Chapter 5

Don Micah sat anxiously in the hospital waiting room, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. He glanced at his mother, who was sitting next to him, her face pale and tired. She was about to start her first chemotherapy session, and Micah couldn't help but feel a sense of fear and helplessness wash over him.

As the doctor walked in, Micah's mind was far away, thinking about the incident that happened just a few days ago. He had been driving home from the mine, exhausted from a long day's work, when after he had taken Sheila for a dinner as per request of his mother and hers, she forced herself on him.

In the car, she had tried to touch him. Micah had felt uncomfortable and had pushed her away, but she wouldn't stop. She had even tried to force herself on him, and Micah had to physically push her off. Until suddenly a strange man had appeared at his side, that had physically upset her so after that she had jumped out of his car and went to her house.

The whole incident had left Micah feeling disgusted and angry. He had always been clear about his boundaries and his desire for a submissive and pure partner. Sheila, with her sudden bold behavior and secretive behavior, was the complete opposite of what he wanted.

But now, as he sat in the hospital with his sick mother, Micah couldn't help but feel guilty. He had been so focused on work lately and then Dinah, his mothers best friend had asked to take her daughter out as to get to know her better but bow he started to regret it! Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought about all the moments he could have spent with his mother when she was still in good health, but instead, he had been chasing after his own desires.

The doctor's voice brought Micah back to the present, as he explained the details of the chemotherapy procedure to his mother. Micah tried to listen, but his mind kept wandering back to the mine and the unfinished work that needed to be done.

He knew he had to be strong for his mother, and he promised himself that he would be there for her throughout this difficult journey. As his mother was taken into the treatment room, Micah took a deep breath and tried to push away all his worries and anxieties.

He knew that he couldn't change the past, but he could make a difference in the present. And for his mother's sake, he would do everything in his power to make sure she got through this with all the love and support she needed, he even was busy trying for a second opinion because even though she had told him and Dinah that she was going to die, he did not want to give up on her yet, not wanting to loose her as well.

As soon as his phone rang, Micah hesitantly excused himself from the doctor and his mother and stepped outside the hospital. The scent of disinfectant and antiseptics filled his nostrils as he answered the call.

"Dimitri?" he answered.

His head of security spoke urgently. "Boss, when you're finished, please come to the mines. There's something you need to see!" Micah listened to the head of his security while his stomach lurched, reminding him to take better care of his own health.

¨Why, what happened, please do not tell me that somebody got an accident!¨ Micah sighed with his hand in his hair.

¨No boss but uh, well we are not sure what happened but something really strange happened after we blow up some dynamite to open up a rock and well.....i think you better come down and see for yourself!¨ Dmitri explained.

Feeling anxious he cut the call and went to say a quick goodbye and apologize to his mother before he left the hospital on his way to the mines.

In a record time he arrived and parked his car, just as Dmitri stepped out of the elevator of the mine shaft.

¨Ok, i am here so talk!¨ Micah barked while both man hastily walked back and took the elevator down.

While the elevator slowly started to decent to its destination, Dmitri started to talk.

¨Like is said before boss, we used some dynamite to blow up some rocks and when the dust started to clear a bright blue light suddenly came up from the hole that was created and none of us knows what it is or how it got there¨ Dmitri explained.

¨Blue light? what on earth, did you guys drink something before starting to work of what?!¨ Micah frowned at him.

¨No, no of course not boss! never! but we just simply don´t understand what has happened so we are waiting for you to come see and then we will go from there right?¨ Dmitri says as they both stepped out of the elevator.

The kept on walking straight into the narrow tunnel until they came to a large open area where the other men were waiting and standing around a huge gap into floor where indeed a strange light seeped trough to Micah´s astonishment.

¨Any idea´s? he asked while looking around at his workers but most of them shook their heads in a negative bot one hummed a bit before he spoke.

¨Maybe its all a joke, put in place by the Salvatore boss¨ the opted.

¨It better not be! because that means you guys have not paid good attention while working here! so for your sake i hope it is not HIM, but something else.¨

¨What do you want us to do know boss, a man named Lucas asked while rubbing the back of his neck with his dirty hand.

¨Hold on, let me see, give my one of your torches Micah barked as the men stepped aside to give their boss more space to look for himself.

Some seconds pass and then Micah´s face lit up like a Christmas tree upon seeing what he had been searching for a long time now.

¨Guy´s do you see that? look over there in the small corner under edge over the rock!¨ He uttered in disbelieve. He grabs some rope and ties it around his waist and then jumps into the cave below.

With a loud thud he lands on his feet just in front of his prize all the while he hears his men speak softly above him.

¨Boss you okay down there Lucas asked suddenly,

¨Yes, yes more then okay Lucas, get yourselves some shovels and some spades and then get down here!¨ he ordered from down below.

¨Come on guys, you have heard the boss, get going!¨ Dmitri yelled as they got ready to decent, one after the other after they gotten their tools.

After all but 2 stayed behind on watch from above, were down there with Micah he ordered them to start digging some more while re removed slowly a huge unusual and unusual looking gemstone from the ridge.

With fascination he looked at it in his hands as it started to sparkle.

Suddenly he heard noises coming from behind him so he looked over his shoulder only to be met with a very strange and surprising scene of that of Dmitri and Lucas holding a strange looking man with silver hair and a big eyes that looked slightly bigger then normal human eyes.

¨Who on earth are you and what are you doing in my mine?!!¨ Micah barked darkly.

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