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Chapter 3: Face-to-Face

This couldn't be! This couldn't be happening...

Each time Clavo warned me that Azarius had uncovered my whereabouts, prompting me to flee and change locations, I made a solemn vow to avoid confronting Azarius again. Whether fueled by the shame of my actions or the pain of our divorce, I knew I needed to keep my distance from him.

I did everything I could to play mind games with him for seven years, never allowing him to learn about the existence of our daughter. I even changed my name from Macedonia Stallone to Helena.

Just Helena.

Be it called a coward, but Azarius was someone I couldn't mess up with. I had been with him since we were little; he was cunning and dangerous. He could quickly destroy someone's fate and had a pure bloodlust for someone who dared to fool around him.

As someone who had become his assistant when we grew up, I have already read about Azarius' thoughts and movements.

And now... I was cornered.

Azarius was right in front of me while I was holding my daughter. I didn't know if this was fate or if he had decided. However, I could see the shocking look on the handsome, mature face.

It was far from the Azarius I knew in the past. He was totally... different.


My heart clenched when I sensed his soft, longing tone, but I cast it off and tried to compose myself by looking intently at my daughter as if I never heard him calling me my name. I needed to pretend that wasn't me. But that made me feel more nervous since right behind Amaryllis was her father, oblivious to that fact.

"You had me worried there. Can you please not do that again, hmm?" I masked my nervous being with my worried tone as I held my daughter's face, making certain that her attention was on me, not on that man behind her.

Amaryllis sniffed as I gently wiped her tears using my thumbs. "S-Sorry, Mother..."

I thought she would confront me about why we had to leave, but she hugged me, indicating how much she yearned for me. It melted my heart, and I couldn't even be mad at her.

"Let's head home," I declared, allowing her to intertwine our hands. "I'll explain everything..." My words faltered as a calloused, large hand suddenly halted my departure, sending shivers down my spine.

I caught my breath as I turned to see Azarius' eyes widen. "You are Macedonia, right?"

My heart pounded so fast at his question. There was no way I would admit that I was the Macedonia he sought.

And why did he look like he was looking at me in disbelief? Why did it seem like it surprised him seeing me when it was supposed to be that he would act confident that I was Macedonia? Why did he look unsure?

Not only that... his features... His neat style was now that of a man with unruly rules.

Was this the real Azarius from seven years ago?

"Excuse me?" The years of practicing feigning ignorance needed to be paid off today. There was no way I would admit that I was Macedonia.

Holding my daughter's hand, I slightly tightened as I met Azarius' gaze. This was also when I thanked the Moon Goddess for wearing a necklace with an incantation to hide a few of my features that could make me the real Macedonia, especially of having a mole near the corner of my lips and to the crook of my neck.


My heart flipped out of my ribcage when Azarius suddenly hugged me so tight. I was speechless, unable to suppress how his action dumbfounded me.

Was this supposed to be his initial action after he had been hunting me down for so many years? Didn't Clavo clarify that Azarius was looking for me because of how mad he was to me?

Then, why... was this man embracing me as if he had ached me?

"H-Hold on! Who are you?"

I pulled him away with my wolf strength, startling my daughter.

"Who are you to even touch me? Do I even know you?"

Good, Macedonia. You were doing great in your acting.

Azarius slightly gaped his mouth at my question. It took him moments before creaking his forehead as if the situation had already concluded.

He glanced behind me with bewilderment, gawking up and down between me and Amaryllis. My maternal instinct was to place Amaryllis behind me while looking at him dangerously.

"You look like someone I know in the past."

I could have sworn my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach at his words. And dear me, his baritone voice was making my knees wobbly. That was his effect on me.

Even with incantation jewelry that could tame my wolf inside, why did learning about his presence make her feel awake?

"I must have been mistaken. My apologies for frightening you, my lady, and to you... young lady."

As soon as Azarius laid his eyes on Amaryllis, his expression softened. It was the same expression every time he met kids. He had a soft spot for them.

"It's alright. We need to leave. If you excuse us..." I didn't wait for him to say another word and gently dragged my daughter from that place.

In my peripheral vision, Amaryllis turned in his direction. I thought she was curious about that man, but I caught her waving her hand to him.

This forced me to look at Azarius again, and I saw him waving to my daughter. Then, his forest-green orbs darted in my direction. His lips formed a smile that hinted at something that made my skin crawl.

I averted my gaze away from him and lifted Amaryllis into my arms as soon as we were out of his sight. When my daughter asked something, I almost froze to my feet.

"Mother, why did that man call you by your real name? And why did he also have the same eye color as me?"

The only answer I could give to my daughter was a smile. I wasn't certain if what I showed to her was an awkward smile. All I could think of was getting away from that place as soon as possible, afraid he would tail us.

