Becoming a Monster Dog
I've been comforting Rory in the middle of the night since she saved my life and moved me into her townhouse to be her roommate. The nightmares that consume her also terrify me. I've had these visions since I turned sixteen. Each time I rushed into her room in the middle of the night to her screaming, we would talk about our dreams.
That's when I realized they were all the same, just like they were with the other Furies. It's something our entire team bonded over.
I lost everything that night I was killed, but I also gained a more interesting life.
"Anubis, do not engage that one. He is too strong for you to take on your own. That's an order! Do not engage!" Griffen is angry tonight. Not that I blame him. He just got his arm bit and ripped to shreds because of this Infernal.
I can stop him, though. I'm right here. I take my shot, shooting him in the chest once, twice, then once again in the forehead. He doesn't go down and the glow in his red eyes only gets brighter.
He is coming after me. I've got to move!
I take off running down the alleyway, only to be tackled to the ground. Before I realize it, pain radiates from my shoulder. I fight. I kick my legs. I buck my hips. I fail my arms. Anything to gain momentum, to uproot him and get him off me. I finally do, but then his clawed hand shoves through my chest cavity with strength only these creatures seem to possess. I'm spitting up blood. He hit something vital.
A woman yells.
No! Please leave! It will kill you! I can't get the warning out.
The Infernal listens, running in the opposite direction, away from her and towards my teammates. I blacked out for a moment.
When I wake, wherever I am now feels cold and sterile. I don't want to die. I can't die. I can't leave my brothers. Please, somebody, don't let me die.
"Damn it! He is going into cardiac arrest! Rory quickly!" I hear a man shouting. He must be trying to save me.
A jolt of electricity ricochets through my body. I take a breath.
"That was close," I heard a feminine whisper. "If you can hear me, you are going to die. There is not much we can do to save you. You were stabbed in the heart. You should be dead now. If you want to live, give me a sign."
I try everything to move some part, any part of my body. I guess I succeeded because the taste of copper mixed with cinnamon hits my throat. It tastes strangely good.
"Fuck! I can't believe I cut myself." The woman sounds disgusted with herself.
"Rory! Go get cleaned up. I'll finish here, then stitch your arm," the gruff man demands.
"Thanks, doc."
Then I blacked out once again. This time, I feel weightless as light as the wind instead of laden like my limbs are made of concrete.
When I wake up again, I don't know where I am. It's freezing. I feel around to find a white sheet over my body. There were no clothes on me or weapons. I open my eyes to find that I'm surrounded by dead bodies.
What? The? Fuck? ¡Ay dios mío! I'm in the morgue! Okay. Okay, there is no time to freak out. The first thing first is to find clothes.
I wrap myself in the surrounding sheet. Suddenly a short fire-engine-red-haired woman comes running in the door I'm exiting out of. She screams for a second, and then she looks apologetic.
"I'm so sorry they put you here in the morgue. But I couldn't explain why you were still alive without a pulse. I just knew it was because of my blood. I saw you in a dream and saw that my blood would save you. I can't explain it." She is rambling, but I had that dream.
A petite brunette woman dressed in Edwardian attire with leather pants and riding boots saved my life. She had long hair pulled back with a leather strap. She had a short-sword, and a pistol secured to her hip, along with a dagger she pulled out of her boot. I'm certain it was unusual for women in that period to wear pants.
She looked a lot like this fire-engine-red-haired woman before me. "Who are you?" My voice is deep and gravelly from disuse. I accidentally bit my tongue.
"I'm Rory and I think my blood did something to you. Actually, I know it was my blood because something similar happened to an ex-boyfriend. I'm sorry. You died and became something else. I don't know what, but you're not human anymore."
"What do you mean?" Her eyes dart around the room.
"Follow me." For some reason, I do.
I follow the strange nurse in manga character scrubs with black eyeliner and spikey hair out of the morgue. I’m wearing only a white sheet.
