What To Do?


“What were you thinking?” I ask my second in command, furious he let the woman get away.

“Did you seriously not fucking see that big black dog?! He was as big as a horse!” We all saw the giant beast, who was quicker than any we had ever dealt with.

“You know as well as I do that some Infernals can shape-shift into hell beasts.”

We have seen it firsthand. We were all trained to deal with these once humans when we were recruited into the mercenary group called the Furies.

“They are more likely to eat people than they are to save one! Those in the Infernal Corps are nothing but beasts! They have lost their minds!” Ajax isn’t wrong, so this is something new as well.

“Then how do you explain, Duncan? Once the Infernals created by serum have blood all humanity is gone. His mind is intact. What was he doing when you restrained him?”

I’ve had yet to see an injected Infernal regain their mind to shift back until once they have had blood. Tonight was a first.

I need all the details so that I can figure out how we should proceed. Kill the nurse or let her live under our constant watch, but force her to work with us.

“I don’t know, boss, licking the nurse’s hand.” He shrugs.

I love Ajax like a brother, but sometimes I want to ring his neck.

“Was she injured?” I can feel my right eye twitch in irritation.

He shakes his head. “Not that I could tell, but she had blood all over her hand and down her arm.” I hum under my breath, finding this all very intriguing.

“There was something familiar about that woman besides her being Doctor Beadu’s daughter,” I supply.

“She felt familiar to me, too. Maybe we met her in a past life?” Booker speaks up. He is always so quiet that I forget he is around sometimes.

“Isn’t that what you think these dreams are, Book? Memories of our past lives?” Kage asks stroking Avery’s hair.

Avery sits up, removing his head from his friend’s lap. “I don’t know about all that, but the fact we all have those dreams and were recruited for Fury Team seems strange, doesn’t it?” I have no doubt it was not a coincidence we were all brought together.

Seeing them be so at ease with each other reminds me of the person we all miss the most. Finley. Fin would always harp on those two for doing gestures like this that were more than brotherly. I miss him. We had known each other for a long time, growing up in the same small town. Avery, Kage, and I are the ones who taught Fin how to fight in the small gym Avery’s family-owned.

The Furies have been operating for almost ten years. Kage, Avery, Ajax, and I were some of the first ones recruited. Next were Duncan and Finley. Then our last member, Booker.

My heart still twinges at the thought of Finley, and it seems so does everyone else’s. There is a heavy feeling in the room now.

I finally address Kage’s question. “It is strange. The dream last night was of me being killed in eighteenth-century Japan as a Samurai. The woman watching was…that nurse. No wonder I felt drawn to her. We all do. She is the woman who watched us all die in some dreams and saved us in others.”

“So, what do we do with her? I vote to kill her.” I roll my eyes at Ajax. Killing is his answer to every problem.

“No,” my voice comes out in a thunderous command. I try not to use this tone on my friends, but something makes me protective of the little nurse we just met.

Ajax just shrugs his shoulders and leans back in his chair.

We are all sitting at a long table we used to make our plans. The discussion room is soundproof with a security camera lining one wall with a desk set up as a hacker’s wet dream or Ajax’s wet dream, anyway. The man is just as skilled behind a computer as he is with a weapon in his hand, any weapon. The only one who rivals him in weaponry is Booker.

“Bring her in, it is,” Booker states as if that was going to be the outcome from the beginning.

Booker is talented, wise, quiet, and aloof. When he talks, you listen. He only ever speaks when it’s worth the effort.

“What are we going to do with her? We are all men, after all.” Kage’s eyebrows move suggestively.

Avery pops him in the arm for it. Both of them are popular with women, but out of the two Kage is our borderline alcoholic man-whore. Avery is always a gentleman.

“Nurse equals medic. We could use one,” Booker speaks again, talking succinctly as always.

“Booker’s correct. We need a medic, and since she knows of the existence of someone like Duncan, it’s join us or die. We will let her make the choice.” The surrounding men all nod.

“Great, now let’s go get laid and have some drinks!” Kage suggests, which doesn’t sound like that bad of an offer.

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