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Chapter 6: First Love

As I watched the opulent carriage draw near, a knot formed in the pit of my stomach. This was the moment I had been dreading - the beginning of a new chapter in my life, one dictated by circumstances beyond my control.

Beside me, Amaryllis fidgeted nervously, her eyes darting between the approaching carriage and me. I could sense her apprehension, mirroring my own.

The carriage, adorned with intricate carvings and gilded accents, pulled to a graceful halt before us. The footman, dressed in fine livery, stepped down to assist us.

Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I offered Amaryllis a reassuring smile before gently caressing her hair. "It will be alright, sweetheart. It is just needed that we have to live there."

I had to be patient in explaining things and why we had to move out of our apartment temporarily. Amaryllis still disagreed, not wanting to leave.

However, I made her realize the benefits I would get if we were under the roof of Lord Gunso. What scared me the most after she finally agreed was how Azarius would act if he saw Amaryllis.

Could he treat her with hostility, unaware that Amaryllis was his own flesh and blood? How could I ensure that Amaryllis's true identity wouldn't be revealed to her father?

"Mother, is Lord Gunso kind?" Amaryllis, clinging to me, looked up with questioning eyes as the carriage came to a halt in front of a grandiose gate, which promptly opened to allow us entry.

I nodded, assisting her as we descended from the carriage, our eyes fixed on the sprawling mansion rumored to belong to Gunso Stephano, Alpha of the Mercy Moon pack. I couldn't even confirm if this was owned by Azarius or by Gunso himself.

How I wished I could talk to Clavo again.

A man dressed in a tailcoat suit greeted us with a bow. "My name is Terrence, the head butler of the Stephano estate. His Lordship has informed me of your arrival, Lady Helena," he said politely. "I'll guide you to your room. Please follow me."

As I was about to take a step, Amaryllis tugged my hand. I thought she was feeling shy at the butler who introduced us, but I saw how her eyes gleamed enthusiastically.

"Mother, is that how big your house was before?" she asked, blinking her eyes as she scrutinized the grand mansion.

I almost hushed her for asking me that here, but it was good that we were far from the butlers taking our luggage. "Indeed. But sunshine, be careful not to reveal who we are, hmm?" I lowered my voice, only the two of us could hear.

She nodded and giggled at me.

Amaryllis had already learned the truth about my origins. She knew that I was born into an aristocratic family during our time under the rule of a pack Alpha.

She already questioned me in the past why we were not living there but instead, we had to change locations every now and then. That was the part where I didn't respond.

As we stepped into the mansion, Amaryllis and I were immediately struck by the grandeur of the interior. Expensive paintings adorned the cream-colored walls, while luxurious furniture filled the space, illuminated by elegant wall lamps and chandeliers.

I knew that this shouldn't surprise me anymore as our Stallone estate also had this grandness from exterior to interior. Even the room that was reserved for the two of us didn't seem like a bedroom for a maid.

It felt like we were treated as guests here.

"Where's um... Lord Gunso?" I secretly pinched myself when I almost mentioned Azarius' name.

"He's momentarily away, my lady, but he'll return shortly," Terrence informed us, gesturing towards the butlers who were handling our luggage. "Once His Lordship is back, I'll escort you to his study. He wishes to discuss the arrangements here with you." With a courteous smile, he bowed once more. "If you require anything, please ring the bell on the bedside table." He indicated the crystal bell resting there.

Once they left, Amaryllis finally ran to the bed and began jumping on it after removing her shoes. "Mother, are we going to sleep here? Are we? Are we?" She was giggling and enjoying how soft the mattress was.

"Yes, sunshine."

Upon Azarius' arrival, I was summoned to be in the study room. I already put Amaryllis to bed for she was tired of helping me organize our clothes in the wardrobe. It gave me a huge relief since for now, Azarius and Amaryllis wouldn't have to meet.

All I should mind now was to maintain my composure as I was facing the man who had been searching for me for seven years.

