Chapter 7
The queen was passing up and down her icy bedroom floor with her hands in her loose, white long hair.
"Gods!" she muttered as she thought back at the moment that she was almost caught with her magic. If it wasn't for Silver's warning, that he was not alone, she would have given away a great secret, a secret human had no knowledge of and she was desperate to keep it that way although now the humans had her Silver and that made her very unhappy!
"Guards!" she called out.
"Yes your wickedness?" the two guards said in unison after entering her room.
"What do we know about the human realm?" she asked with her hand rubbing her temple.
"Uhm what do you want to you your Highness?" one guard asked.
"Well for instance where can we find information about some mines?" she asked after some seconds of thinking deeply.
"Mines of humans? well i guess we can ask some of the professors because they teach human stuff" the guard replied somewhat hesitantly, not knowing if that was what the Queen wanted to hear.
"Oh yes that's right! Silver has told me about that long time ago! so what are you two waiting for? get me a professor from the village and hurry up, i am losing my patience here so you better be fast or else!!" she barked at the now running guards who ran out of her room to go search for a professor.
One hour later they returned with a elderly looking man with a long white beard who looked frantically.
"Tell her everything there is to know about the humans!" one of the guards barked as he pushed the old man down on his knees on the cold floor.
"What....what exactly is it that you like to know your highness?" the old man croaked out.
"Tell me about mines, gemstone mines to be precise, are they the same as in the wastelands?" she asked while taking a seat at her chair.
"Well yes, there is no difference in those, maybe only the kind of stones might be different but i think that might be the only difference my Queen" the professor replied.
"What about ownership?" she asked next.
"Uhm well about i do not know much to be honest, its just knowledge about basic human things nothing more my Queen i am sorry!" he mumbled the last part, afraid of the outcome.
"Then why on earth are you a professor of human teachings?! get out! and you, get me the trolls!" she yelled pissed.
The guards pulled the old professor up from the floor and dragged him out of her room while he screamed in terror of what was to come.
After they had dumped him in one of the empty cellars below the castle the returned to the ground floor and went out and walked to the stables.
Inside he found the trolls having fun, laughing and drinking while watching some skinny fairy girl dancing in a cage in front of them. His eyes scanned the room and stopped when he spotted the ones he was looking for and strolled over.
Just when Aldrick was going to get some more drinks he spotted the two guards, strolling over, making him to stop in his tracks, while the others stopped talking and the fairy girl hid herself in the corner of her cage, shivering on the sight of the wicked queen's guards.
"Does any of you have knowledge of ownership of human mines?" One of the guards named Drago asked while looking around.
Slowly Silas raised his hand above his hand and waited.
"Good Silas, you come with us and tell the queen everything there is to know about that but know that if you fail, you will end up in the ice cold cellar, understood?" Drago asked Silas who gulped in fear.
As Silas waved goodbye to his brothers he walked in between Drago and Dragan who was his twin brother and walked back towards the palace and entered trough the back and went straight up stairs towards the royal bed chamber of the queen who was already on the verge of bursting in anger.
"Leave!" she yelled once the twins had delivered Silas and the walked away quickly before she changed her mind so they finally could put some food in their aching belly's.
"Silas, start talking already before i loose it!" she hissed, so Silas started talking.
A while later when he was done he waited on the queen's verdict, if she was happy or not with his ramblings as he wiped some droplets of sweat from his big forehead.
"Thank you! now do you know any group of men who are dressed in what looks like black armor with a man who they call boss with a name like Don Micah or something like that?" she asked next, making the troll to gasp in surprise upon hearing that name.
"You know the mafia king?!!" he returned the question wide eyed.
"If i knew i would not have asked you Troll! and what is a mafia king?" she retorted annoyed with an eye-roll.
"Your wickedness, he is the King of the underworld of the human realm! he is feared among all! i know this because my cousin had some dealings with the mafia in the past and it costed him his right hand!" Silas explained while the queen looked at him intently.