Dear Moon Goddess, please help me...

"You want me to negotiate with the suppliers?" I asked Lord Fabio for the nth time as he summoned us to his study room. "And assist Lord Gunso while you are away?"

I was still in disbelief that I had to make sure I heard things clearly from Lord Fabio. It felt bizarre that my boss entrusted me with this task after telling his personnel he would go on vacation next week.

"Yes. Is there a problem with that, Helena?" His signature arching eyebrow triggered me to wipe it away.

"Um... Why me? I have been working here for less than six months," I pointed out, glancing at my fellow workers who had been working here for far longer than me. "Shouldn't you be supposed to choose one of them?"

"Because I want to. Now, scoot. Gunso will be arriving later."

My fellow workers and I exchanged looks before we dispersed. I even had to sigh in frustration when I was inside the storage to count some inventories.

"Disorganize management..." I muttered, feeling something ticking on me right now.

I could have wished I had resigned from this job, but I needed to earn money to feed my daughter. I wanted everything organized just as I had when I worked in the palace years ago, but this man thought he didn't need it. I could already tell that this would soon be the store's downfall.

Not only that, I also decided that Amaryllis and I would stay in this town for a short period because of... an unnecessary encounter.

Since it happened, my heart wouldn't stop beating so fast at how frightened I was that I had finally met Azarius after seven years had passed. I couldn't even decide that Amaryllis and I should leave because that would raise his suspicion now that fate suddenly played with us.

What worried me more was my daughter. Even though Amaryllis wore her incantation necklace at that time, which hid her eye and hair color, it felt unsettling that Amaryllis and Azarius had unknowingly met each other.

And yet, there had been no word from Clavo since then. It had been several days, and despite expecting an update, there was no sign of him, not even a glimpse of his presence.

That could only mean one thing... Azarius was still here, and we couldn't just leave.

"What should I do now, Moon Goddess?" This was the first time I had been cornered.

For the past seven years, I was careful and would be able to manage my daughter's tantrums. But I failed this time. It was also not the best time to depart.

"Lady Helena?"

I was startled when my fellow worker, Trixie, came in. "Yes?"

She looked at me shyly before smiling. "Lord Fabio left earlier for his appointment in the barbershop. However, it was just in time when Lord Gunso arrived. He's in the parlor room."

My lips pursed into a thin line. If Trixie informed me about Lord Gunso's arrival, that could only mean I was the one who must entertain him.

Nodding, I handed out the clipboard. "Tell Rico to continue the inventory count on my behalf."

As I was on my way to the parlor room, I was deeply thinking about how to convince my daughter that we needed to leave this town as soon as possible. There was no way I would risk meeting Azarius again if he was still here.

Sighing, I glanced up and realized I was standing in front of the door to the parlor room. It dawned on me that this would mark my first encounter with Lord Fabio's business partner.

I only heard him from my fellow workers, but I never met him in person. I wondered if he was also an almost old hag like Lord Fabio.

I stifled a laugh at the amusing thought before clearing my throat, inhaling and exhaling deeply. With determination, I clenched my hand and knocked on the door three times.

"Lord Gunso, may I come in?" I called out, receiving no immediate response. However, with my heightened wolf senses, I detected a faint rustling sound from within. "I'm entering," I declared, proceeding to open the door.

As I entered, I was met by a man standing near the window, his physique suggesting he was younger than Lord Fabio. He stood with his back facing in my direction, his gaze fixed outside. I observed his neatly trimmed hair and caught a whiff of his masculine perfume, a scent that made me freeze as it reached my nostrils.

Bergamot and cinnamon...

The scent was unmistakable, reminiscent of someone from my past. It was his favorite perfume.

I snapped back to the present, feeling chills down my spine at the unexpected scent of the perfume I hadn't encountered in years. "Um... Lord Gunso, I am Helena," I announced. The man's back straightened as soon as I spoke.

"Lord Fabio is currently away, but he may return later. In the meantime, he instructed me to assist you with the accounting and inventory records if you require help managing the pharmacy store," I explained.

My voice was calm and collected. It was the same tone I used when dealing with schedules for him. It ached my heart a little, but I maintained my composure.

I caught him nodding his head. I frowned, not liking that this person didn't even attempt to look at me, even just a glance.

I just wanted to see what he looked like. Was it so bad?

However, it didn't take long for him to turn around. At that moment, my eyes widened in horror, and my heart sank as I beheld the man named Lord Gunso.

He smiled, an enigmatic expression gracing his features. And his eyes... his marvelous forest-green eyes mirrored his smile.

"I've found you again, Macedonia. And now, hide and seek is over, my Luna Queen," he declared darkly.

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