Shapeshifting Monster Dog


As soon as I'm dragged outside, I whistle. A giant black dog the size of a horse with red eyes barrels towards us at a rapid pace, with smoke trailing behind him.

These mercenaries haven't seen the dog yet.

I step on Green Eyes' instep, then surprise him with an elbow to the gut, then a knee to his balls. I jump on the giant dog's back, and we take off into the night, away from the men.

It isn't until we are both in the safety of my townhouse that I praise him. "Good boy, Fin. Thank you for the save," I say, giving him a brief scratch behind one pointed ear.

He transforms back into his human form while I remove my shoes and scrubs at the door.

Finley and is the same age as I am. I saved him months ago when he came into the ER begging me not to let him die. So, I made sure he lived, and since then he has been watching me.

He follows me as I move around to my bedroom to change into one of Fin's large shirts.

"One man was similar to me. I could smell it on him. Why were they trying to take you?" he asks with his arms crossed over his sculpted chest.

His medium brown hair is shaggy, falling into his eyes. Have I mentioned he is butt-naked and sporting a hard-on? I enjoy ogling my sexy roommate.

"I don't know and nor do I want to find out."

I pull out a tub of coffee-flavored ice cream and my bottle of Irish cream liquor. I flash him my Sailor Moon undies before I make us each a bowl and pour a generous helping of the liquor over it.

Yum! My favorite snack after a long day at work.

Fin scoffs at me. "I know who they are. My old team, the team that thinks I'm dead." I'm not sure what to say about that, so I offer him a bowl of my creamy concoction with a spoon.

He takes a bite, then coughs. "What the hell did you just give me?" His nose winkles adorably.

"You will thank me after you eat it all," I sing song, then give him a wink. He just gives me that husky chuckle of his. "Probably, but where is my good stuff?" I point to the liquor cabinet with a huff, then move to the couch.

Finley plops down beside me then sits a wet rag on my knee. "For your hand. It's a good thing you heal quickly, you clumsy oaf." His teasing smile falls off his face. "You didn't accidentally turn someone tonight, did you?"

I jolt in shock. "What? No! Of course not! Fin, you are the only one I've made into whatever you are now!" Okay, so I might have fib. I accidentally did turn someone else. Jericho the sexy wizard came and took him away, so I have no idea what happened to him. All I know is that Jericho cryptically said the man was special.

I felt awful for what I did to Callix. I didn't know that my blood could change someone, so when he sucked my blood off after accidentally cutting it with a knife, I didn't think anything of it.

He lets out a relieved sigh. All the tension in his body leaks out. "I just had to check. We must be careful not to let someone become like me."

I hum under my breath, knowing he is right. Despite that, I have that unsettling feeling that he isn't the only one I'll turn. There are more men out there who need me and my blood.

We eat our ice cream, and then he goes into his room to put on a pair of shorts and a shirt with the armholes cut out.

I fall asleep while watching my favorite movie curled up against Fin's warm body, but isn't for long.

"What are you doing cuddling with my girlfriend, bruh!?"

Yay! Mick is back. I hate waking up to yelling.

"Lower your tone. For your information, bruh," that last word falling from Fin's lips sarcastically, "I live here. You don't." He takes a swig of his expensive bourbon.

"She's been cheating on me with you," I can hear the sneer in Mick's voice, as though Fin is ugly.

The thing is, Fin is more handsome than fuqboi Mick. The four men who tried to kidnap are even more so. In fact, the one with jet black looked just like the man in my dream, only with shorter hair.

Fin roars with laughter since I tapped on the inside of his thigh to let him know I'm playing possum. "We aren't fucking, putta. If we were, she wouldn't have needed you." I pinched the inside of his thigh for that remark.

He isn't wrong. The only reason I dated Mick was so that I wouldn't jump Fin's bones in the middle of the night when I was lonely and horny.

"Well, I'm far too much for her to handle. I think it's time we broke up, anyway. Tell her for me, yeah." I hear his footsteps leaving.

"Good luck, fuqboi! I hope you find fame or a woman to spoil your ass!" Fin roars after him just before the door shuts.

"Wow, I got dumped while sleeping since he was too chickenshit to man up and tell me to my face. Lovely." The sarcasm rolls off my tongue as I sit up to stretch and crack my neck.

"Sucks, you didn't get to sleep longer. Hungry yet?"

I yawn, asking about the time through it.

"Nine," Fin answers. "Sushi then bed?"

I smile brightly because that sounds perfect. "Order fried noodles and rice with it?"

He scoffs at me. "Who do you take me for? Mick?" We both bust out laughing.

From the moment Finley came into my life, we both knew Mick would not last much longer. Six months is the longest relationship I've had so far. Friend or otherwise. I have a few nursing friends, but even then, I can't fully trust them because of something that happened the night I turned Finley almost two years ago.

There was one person once upon a time I trusted enough as a kid, but my father moved us. I finally stopped moving all over the world after I became a registered nurse. Now, I have Fin. He is permanently stuck with me for the rest of our lives.

He orders our food over the phone for delivery while I go shower. I should have had sex with Mick this morning. I'm so horny, I think as I soap up my loofa.

Thoughts of violet eyes and jet-black hair invade my thoughts. I try to wash my body, but the moment I rub over my clit, I lose the battle. I rub it in circles, moaning. After a few minutes, I ditch the loofa and use my fingers. I pictured him biting my shoulder while taking me from behind. His dick is moving in and out of me like my fingers are doing now. He bends me over and fucks me to oblivion.

I was still leaning against the wall panting, when I heard a masculine groan. I stand straight and turn around to find Fin with his dick in hand. Cum is leaking out from between his fingers. When his eyes open, they glow crimson, and his dark hair has turned white. We stand there staring at one another, both panting heavily.

"I'm not sorry," his voice is even more husky, laden with lust. "I came to tell you the food was here. But I caught you doing that. It was so fucking sexy that I couldn't help myself."

The burning desire in his eyes is lighting my whole body. He groans and then turns to wash his hands. While he does that, I wash my hair. When I step out, he hands me the towel.

"Please tell me you're not creeped out. I won't ever touch you until you tell me to." He rubs his face with his hands. "If you don't want me watching, just say so. I won't do it again." He groans. "But fuck me, you're a goddess."

"You're the only person I completely trust. You have treated me like a goddess since I snuck you home from the hospital. You left your job so you could watch out for me. You left your friends for me. I know you miss them."

I walk to him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I lay my forehead on his chest and nuzzle him with my nose. "I don't mind you watching, maybe more. I need you to answer a question for me, however."

"Anything, mi corazón," he breathes, brushing my short pixie brunette hair with his fingers.

"Will you share me?" He laughs.

"I feel like I've been sharing you with Fuqboi for months!" He sobers up.

"This is about your nightmares, isn't it?" I breathe yes to him while he continues to stroke me. "You are dreaming about those other men just like you do me."

"I met three of them tonight. One I dreamed about last night," I reply to him.

Fin can sense lies, so there is no option but for me to be completely honest with him. When I'm not omitting things, that is.

He pulls me from him, tilting my chin to meet his turquoise eyes. "Describe them to me, all of them. I'll give you my answer before we fall asleep. But first, please go put on some clothes," he laughs breathily.

Then he lets me feel why he needs me to put clothes on when he moves. I can feel his hard-on through his pants against my lower stomach, which growls.

He smirks at the sound of hunger. "I guess we need to eat first, too!" We both started laughing.

I'm so thankful to have him in my life. I don't know what I would do without him.

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