"Really, that Don Micah is a KING! well well, okay listen, do you know the old portal?"
"Yes i do!''
"Good! wait for me untill i am rady packing some stuff, after that you are going to bring me there!"
Silas opened his wide mouth to protest but swallowed his sentence of protest at the last moment, knowing it would not end well for him.
Twenty minutes later a group of guards and Silas and the Queen herself went down the mountain in a sled.
Once arriving in the village they went straight trough the mainstreet who was now very empty due to the time and went on the mountain erea just outside the village.
"'Guards you stay here and Silas you are coming with me!"" she ordered as she walked over the rocky mountains.
Once inside, Silas guided the Queen towards the place of the portal and waited for futher instructions.
"Okay, i will enter the human realm from here on on my own and will look for that King Micah and get Silver back, you can tell the guards to go back with you and let the twins show you where i keep a spare snowglobe so you can comunicate with the one Silver has and with mine, understood?!"
''Yes, yes but.....be carefull! that man...Micah he...he kills people and..."
"And what Silas? i don't? com on,what will he do to a woman like me? nothing! he is just a mre human and humans are WEAK!"" she laughed, just before she stepped trough the still open portal, as Silas watched on with a deep frown on his face.
While Silas walked back and did what the queen had asked him to do, the queen herself looked aorun in the cave she stood in, mesmerized of all the shimering stones she saw sticking out of the walls and ceiling.
"Okay where are you King Micah?! show tourself!" she whsipered as she grabbed her snowglobe and shook it.
She watched on as the dust of snow sytarted to part in the globe and a room appeared.
"There you are handsome!" she grinned as she watched as Micah was ready to get into bed.
With a firce determination, she started following the snowglobes magic trail that woul lead her staright to Micah. Along the way making plans of what to do when she would come face to face with this handsome thief.....
Meanwhile at Micah's mansion, Micah himself was laying in bed just finishing some last emails before he finally shut his laptop down feeling his eyes become heavy.
After he had shut his lights of he closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep slumber, not knowing what was coming, or better said WHO was coming for him!....
Some hours later while deep asleep, MIcah felt a sudden cold breeze caressing his naked chest, making him to shiver in his sleep while trying to pull up his bedsheet to cover himself.
As he sucseeded in that he turned himself in his sleep and mumbled something co-inherant and went on sleeping without seeing the woman in his room who sat now on th end of his bed on the edge as she watched him in fasination!
Suddenly Micah started to mumble again so the woman came closer and sat down next to him to hear the words he was saying....
''S...snowflake....!" he whispered in his sleep unknowingly making the woman gasp in shock upon hearing her nickname from the lips of this stranger!
"Sssht, it is just a dream!"' she mumbled back and caressed his cheek softly as not to wake him.
In his sleep Micah had started to dream and was chasing a beautifull woman with almost white hair who was laughing back at him while it was snowing making him smile in his sleep.
Suddenly the woman who was unknowingly to him in his bedroom, felt somethinug hard pressing against her leg and she looked beside her and when her eyes landed on the spot, an unwilling giggle escaped her lucious lips.....
"Ow, wow, well my dear slave king, that offer i wil accept gladly!"she mushed with sparkling eyes as she felt her own arousel staring to gather at her entrance.
She licked her lips at the side of Micah's raised hard member as she started to undress.
When she was completley naked she pulled the sheets down, revealing Micah's angry looking mushroom head and almost moaned upon the sight of him.....
"Now be a good sex slave, my King and don't move!" she whispered in his ear just before she sheated herself above his memeber and let herself sank down on him, moaning in utter bliss as she felt being filled to the brim......
Micah twitched in his sleep as he felt the sudden sexual intrusion and woke up in shock, only to find a woman who looked alomst the same as the woman of his dream, ridding his rock hard member with her eyes closed, while moaning in extacy!
What....what on...aarrgh on earth?!!" he groanned.