Chapter 6
Somewhere deep underground, in a dark and wet place, Silver lay curled up in the corner of his prison, while trying very hard to keep himself warm, in which he failed miserably!
With every gulp of cold air he took in, a shiver run down his spine and goosebumps erupted across his body.
Besides the cold, which had slowly started entering his tired body, made his muscles and bones started to ache and yearn for some much desired and needed sunlight. On the other hand, the air he was breathing in was pregnant of a thick, very unpleasant smell that once a while made Silver's stomach turn in displeasure. A smell of urine mixed together with blood and something that smelled like rotten flesh.....
Hours had passed and still nobody had come to his prison cell. Those weird looking men, dressed in strange black garments had just brought him here and had left him a by himself without a single explenation to him about why and where. It started to make him wonder what his fate would be, if he would ever be able to get out of this nasty place or that he would die here in this Gods awfull place, all by himself.
Even now he wished to have a chance to see his queen one more time, even though that she was most of the time, a royal pain in the backside! But oh how he wished to see her now, just to have sombody down here in his cell!
Suddenly his stomach started growling, letting him know that soon he needed to eat something, but what could he do? there was no food or even water in this gods forsaken place! he thought, what made him sigh in slight despair.
"My queen, i am so sorry for have failed you!" he muttered as tears escaped his orbs. He was not a man who would easily cry but now, now he felt like that this was going to be the end!
As Silver was so deep in his ramblings, he did not hear the footsteps approaching, nor the sound of a set of keys who were opening the iron door of his cell.
''Get up! Boss wants to see you!" a cold voice suddenly woke him up from his thoughts.
Silver almost jumped up to the sound of the voice that echoed trough the cell, as he stared up at the unknown man's face that was full of scars, making him shiver at the sight in fear.
As he still sat down frozen on the ground, the man leaned forward and grabbed Silver's hair in his fists and pulled him up, making him cry out in pain.
"I said get up, or are you deaf crazy man, Boss wants to see you and he hates it when he is disobayed so, if you want to life a little longer, i sugest that you do as you're told!!" Scarface barked in Silver's face making him gulp.
With his heart almost jumping out of his chest and his breath coming out in gasps, he started to follow the man, who had started to call Scarface in his mind, wondering what the so called Boss wanted of him.
Before they stepped fully out of his cell, scarface and another unknown man, who was also dressed in black garments, put back the for Silver unknown device on his wrists again, so he could not move his arms anymore.
Outside, the men started to walk with him in the middle, trough the tunnel only lit by a few small lightbulbs, who made some weired shadows appear on the walls and ceiling.
While walking, Silver had some time to look at his guards. He knows about the human world from his studies and from the stories that were told as entertainment but seeing them now for the first time was not at all like what he had invisioned!
As Silver was starting to think back of all the things his professors had teached him and his classmates back home when he was a youngling, the man in front of him suddenly stopped in his tracks as he reached another solid iron door, making Silver to bump into him from behind.
"Hey watch out!" the man hissed while looking over his shoulder back to SIlver who rubbed his now slightly painful nose afte he had hid the mans hard back whic was covered i some kind of armor or shield.
The man looked back to the door again and opened a hidden keypad and started punchin in a code and then the door opened with a loud thud.
Inside the light was much brighter so Silver had to blink his eyes rapidly as to get used to the brightness.
As he finally managed to keep his eyes a bit open, he let his eyes roam around the room which turned out to be a very spacious office, with in the middle a big wooden desk with a stern, scary looking man sitting behind it who was also dressed in black.
"Dimitri you wait here and Lucas, you can wait outside!" the man revered to as ''the Boss'' said calmly while Silver's eyes caught a glimpse of his beloved snow globe!
"Sit down!" the boss said and Silver wobbled over to the leather chair in front of him and let himself drop into it. since he still had those weired restraints around his wrists.
"So lets first start with some introductions.....i am Don Micah Santorini! and now you are ging to tell me who you are, what you are doing here and what kind of magic or whatever this it is, is inside this snowglobe, or else!.........." Micah stated darkly making Silver to gulp as a shiver run down his aching spine.
Silver licked his dry lips while he tried to think of what to say.
"My name is Silver Frost" he mumbled while avoiding Micah's intimidating stare.
"Sorry what? are you kidding me, Silver Frost, really?" Micah said as he looked at the Silver haired man sitting in front of him and burst out laughing.
After he had come down from his laughter, he leaned in to Silver who pushed himself more backwards into the back of his chair.
"I do not know what games you are playing mister, but i do not like people who are lying to me, especially not when they do it right in my face! so i ask again, what is your name, your REAL name and why are you here in my mine?!" Micah hissed angry and impatient.
"S...sorry sir but my name....my real name is what i have given your sir, i really am Silver Frost! my parents are Eloise Frost and Endrick Frost, i swear!" he sqeacked, praying to the gods for Micah to believe him, afraid of the outcome if he would not......
Micah leaned back in his chair with his hands folded under his chin as he eyes were still plastered on the strange man sitting in front of him.
"Why are you here, you know that you are tresspassing right, because this is my land!" Micah asked him then, dying to find out if his enemy Salvatore was behind all of this.
"I did not know that! why are you and your men stealing from us?" Silver boldly returned the question making Micah's eyes widen in shock.
"Show some respect to the Boss Frost!!" Dimitri who now stood closely to Silver's chair said as he punched him in his stomach, knockking the air out of Silver's lungs.
Micah waited some seconds and then grabbed the snow globe and looked at it before placing it in front of him on his desk with a soft thud.
"You better watch what you are saying Mr. Frost, Dimitri overthere does not like it when his boss is being disrespected so you better behave! now tell me everithing there is to know about this snow globe!" Micah demanded.
Sweat started to gather on Silver's forehead as he tried to think of what to tell this Don Micah man with a dark aura, as nott piss him of even more as to get hmself killed, but he ended up with nothing which he could tell as an excuse to his utter dismay.
"Well as you said it is a snow globe and i got as a gift from a queen sir and..." he started to explain but was cut off shortly when suddenly the snow globe started to filled with white smoke to Micah's suprise.
But not to Silver's because he knows that this was the sign that the queen would soon appear.....
After the smoke had subsided a bit the beautiful but angry face of the Snow Queen appeared in front of them.
"There you are my trusted slave! i thought you were dead for a moment! where the Gods are you?" the queen's voice boomed trough Micah's office.
Silver wanted to warn her before she showed herself fully to Dimitri an Micah, but found out that he could not signal to her so he just give up on that thought and decided to use just words.
"Your wickedness, i am NOT alone!" he mouthed to her, upon which she quickly consealed herself into the smoke again wide eyed.
Dimitri looked at Micah and Micah stared back at him, both men thinking only one thing!
"Who was that?!!" they both escaimed at the same time.