Chapter 4

¨Mother i did what you asked, so what is the problem?!¨ Sheila pouted as she sat down in the livingroom while her father paised up and down in front of their fireplace.

Dinah shook her head in disdane while she watched Sheila pouting dramatically.

"Drop the naive act honey, it does not suit you and besides, we had a deal, so why are you not doing what we have told you to do huh?" her father said in a cold tone.

"I did what you guys have told me, its just that Micah did not...." Sheila started to defend herself, but was cut short by her father's stern look that screamed anger and disappointment.

"No excuses! how difficult can it be Sheila? The only thing we asked of you was that you seduce him and start to make him fall head over heels in love with you and with your looks that would be easy, so tell me why on earth he cut the evening short like that, he did not even kiss you?!" her father rambled on frustrated of his daughter's incompetence.

Sheila sihjed with her eyes closed, remembering the moment. Then she opened her eyes and stood up with a scowl.

I am tired, i am going to bed!"" she just said and started to walk away when her father pulled her back on her arm.

"Let me go dad. you are hurting me!" Sheila gasped.

"You will call Micah before going to bed and apologize for whatever it was that had upset him so he will reconsider okay!'' he said with an edge.

"No, i don''t want to, i" Sheila pleaded.

If you want to keep that bastard, you better do what i say!" he whispered darkly in her ears making her gulp.

After he had removed his hands from her arm, she scurried out of the livingroom and went upstairs.

Inside her bedroom she locked her door and grabbed her phone whil tears rolled down her face.

"Don't worry little one, i will do my very best to keep you save!" she whispered as she rubbed her flat belly as she lay down on her bed, scrolling through her phone.

After some minutes she dialed a number and waited.

"Hello love, missed me?" an unknown man's voice came trough her phone.

Sheilla sniffed before she opened her mouth to speak and whipped her tears.

"Love? are you okay are you crying?!" the man asked worried.

"Can i come to your place, please?" Sheila whispered softly making the man sigh.

"You know i would love to have you here with me, but you know we can not do that without good planning, because your father wil have my head on a plate if he knew you were at my place, in my bed!" he awnsered making her cry again.

"I now but dad is so angry with me and mother is also not very happy and i need somebody right now, please Rick i need you, WE need you!" Sheila sobbed, rubbing her belly.

Ricardo on th eother end of the line, stayed silent for a moment to think what to do.

He would love to have Sheila in his house forever but the situation was far from ideal right now and maybe even in the future as well. But it broke his heart to hear his girl vry like this.

"Okay, baby listen to me, this is what we will do! you will go pretend to sleep and wait for your parents to go sleep as well and then i will come for you okay, i will let you know hwne i am there!"

"Okay, thank you" Sheila mumbled, already feeling better with the knowledge that she was going to see her lover again.

"Its okay love, just hold on, i will be with you soon okay!" Ricardo said before hanging up.

Hours later, just after midnight, Ricardo parked his SUV behind the mansion on a lane that led to a dead end and got out and dialed Sheila's number.

"Love i am here at my ususal spot!" he said while he scaned his surroundings with his eyes, just in case.

Inside the mansio Sheila walked on her socks down stairs to not wake her parents and went to to the kitchen where the backdoor was situated, with only a small travel bag, filled with some clothes and some other stuff.

Just as she was about to open the door she heard faint voices coming from her fathers study and she froze.....

Slowly she retreated her hand fom the door handle and tiptoed back into the hallway closer to her father's office to earsdrop.

Inside, she heard her father's voice, as if he was talking to somebody on the phone.....

"I know, i know but it seems like my daughter needs more encouragement i think because today she failed and the Don was clearly not happy with her!.......yes that is what we have told her as well but she is so stubborn!....yeah you van laugh all you want but you have four sons so that is not fair to compare me with!.......yes i agree on that though yes indeed.....well i have told her that if she is not calling him to say sorry and make up with him, then she will lose the baby, so that should do the trick i hope, yeah talk about it! if i find out the bastard who put tht batsard baby in my daughters belly he wished he woul never been born! all this shit messes up our plans to take over but yeah, we have to deal with it now and we can use it against her so at least there is something good coming out of it!.....yes indeed, well i will not keep you any longer! have a great night, talk to you later!" was the last thing Sheila heard and then she slwoly backed out of the hallway, into the kitchen again and opened the backdoor.

As she closed it with a soft thud behind her, she felt her phone started to vibrate in her jeans pocket, realizing that Ricardo must be worried by now.

"Where are you? are you okay?" he whispered into her ear with worriedness laced in his voice.

"I am on my way, sorry! just start the car and then we can go as soon as i am there, i will explain on the way" she says as she dissapears into the dark night.

Ten minutes later theyvare in their way as Ricardo drove his car into the main street.

"You okay now?" he asked Sheila in in a husky voice.

"Yes baby, thank you fir coming!" she awnsered, while grabbing his hand, intertwining her fingers with his.

"So what happened back there, did they see you or something?" Ricardo asked curiously.

"I honestly don't know what is worst, being caught or hearing that phonecall" Sheila muttured with a pout.

"Phonecall, what phonecall love?" Ricardo asked whith his eyes still on the road.

"Dad was talking to somebody, he kept on saying how dissappointed and angry he was, for me not doing as they had instructed me to do which is bullshit because i tried, i really did, eventhough i did not wanted too but to protect our baby i had no choice, i still don't have one Rick! if i do not seduce Don Micah in marring me then dad will force an abortion on me!" Sheila cried out while Ricardo grabbed the steering wheel tighter, as anger flaired up in his mind.

"He will do no such thing! he will not touch a hair on your head, do you hear me?! i will kill him with my bare hands before he can even think of doing so!" Ricardo yelled angry.

After that they continued driving on silence, both being deep in thoughts.

A shirt while later, Ricardo parked his car in his garage and went out and walked over to Sheila's side who had fallen asleep.

Slowly and gently he opened the door and removed her seatbelt, after which he kissed her still flat belly and gently scooped her up in his arms, while he closed the car door with his shoe.

Once inside the house, he walked straight to his bedroom and lay her down on his bed and started removing her clothes. When he was dine he vrabbed her bag and opened to look for her pj's. Once he had found them, he gently put them on her so as not to wake her. When she was finally ready, he started with himself.

After a quick shiwer he put on a clean boxer from the drawer and joined sheila in bed.

Before closing his eyes he grabbed his phone from the nightstand and tyoes our a message to an unknown number:

We need to talk! something is going on and my woman and child are in danger!

After that, he pressed send and put his phone back facing down and lay back with his hands under his head as he gazed up towards the ceiling.

Some seconds later his phoje vibrated shirtly, alerting him of an incoming message.

I got your message, we will talk tomorrow!"

After that, Ricardo went in search of some much needed sleep as he turned himself and wrapped his strong arms around Sheila, who in her sleep snuggled closer to him with a content sigh, both blissfully unknowing about what danger and trials lay ahead of them! Trials that they could not have dreamed off countering! But who would surely changes EVERYTHING!

Because madam fate was playing her cards.....and was winning.....for now....

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