"I shall take my leave," Terrence announced and left me to be alone with Azarius who was smoking some tobacco from his pipe.

The room was swirled with an earthy smell, making me feel slightly dizzy and heady. It wasn't my cup of tea to be surrounded by smokers, and I had to endure it every second I was here in this room.

I was distracted seeing Azarius sitting on the windowsill with his gorgeous forest green orbs piercing in my direction. He knew how to take my breath away.

"Did you like the room I prepared for you and your daughter, Mace?"

My heart jolted when he called me my name again. "My name is Helena, my lord, not Mace." I lowered my gaze when I couldn't take his gaze on me.

Azarius huffed, his upper lip curled up into an amusing smile. "As long as you're living under my roof, your name is Macedonia, darling." I held my breath when he began walking towards me after settling down his smoking pipe on the desk.

I quickly marched back and felt the wooden door on my back, my space was invaded and I couldn't even dare to retort that he should leave or I would scream for help.

Azarius reached for my chin and coerced me to look up at him. "You're under my terms, whether you like it or not, while Fabio is on his vacation, darling." His baritone voice hit right to my core. "And I'm tired of dealing with your games, Macedonia..." His eyes lowered down from my eyes to my lips.

My breath became uneven when his thumb caressed my lower lip. I knew to myself that this kind of gesture made me remember our past... where we first had done the deed on our wedding night.

We were from childhood best friends to confidant, to be his retainer, to be arranged marriage with him, and to be his wife and Luna Queen of the Waevalon Kingdom.

Our first wedding night was pure bliss. My feelings for him deepened without him knowing about it.

Azarius was my first love...

"I don't understand what you're trying to imply, my lord..." Good Moon Goddess! His face was drawing closer to me every word I uttered.

No... This wasn't Azarius I know. He would respect my space, and not seize it.

"C-Can you please distance yourself from me, Lord Gunso?" I requested, pausing as he smirked, continuing to tease my lower lip without relenting.

"Silly, woman," he remarked, arching an eyebrow. His expression darkened as he grasped my chin firmly. "Despite your past transgressions, you remain the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, Macedonia."

His words sent a shiver down my spine. My heart raced, and I was certain Azarius could hear it pounding. His eyes sparkled with amusement, leaving no doubt about the effect his words had on me.

"I can't help but wonder what you look like now after seven years..." His gaze lowered to my chest, his expression darkening when I caught him looking at my necklace before he let out a frustrated huff. "Of course, you're still hiding your current appearance... you've never changed, Macedonia."

There was a hint of accusation in his tone, as if blaming me for maintaining secrecy. His forest green eyes were blazing in anger.

I knew very well that Azarius hated me so much. He never failed to tell them to his shadows as Clavo never failed to tell me about this.

At this point, I didn't know if I should drop the act that I didn't know what he was talking about or just kept pretending. I couldn't find myself to say anything, and probably, Azarius knew that I could no longer lie anymore.

"You must be hating her, my lord." But still, I would continue acting until he caught me. "If you think that will ease your feelings, Iā€”"

Suddenly, his hand slammed down beside me, eliciting a gasp of shock. "You know what? I need you to leave before I destroy everything in sight, darling. I'm harboring so much pent-up anger towards you, and who knows if even the Moon Goddess can stop me from hurting you."

I gulped, licking my lips in nervousness. Azarius caught my action before squinting his eyes and stepping back.

"Leave," he commanded firmly and turned his back on me.

I found myself staring at his back, the urge to reach out and embrace him almost overwhelming. Yet, instead, I chose to avert my gaze and offer a silent bow.

"Yes, my lord."

As I exited the room, a heavy weight settled in the pit of my stomach, dragging down my spirits. The air felt thick with unresolved tension, and I couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom looming over me.

It was a stark reminder of the shattered pieces of our past, scattered across time and space, with no hope of ever being whole again.

And who should be blamed for this?

It was no other than me... the selfish former Luna Queen.

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