible."

I fell silent, and a part of me wished that Azarius was only looking for me because of what I had done...

I could feel the stinging sensation in the corner of my eyes while reminiscing the beautiful memories I had with him since we were little caused my wolf to be more agitated than before.

Azarius... Why? Why did you want to find me? Shouldn't you be happy that I was gone? That I wasn't hurting you anymore?

"My lady, flee now while I can still cover your tracks. You wouldn't be able to get away if he finds you and Lady Amaryllis."

I sighed, looking up at the starry night sky. They seemed like marvelous, dazzling gems ready to become jewelry.

"He has little patience left. You need to get away as soon as possible." This made me glance at Clavo. "Who knows, His Majesty might lock you up. And possibly, his anger wouldn't be dissipated since you keep another secret from him..." he said meaningfully.

I bit my lower lip, knowing what he meant. "Amaryllis..." As I mentioned to my daughter, my stomach was churning upside down.

Azarius remained oblivious to my pregnancy with his child, a fact I, too, had not realized until a week after my escape from the palace when I distanced myself from my family and all others.

By the time I discovered my condition, it was too late to confess to Azarius. I couldn't bear to provoke him further. Thus, I resolved to shoulder the responsibility alone, ensuring our daughter's needs were met without his knowledge.

"He would never forgive me if he knew the existence of our daughter..." I muttered.

"Exactly, my lady."

My knees felt like melting at this moment. A part of me felt happier that Azarius was still looking for me. Knowing how cunning he was, he held grudges against me.

"He really wants me to pay for my sins..." I concluded, feeling my heart ached more. "Even though seven years had passed..."

I gently bit my thumb, trying to think of ways to outsmart Azarius again. If I did not play my cards right, I would experience his wrath, which I was afraid to experience since I had known him very well since we were little.

This is why, throughout these years, I have been playing hide-and-seek with him. Azarius could act cruel, so instead of paying for my sins, I chose to be a coward.

"What are you going to do now, Lady Macedonia?"

I glanced at him as soon as I had thought of a plan. "Playing a chess game against him again. We will depart today."

However, if I told this to my daughter, she wouldn't like it. She didn't like how we kept changing places to live.

Clavo made a bow as soon as I had already made a decision. "I shall assist your departure."

We returned to my apartment so Clavo could bid farewell to Amaryllis. Though saddened by his departure, my daughter managed to smile and wave as he left. Once he was gone, I sat down with Amaryllis and began to share my plans with her.

Her shoulders slumped, and her pretty face expressed melancholy. "I... don't want to leave..."

Kneeling before her, I gently placed my hands on her shoulders. "Amaryllis, I understand you're not fond of our sudden moves to different towns again, but we have no choice... We must leave," I said, cupping her cheek. A pang of guilt washed over me as I realized how difficult my decisions were making life for my daughter once again.

I never desired the constant upheaval of our lives, but our discussions of Azarius here left me fearful. The mere thought of him discovering our daughter's existence filled me with dread. It pained me deeply that I had never allowed them to meet as father and daughter, but the potential repercussions from Azarius were too horrifying to contemplate.

The idea of him attempting to separate me from our daughter was unbearable. Just the thought of it sent shivers down my spine.

"No..." Amaryllis stepped back, shaking her head in disagreement. "I don't want to leave!" she sobbed and ran to go outside.

"Amaryllis!" I gasped in horror, unexpected from her sudden tantrum. "Amaryllis!" I called again.

Frantically, I trailed her scent as I realized she was no longer inside our building. My heart pounded furiously as I scanned the surroundings, searching left and right, but the constant stream of passing people made it impossible to pinpoint where Amaryllis had gone.

My wolf's anxiety increased because of it.

Due to the bustling festival, the streets were packed with people, making it challenging to locate my daughter. Seeking solace, I retreated to the rooftop, where I could observe the crowd and attempt to decipher her whereabouts from above.

"Amaryllis!" I yelled in the crowds when I felt useless on the rooftop. Gone was the logical thinking I always had whenever I was panicking. "Shit..." I bit my lower lip, frustrated. I knew that Amaryllis would be upset about it. "This is not the only time she's been like this..." I murmured, silently annoyed that I couldn't properly handle my daughter's feelings.

After searching in the crowds for more than ten minutes, I decided to go to Breysia to ask if she was there.

"No, she's not here. Did something happen?" she asked, looking worried when she eyed me up and down.

I must have appeared quite distressed for her to show concern about my well-being. "I fear I may have upset her with our earlier conversation..." I tried to smile, but it never reached my eyes. "I shall go now. My apologies for disturbing you."

Without waiting for her to speak, I left and thought carefully about where my daughter had gone. It took me a few seconds before the riverbank, which I had been to earlier when I spoke with Clavo, appeared in my mind.

My maternal instinct was also kicking in, meaning I could be right that my daughter was there. I silently blamed myself for not thinking properly.

Arriving at the riverbank, a wave of relief washed over me as I spotted my daughter, just as I had anticipated. Seeing her wiping away tears pierced my heart like a thousand needles. She sat on a wooden log, unnoticed by the passersby who bustled past.

Quietly clenching my hand, I couldn't bear the sight of my daughter suffering because of my decisions. She did not understand why we constantly moved from place to place, and it pained me deeply to see her in distress.

"She doesn't understand yet..." I muttered to myself as I took another step forward. "She doesn't..." My voice trailed off as I furrowed my brow, noticing a man adorned in luxurious clothing and a hat approaching my daughter, sniffing and looking up at him upon his arrival.

My wolf was screaming danger, and her response agitated me. As soon as I saw the man kneeling before my daughter and offering her a handkerchief, I slowed down, walking in their direction.

"Why are you crying, sweetheart? Are you lost?"

I could faintly hear that man's baritone voice with my sensitive ears. Somehow, the voice felt familiar. My gaze fixed intensely on the man's side profile, noting his lean build and slightly tousled brown hair.

"Mother..." she sobbed, shaking her head, her voice thick with tears, as she sniffled.

My wolf had grown antsy at the sound of her sob. It felt like I was failing Amaryllis as her mother.

"Where's your mother?" the man asked.

As I approached them, the man subtly angled his head towards me, his features obscured by the brim of his hat, leaving much of his face concealed. However, I caught a glimpse of his sharp jawline and noticed how his skin gleamed under the glow of the streetlights, smooth as silk.

"Amaryllis..." I called her name with so much longing, causing her eyes to water, and she ran towards me. "I'm so sorry if my news startled you..." I knelt and hugged her as she sobbed more.

Simultaneously, in my peripheral vision, I caught the sound of the man's soft gasp. "Macedonia..."

My body tensed at the familiar male voice, one I hadn't heard in years. My heart raced, urging me to flee, as I reluctantly turned to face him and met the gaze of those familiar forest-green eyes.

No way... There was no way that this person was now in front of me!

Why on earth was I facing Azarius right now?!

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