Chapter 1

It was late afternoon when Don Micah Santorini was still at work in one of his mines, dressed in black slacks, black shirt with rolled up sleeves and wearing hand gloves.

He stood in the main tunnel which was only lit by a couple of old light bulbs, which led to his second office which he had created after buying the mines. He had a small flashlight stuck between his lips which shone on his hands, as he stared at the rough, uncut diamond which lay on top of his palm.

A soft murmur escaped his lips while his sea blue orbs shone like cut diamonds themselves as he looked at the rough beauty laying on the palm of his hand.

"Such beauty" he whispered with a sigh.

With his gaze still plastered on the stone he walked over to his open office and straight to his desk where he had a hidden vault and opened it, after he sat down behind his desk in his leather chair.

Just when he was about to close the vault door, he heard a knock that made him look up.

"Come in!" Micah said while he used the secret door which hid the vault.

Hello son! how are you my dear?" an elderly woman who resembled his looks sat down across him.

"Hello to you too, dear mama, I am good! to what do I owe this pleasure?" Micah answered his mother with a warm smile.

"Good, good to hear, well nothing special except the fact is that I would like to know how it is going with your search for a bride, I am not getting any younger and it has always been your late father's wish, that you would start a family with a suitable wife, which is also my wish Micah, so tell me, anybody special in your life you want to introduce to me?" she asked with a grin.

Micah scratched the back of his head while thinking about his mother's request.

"I know mama, I know! it's just that I am very busy and don't have much time at the moment but don't worry, I will get a wife but maybe not so soon ok" he replied while hoping that answer would satisfy her.

"Son, listen to me, did you not hear what I have said just now? I am not getting any younger and I want to be alive and well to see my grandchildren run around the house so you better make time for this Micah, it is very important to me, as was to your father! besides it will also strengthen the famiglia, you know there are a lot of famiglia's who have a daughter waiting to get married so why not go out there and find your own huh, please Micah do this for us!" she begged, making Micah sigh.

He loved his mother dearly. Ever since his father had died she became everything for him besides his men, when he took over from his father, so how could he deny her this, after all she had done for him? He didn't know how and he also didn't want to hurt her.

"Okay, fine, I will look around, happy?" he replied to her.

"Good but please take this seriously and choose wisely!"

"Yes Mama, I will"

"Okay my dear, now let me not take any longer from your work, I will see later at dinner ok?"

"Yes you will, I only have to make a quick stop along the way and then I'll be there ok"

"No problem, see you later!"

"Bye mom!" Mica said before she stepped out of his office and closed the door behind him.

He stayed, sitting behind his desk while thinking about the conversation. He knew she had a point about the fact that him getting married would strengthen the famiglia but he was so busy these days focusing on the work in the mines, finding valuable stones and what not and also straining some of the new workers in how to find them and handle them after they have found them. So finding a bride had not exactly been on his mind right now but he understood his parents wish and I he was really honest with himself, he would love to have his own family one day, the only other problem was the kind of woman, because his mother had spoken about one of the other famiglia's daughters but his taste was differently then hers!

He wants a girl he can mold into what he wants, a virgin preferably, not one that already had slept with men before he would take the plunge, the thought of that already made his stomach turn.

A beautiful virgin girl with a good background, one who would love to have her own family one day and would not be afraid of blood since that was a must in his line of work, he thought by himself.

Another knock got him again out of his thoughts, but this time it was his second in command, Marco.

"Boss, is it a good time to talk?" Marco asked while standing.

"Sure, sit down and tell me" Micah replied while pouring two glasses of juice and gave one of them to Marco.

"Thanks Boss, well the thing is that I have heard from one of the new guys that the son of Don Salvatore is sneaking around our territory so I asked him how he knows and the guy told me that they had approached him with the question to come work for them because of his skills but he reclined because he already gave his word to you and he wants to stay loyal to you, which is a good thing, by still the fact remains that we might going to have problems with Salvatore which we really don't want!" Marco explained the problem to Micah whose eyes had become suddenly slightly darker upon hearing the name of his father's arch enemy.

"If that son of a b*tch as much puts his toe in my territory he is a dead man!" Micah spat in anger.

"I feel exactly the same boss but you know his family is very influential in the city, Don Salvatore has the mayor in his pocket which can become a bigger issue if the Don will use his dirty buddy for extra power"

"Yeah that leach! I almost forgot that one! he still owes my father a huge favor when he helped him to get his seat! but ever since Salvatore has "bought" him he changed big time!"

"So what is the next step? I think it is wise to prepare for the son to come our way because we don't know his plans yet" Marco replied while frowning deeply.

"Yes, sure! I am sorry Marco my mom has given me stuff to think about and now this! my mind is a bit occupied together with all else. Anyways talk to the new guy and send him to our place tonight for dinner, tell him that I want to thank him for his loyalty ok!"

"Sure boss, I will and my greetings to Donna"

"Sure I'll tell my mother you said hi and Marco, for now keep this new info between me and you and the new guy, what's his name by the way?"

"Ricardo boss"

"Ricardo, ok thanks and I'll see you tomorrow"

"Sure boss, have a good evening yourself" Marco said before getting up.

"Thanks you too!" Micah replied after which he also stood up and put his coat on.

After checking everything in his office one last time he walked out and locked the door behind him and tool the elevator to go up to the ground floor.

Once outside he felt the wind on his skin and he took a deep breath of fresh air.

He loved working in the mines but all day downstairs didn't do well for your lungs!

Micah walked over to the sandy parking place where his car was and got inside and drove off to the city center to the pawnshop.

"Don Micah! what can I do for you?¨ the owner of the pawnshop said after Micah had arrived at his place.

"Good to see you Carlos, is my package ready?" Micah asked.

"Yes of course, here it is!" Carlos replied with a smile as he handed Micah a box.

"Ah good! thank you, my mother will be pleased!" Micah chuckled.

"My regards to her, Don and see you next time!"

"Sure Carlos and mine to your wife!" Micah replied while leaving the shop.

A shirt while later he arrived back home at the mansion and parked his car in one of the garages and went inside where he found his mother chatting to an unknown woman.

"Hello momma, I'm back!" he said with surprise in his blue orbs as he looked from his mother towards the for him unknown woman.

"Oh good Micah, please let me introduce you to Dinah, hopefully your future mother in-law!" his mother dropped a bomb on him.

" what?!" he stuttered.

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