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Chapter 5: A Slave

"I-I am so glad you are here, G-Gunso. It has been a long time!"

I watched Lord Fabio greet Azarius as soon as he learned he was here. He arrived here with a panicked expression on his face. Judging by his stammering, I could tell he was wary in his action towards Azarius.

Now, this confirmed for me that my boss was also in a difficult situation. This could only mean that Azarius pretended to be Gunso.

It was easy to decipher Azarius' actions because of my experience of being his assistant in the past. This kind of movement had been done so many times.

There was no way to escape now. I could tell that Azarius would keep bothering me because... he had finally found me.

"It is. And I have met Helena. I can tell that she and I are going along while you are away." I held my breath when Azarius pierced his gaze in my direction. "I can handle things from here," he said meaningfully.

The way he was eyeing me looked like I was prey to him that he wouldn't take his eyes off. It was enough for me to feel uneasy, wanting to escape from this place, but I was immobile to even move.

Lord Fabio chuckled nervously. "I-Is that so? Well then, I shall..." he paused when Azarius glanced at him. That made him clear his throat. "H-Helena!" He was trying to firm his voice.

"Y-Yes, my lord?" I asked, trying to remain calm.

If he felt nervous right now, how much more that I was being trapped by Azarius?

"You are coming with Lord Gunso to settle the accounting records with him. You will stay with him for a week to accommodate him."

"What?" My insides clenched at what he just said. I even had to look at him in disbelief, justifying if what I heard was wrong.

"You heard me. No need to repeat myself."

"A-Are you serious?" I almost fell to my knees, not liking what was happening at this point. "This is not what you told me a few days ago, Lord Fabio..."

"You dare to question my decision?" Lord Fabio asked with his arching eyebrow.

My hands were shaking right now as I questioned myself how it led to this. Not waiting for any response from him, my eyes settled on Azarius who looked amused while his eyes pierced in my direction.

I came to a realization that this was his plan...

"I cannot live with Lord Gunso. I am not living alone," I said meaningfully, trying not to mention Amaryllis in this picture.

Lord Fabio looked pissed at me. "If you are worried about your daughter, didn't you have someone taking care of her?"

As soon as she was mentioned, in my peripheral vision, I caught Azarius slightly tilting his head before he spoke. "How old is your daughter, Helena?"

The atmosphere in the room grew dense as if an invisible force were tightening around my neck, suffocating me and making it difficult to breathe.

Did Azarius have inkling that Amaryllis was his daughter?

"Five years old, my lord." I tried to sound as natural as possible. I didn't want him to take a hint that I was lying about our daughter's age.

Lying about my daughter's age was something I had been doing for so many years. She was supposed to be turning seven years old this year, which I must hide the fact of it.

I still didn't know what he would do if he learned that he and I had a daughter that I kept for so many years. I wouldn't be able to dissipate his anger once it happened.

I watched as Azarius slightly squinted his eyes. It was as if he didn't like what he just heard. I could even see him exhaling and how his jawline clenched.

"I see," Azarius murmured, tapping his finger on the arm of the chair as he pondered. "Let's consider an arrangement where you and your daughter come to live with me in the mansion."

"No!" I blurted out suddenly, my defenses crumbling at the thought. Azarius furrowed his brow, and I quickly cleared my throat. "I mean, my daughter isn't comfortable in unfamiliar places. I prefer to return home after finishing my work."

Secretly, I pinched myself while silently beseeching the Moon Goddess for the arrangement to be on my terms. I was well aware of Azarius's intentions. He was determined to gather more evidence to prove that I was indeed the Macedonia he had been seeking.

"Helena!" Lord Fabio's tone grew stern, scolding me as if my words had placed us in imminent danger. "Just do as Lord Gunso says! You'll receive even greater bonuses if you comply with his wishes! Haven't you asked me about that numerous times before?"

The nerve of this man to bring about the bonus I had been wanting to have, and now he was bringing it up, trying to make me convinced that I should take it with no choice.

"Free accommodation, food, shelter, and bonus. What more could you possibly want, darling?"

I nearly frowned, an involuntary reaction upon hearing that endearment. In the past, when we were young adults, Azarius used to tease me by calling me that.

"Perhaps, firing you and taking you to the jail should be the last option."

My eyes widened in horror. "W-What?"

"Think about it, Helena. Wouldn't your daughter be devastated if you were in jail for stealing from the store?" Azarius' lips curled into a sinister smile.

That smile alone was enough to signal that Azarius still had some tricks up his sleeve to coerce me into agreeing with him. His unwavering determination and refusal to accept refusal made it clear that he wouldn't back down.

How must I suppose to counter? Or did I have the power to even counter this manipulation?

"This is unjust, my lord. Accusing me of something I've never done just to coerce me into this arrangement," I protested, trying to keep my voice steady. "And are you truly so heartless? My daughter and I rely on each other, and you would leave her alone?" I added, the weight of the situation heavy in my words.

I stared intently into his deep hue forest-green eyes. I still wanted to see if this person in front of me had truly become a monster just as Clavo claimed.

Did Azarius still have a soft spot for children who had lost their parents?

Azarius clasped his hands together, his expression unwavering despite my words. "You're the one being stubborn here, woman. I've been considerate with these arrangements, and yet you dare to refuse?" His words were firm as he rose from his seat and strode towards me, causing me to instinctively step back, feeling the dominance of his Alpha aura emanating from him. "Don't you even think of refusing. Remember, you're nothing but a slave to money, only to provide for your daughter."

The way he was looking at me... I suddenly felt small and powerless.

The Azarius I was facing today was more monstrous than what I knew in the past. Clavo was right.

Azarius had changed. And it was because of me.

As I lowered my gaze, it was then I noticed my vision was obscured with liquid, only to realize that I was shedding tears. For unknown reasons, I might be crying because of his words that slapped reality or the person in front of me was so much different from what I could remember.

He appeared stoic and cold, as if his heart were made of stone.

Azarius turned his back on me when he received no response. "Fabio, ensure this individual accompanies me to my mansion, whether she agrees or not. Let me know if she attempts to escape. I assure you, I will locate her no matter where she flees," he said with finality that made me feel more helpless.

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