Chapter 4 More than a Beast?
The hallway seemed smaller and eerie without Savonnuh in it. Bea looked up one more time at her door before turning and walking back down to the tables on the bottom floor.
She timidly made her way through all the tables and people crowding in on each other. Were there this many people here when she went upstairs with Savonnuh? She couldn’t remember there being this many.
She came close to colliding with a woman holding a large bowl filled to the brim with what looked like boiled potatoes and pulled chicken. It made her stomach grumble and hurt.
The last thing she ate was a hardened chunk of bread that she’d saved from a few nights before and that was this morning.
Her mind drifted to thoughts of Savonnuh. Hoping that she wouldn’t be punished for not bringing her dinner, but she specifically said not to bother her until morning.
Thankfully the two guards were still at the table by the fire. One had his head back and was snoring. The other was huddled over a plate full of greasy meat and buttery rolls. Bea’s mouth instantly filled with saliva and her stomach began rumbling again.
She stopped at the side of the table, before sitting down in the booth next to the snoring guard. She wasn’t sure what she should ask first. Food? Or Bed? The guard may only have enough patience for one question. Which one was more important? Pulling her bottom lip into her mouth, she chewed. An old nervous habit that she’d picked up from her mom.
Finally deciding she asked, “Uhm. May I sleep in the carriage?”
The man stopped chewing and eyed her like she’d just kicked a puppy. “Carriage?” He asked. Spitting bits of flesh when he pronounced the C. “Fucking hell! Had I remembered the damn box, I’d have saved enough for a slut tonight.” He cursed once again into his food and then shoveled more of it into his mouth. Shaking his head in obvious irritation.
But if she couldn’t sleep in the carriage did that mean…? She refused to let herself hope before asking. “Where, if not the carriage? Master said I couldn’t bother her until morning.”
He eyeballed her again over a mouthful of bread. Grease had made its way into the guard's beard and instead of using the napkin lying under his forearm, he reached up and swiped his forearm across his face. Smearing the shiny substance through the rest of his beard.
“No, you dumb little Beast. You’re stepping up from slave for tonight. Your room is right across the hall from Ms. Savonnuh’s.” He made another irritated face before once again shoving meat into his mouth.
Her ears filled with a roaring and her heart sped. Her own room? A bed?
The guard said something else, and she knew she should be listening, but she simply couldn’t focus.
A place to use the restroom that’s not covered in buzzing flies? A light she could leave on or snuff out?
The guard banged his hand down, splaying his fingers out wide. She couldn’t help but be startled. The whole Inn had quieted down.
“You listening to me, you Mutt?” He clicked his teeth and took a deep breath. “Whatever, take this and get out of my sight.” He shoved the plate into her hands, tossed a key onto the table next to it, and stood, quickly walking towards the bathroom.
She looked down at the food beneath her face. More than half the plate was left. A whole roll was left untouched, out of the three that were given. She grabbed at the roll and shoved it into her mouth. Butter exploded over her taste buds and soft warm bread came next. It was so good that she didn’t care that she made soft appreciative noises with every bite.
“You keep sounding like that little Beast and I might just decide I want a warmer bed tonight.” The guard that had been sleeping was now awake. Probably due to the other guard’s outburst.
Quickly Bea stood, taking the plate with her. Turning slightly towards the guard still at the table she said, “Good night, Sir.” And then as fast as she could she made her way up to her room, unlocked the door, and plopped down on the floor just inside her room.
She devoured the rest of the roll before attacking the meat. It was the most succulent thing she’d ever put in her mouth. She was both satisfied and disappointed when it was all gone.
She spent the rest of the night playing with the bed and the windows and anything else she could get her hands on. When she finally slipped under the sheets and heavy comforter, she had to fight back the thought that this was all just a dream and when she woke in the morning with Buttercup, the heaviest of the boars in the pin, eating her hair she’d realize that it was in fact, just a dream.
She wasn’t aware when sleep finally overtook her senses and put her into a heavy, dreamless sleep.
The next morning, as she closed the door, the soft click of it behind her reassured her that she was in fact, not dreaming. She had just spent the first night she could remember sleeping like a human being. Taking in a deep breath, she crossed the hall and knocked on Savonnuh’s door.
As she waited, thoughts of last night’s meal tumbled through her mind, and she licked her lips. Would they give her more food today?
Silence met her. “Master?” Her voice cracked and she cleared her throat. “Master, it’s time for breakfast.”
Waiting but only hearing the other guests in the dining area had her ears ringing. A release of sadness. Her stomach knotted up high in Bea's throat.
“M-“ She paused to build up the nerve. “Ms. S-Savonnuh?” This time, she used the side of her hand to bang on the door.
She banged again and screamed trying to turn the locked handle, “Ms. Savonnuh!” Frantic now as anxiety and fear built within her. Had she somehow failed her role and her Master left her here alone? Was she abandoned? Her thoughts were tumbling over each other. Each one, worse than the one before it. “SAVONNUH!?”
She was banging again when the guards turned the corner to the hallway.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Said the guard who’d given her the food the night before.
“She’s not responding!” She was trying not to stumble over her words. If the guards were still here, she hadn’t been abandoned and the overwhelming relief of that fact was making her dizzy.
“What?” The other guard’s face drew in on itself in anger. It was his turn to knock on the door, but he received the same silence that Bea did.
He banged again, harder this time, “Ms. Savonnuh? We’re about to head out, may we send in Beastly?” His voice, belying his nervousness.
When there was no answer, both guards began banging against the door and yelling her name. They did this until finally, one of them shoved the other aside, and bringing up his foot, he slammed it into the door, over and over, until finally, the lock splintered and the door swung in.
Timed seemed to slow down for Bea. Dust was cluttering the air as the door swung forward and with a loud bang, it slammed against the wall. But it wasn't the door that held her eyes captive. Her master's hair did. As her lifeless body hung from the rafters, the morning sun shone through the window, hitting her golden hair like shining honey.