Chapter One:

Ambrosia POV:

It's been a very easy year after everything has calmed down, and things have been close to paradise for all of us and all of our neighboring packs and covens. There are no more hesitations when it comes to randomly visiting everyone. We are now able to go and do as we please without the worry that someone is hunting us down and trying to exterminate the existence of others. We have spent so much of our time building new relationships with the humans that we don't need the borders anymore. We have opened schools in between everyone so that our kids can experience a life of their own as they grow up. Make friends outside of where they live and a chance for everyone to find their mates easier. "Artemis get your shoes on please!" I yelled as I dressed Ari. We were heading over to Pythias to see the babies before we all had a meeting.

We were planning a huge annual ball, anyone who wants to come, can. It's our way of showing everyone the peace we worked so hard to get. I heard Artemis running through the house laughing followed by a larger thumping which told me Jackson was chasing him. "Come on Artemis, your momma will get us if we don't get ready." Jackson yelled. I laughed to myself, those two were just like each other. Same eyes, hair and personality. Artemis came bursting through the door with a wide smile on his face. Jackson surfaced after him with a look of exhaustion. "Come here son, put your shoes on please." I said as he sat on the floor next to me. "Then we can go see the twins?" Artemis asked. I was always amazed at how much he has grown in the last few years. "Yes, are you excited to see them?" I asked as I braided Aris jet black hair. She looked just like I did except my eyes, mine have always been a deep red but hers are a mix between mine and Jacksons.

"Uncle Tye said no boys are around baby Amina." Artemis said with a smile making me laugh. Tye has been overly protective and so has Apollo. "Well uncle Tye is just protective like we are of Ari." Jackson said as he put on his shoes. When we were all finally dressed we started to walk out of the house finally. "Ambrosia? You have a call." Braxton said as he was walking in. "Take a message please, I'll call them back when I get home." I replied with a smile. He nodded his head and walked back inside. "It's probably another school that wants you to teach again." Jackson said. "It has been nice teaching about who and what vampires really are but today is for the family before we all get back to reality tomorrow." I replied. "You should let me teach." Sage said. "Absolutely not, you get mad when a kid makes a corny joke." I huffed. "I don't get mad but if they make a joke then I should be allowed to growl. I mean you remember that one bratty little boy that didn't believe you kept me." Sage replied.

I do remember that. It was my first time appearing in a human school, even though the young wolves, witches and vampires knew who and what I was, the human children didn't want to believe that it was possible until Sage decided to growl out and try to shift. She needs to learn to have better manners if she wants to interact with them. I could probably talk Pythia into teaching with me and bringing Delilah, that will have to wait until they are both ready. "Have you heard from you know who?" Jackson asked. The last time I had seen Xander was when he was kicked out of the hospital, it seems he has dropped off the face of the planet not that I minded in all honesty. All he did was bring chaos with him and that was something I don't want happening. "No, I'm glad for it too." I replied casually. Xander and I grew up the same way but for some reason his hunger for power determined what he did in this lifetime. We lived a very long time and I couldn't imagine being as miserable as he has become. Sure I made a name for myself as being the heartless vampire queen that fights with no mercy but even as old as I am I have changed. I still fight with no mercy because some people just don't deserve it. When we got to Pythias house I just walked in. Beth was sitting on the couch with little Spencer and the Boys were on the floor playing with the new little twins and Apollo. "Hey guys! Come sit." Beth said with a smile. "Where is Pythia?" I asked. "She is upstairs doing something, she should be down in just a minute." Tye said over his shoulder. I put Ari on the ground and let her walk to the living room before I started making my way upstairs to see what Pythia was up to. I could hear her pacing around her room and something didn't seem right. I didn't bother to knock, I opened the door and there stood Pythia and Delilah. "What is going on?" I asked.

Pythia huffed like it would somehow help her, "The school that is close to us that Apollo will go to has asked me to teach a class, I'm not sure I'm ready for that." Pythia said. "Then don't do it. I mean it can be fun but you don't have to do it if you aren't ready." I replied. "They have been on my ass about it though. The older kids want to see Delilah and I because they are overly curious which is a good thing but still." Pythia said, pacing around. "Then tell them I will fill in for you until you are ready. I do it at least once a week in different schools." I said. "We both could go. I would feel a little better. I can fight in a stupid war but can't muster up the courage to talk in front of a room full of kids." Pythia pouted, making me laugh. "So that is what this is about. You are afraid to speak in front of those kids." I replied, crossing my arms over my chest. Pythia looked at me and narrowed her eyes, making me laugh harder. "Don't give me that look. I'll come with you and give you some encouragement. You'll be fine, just tell me when it is." I said, smiling at her.

"It's on Tuesday." Pythia said with a smirk. That is literally two day away. I rolled my eyes at her, "I'll be there no worries. Now come down stairs with the rest of us and let's catch up on the latest news." I said opening the door. "You make everything seem so easy you know." Pythia muttered. "Just because I make it seem easy doesn't mean that it is. You will be just fine." I replied. When we got back down Tye looked at me and smiled. He knew I would be able to get her to calm her little self down and relax. "Aunt Pythia!" Ari screamed as she ran to her. I loved how the kids always wanted to spend time with each other, it'll make them a lot closer when they get older and goddess forbid if something happens to us they will always have each other. "Where is Lucinda?" Jackson asked. "She is with Athea right now, she should be back this week sometime." Pythia replied.

Ever since Lucinda started staying with them Pythia has been more radiant than she has ever been and that made me happy to see. She deserved a mother figure after the horrendous mother she had. I still remember that crazy woman seeking me out to fight with her. I knew she was crazy and I wanted nothing to do with that but it all led to where I am today. I'm not sad that Pythia killed her because honestly if she didn't I was going to. I am not one that is fond of threats and it doesn't matter if they are a scare tactic or not. I always eliminate whatever threat is lingering towards me or my family without hesitation. A knock on the font door caught all of our attention and Braxton and Troy walked in with angry looks. "Ambrosia we need to talk." Braxton said coolly. I stood to my feet and walked outside and closed the door behind me. "What is it?" I asked. "Well that phone call earlier. He left a message." Troy said. "He? Who was it?" I already knew I wouldn't like the answer that came.

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