We stop in front of the nearest staff restroom, and she shoves me inside. She moves to a locker in the corner after locking the door. "Look in the mirror while I find you some clothes." I do as she suggests while she rummages through a small set of lockers.
What happened to my hair and eyes?
Looking back at me is me, but my hair has turned snow white, and my eyes are glowing red. My ears are now pointed, and I have fangs both top and bottom. No wonder I bit my tongue. On the top of my head is an extra set of ears. I have black pointed dog ears that move and everything.
What has happened to me?!
A whine escapes my throat. Then I feel my furry, fluffy tail. I drop my sheet, turning around quickly to look in the mirror. Sure enough…there is a black wolf's tail attached to my body!
I howl.
I cannot go back to the Fury Team like this. I cannot go back to my brothers. I have nowhere to go.
Another howl leaves me, but this one is mournful.
The woman wraps her arms around from behind. I can feel her hot tears sliding down my back.
"I'm so sorry I did this to you. You wanted to live so bad that I just couldn't let you die, so I faked being clumsy and cut myself so that my blood would go in your mouth."
"You're right. I didn't want to die, but what do I do now?"
"I don't know, but you can stay with me if you have nowhere to go. I feel strangely connected to you, like we know each other and have always known each other. I trust you even though I just met you. Maybe, it's because of all the dreams I've had about you."
Oddly enough, I feel the same connection to this girl. I've been dreaming about her since puberty. I just thought she was a figment of my imagination.
I was wrong.
She is fate and destiny.
I'm pulled out of my memory by Rory sliding into bed with me. "I can't sleep. I'm sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry about, mi girasol. Another dream?" She nods her head. "What was it this time?"
"A blonde man with purple glowing eyes fighting… What did you say his name was? The one with the jet-black hair and violet eyes."
"Griffen," she breathes his name after me as if saying a prayer.
I chuckled softly. "Did you know he is known as The Demon Commander amongst the mercenary guilds? He is a legend."
"Tell me more about him. How old is he?" she questions curiously.
"He is thirty-eight. He earned his title when he returned home from the war overseas. That was almost ten years ago. Technically, we are all commanders, but none of us have the desire to take on our own teams. We would much rather follow Griffen."
"Wow. He already has that type of reputation." There is awe in her voice. I should feel jealous, but I don't because I feel the same way about him. Griffin is my idol.
"He sure does. You should see him fight." I regale her with stories of my oldest friend—a man who is more than an older brother to me. I miss him and the others. At least this way I can tell someone about them.
When I'm done, she asks, "Would you share me with him?"
This question again. "So long I as I still have you too. I wouldn't mind sharing you with men I view as more than brothers. Anyone else, and I'm not so sure." She is thinking that over and yawns, snuggling up against my body. She is dressed only in a short, form-fitting nightgown.
"If you think I'm sharing you with another woman just because you're willing to share me with the men you care about, think again. I'm a selfish bitch. You're mine, Finley." I knew that reply was coming.
I chuckle softly before saying, "Good, because the only woman I want, Rory, is you. Be my girl?" I ask, rolling over on top of her to cage her within mine.
"I'm not kidding, Finley. I dream about the other men the way I do you. I know I love you, Fin. You're my best friend. Would you truly be okay with me being with other men?"
I huff in expiration at mi girasol mezclada con un pequeña huracán (my sunshine mixed with a little hurricane).
"Like I said…si, I'll share, but only with certain people. ¿Lo entiendes bien?"
She gives me a deer-in-the-headlights look.
"You get that right?" Recognition lights her eyes at my translation. "If you say so. You're mine, and I'm yours, Girasol." I'm just inches from her mouth, about to see if she will let me take her to heaven.
"Yes, my hellhound. Fuck me and make me yours."
She kisses me deeply. I'm done for. I'm in the arms of a goddess tonight. I groan into her mouth.
Fuck me, I'm going to worship at her temple all night long.
We got a little sleep, and I didn't mind at all. I also discovered Rory has a kink.