Chapter 2
¨I am sorry but can you repeat that?!¨ he asked his mother wide eyed in surprise.
His mother chuckled, knowing fully that what she had done was cheeky but to her it had to be done since she felt like Micah was to reluctant to do it!
¨You heard me son, this is Dinah and Dinah is a dear friend of mine and she and her husband have a very beautiful young daughter who i think is a perfect match for you!¨ his mother stated smugly.
Micah said down at the dinner table and rubbed his temples with a sigh.
¨Nice to meet you Dinah but i am sorry, i can not just marry some random girl i do not know! i did not even know my mother would go behind my back like this and make arrangements with you! and mama, why? you know i love you and would do anything within reason for you, and for papa, if he was still here with us, you know that, don´t you, so why mama, why on earth are you doing this to me while i have told you this afternoon that i will do as you ask and think about it and before i tale the next step in finding myself a wife, a girl of my own choosing?!¨ Micah says while looking at his mother intently.
Dinah looked a bit awkward from her longtime friend Anastasia en her son Micah.
¨I am sorry Don Micah for upsetting you! i thought you had spoken to him Ana, why did you not?¨ she asked while returning her attention back to Micah´s mother with a frown.
¨Yes i know i know, i am sorry i did not meant to upset either of you but you know i will not be around on this earth forever you know and i want to see my grand babies before i die.¨ Anastasia says with a small smile.
¨Oh stop being so dramatic mama! you still have many happy years ahead of you so why all this drama and pressure huh?¨ Micah said with a slight frown.
His mother turned away from the both of them, starring into the flames while thinking back of her husband Luca which she had loved very much and still did even though he past away 2 years ago. How could she tell Micah and her friend that she too was going to die in the near future? she thought.
¨Mama, are you okay?¨ Micah asked removing her from her sad thoughts.
I am sorry! please sit down, i need to tell you both something, something i have been keeping to myself afraid of upsetting the persons who i love most!¨ she then said, making Dinah gasp.
¨Mom?!¨ Micah started when his gut was trying to tell him something which he did not want to acknowledge...
¨I am dying, Micah, this morning i spoke to the doctor and he confirmed it with the outcome of the results of the tests they had done on me some days ago. I have cancer and it is slowly spreading around in my body so the doctor has told me that maybe i have a year or so, maybe less or if i am lucky maybe a little more but not much, i am sorry for telling you this but in the end i had to anyways!¨ she stated with tired eyes.
Dinah had tears in her eyes while Micah just sat there in his chair looking at her wide eyed while trying to process what she had just told them......
¨So that is why you were so pushy on me to get a wife and have children! now i get it! but why wait so long with telling us mama, i understand you wanted to protect us but also understand that with doing so that you also hurt us! what if you could die sooner then later before even telling us then what? that would have been so, so i do not even know how to call that mama! i already lost papa so please do not shut me out okay, we will fight this together!¨ Micah said with a tight voice full of emotions.
Anastasia burst put in tears and Micah stood up and walked over to his mother and wrapped his strong arms around her while she cried her heart out.
¨I think i should leave, we will talk about my daughter another time Don Micah, please tale care of my friend and i will see you soon!¨Dinah said before leaving the room and Micah nosed a goodbye before she walked out.
**End of flashback. **
Micah drank the last remnants of his Scotch and then stood up and went inside his room again in search of his phone.
After he had found the number he was looking for he dialed it and waited.
¨Don Micah, everything okay?¨
¨Yes Dinah i am okay, well as okay i can be after that bomb of mama but yeah, anyways i am sorry for disturbing you so late tonight but i wanted to tell you that i will go take your daughter out on a dinner and dance if she wants, lets see coming weekend?¨
¨Okay i will tell her, i think she would love that!¨ Dinah replied happily.
¨Okay, and before you cut please what is her name and how old is she?¨ Micah asked curiously.
¨Her name is Sheila and she is 19¨
¨Sheila, beautiful name! well thank you and can you text me her number please?¨
¨Yes Don i will, have a good night and take care!¨ Dinah says before hanging up.
While Micah stepped inside his bathroom to get ready for bed, Dinah walked into her husband´s office at their own home.
¨Darling? how did it go, what did Don Micah say?¨ Dinah´s husband Bradford asked with an eager smile.
¨Well things turned out to play in our hands since his mother told us tonight that she has cancer and maybe still has a year to life and that was the fuel he needed to make hid decision, he called me just now and told me that he will take Sheila to dinner and dance and i gave him her number so all is playing out well my love!¨ Dinah smirked after kissing her husband sweetly.
¨Good! very good my love!¨ Bradford replied happily.
¨So now we only have to wait and watch!¨ Dinah said grinning with an evil glint in her eyes.
¨Indeed! lets see how our dear daughter will do when she is going out with him, does she know yet?¨ he asked while they walked out of his office together.
¨She is already sleeping, i will tell her the good news tomorrow and then we can explain to her what she need to do when she is going put with him ok¨
¨Sure that is fine by me, now lets go upstairs and find some sleep, today's meetings were cruel!¨ Bradford said with a roll of his eyes as they went on to the stairs.
Meanwhile back at Micah´s mansion, Micah turned off the sound of his phone and went to bed, blissfully unknown of the fact that tonight's events where just the beginning of something far greater.....