Chapter Seven:
WARNING: This chapter will have some graphic content in it.
Ambrosia POV:
We sat around eating and watching the kids play to pass some of the time, Sage was still digging her way around because I would feel the pressure of her pushing from time to time but it still wasn't bad enough to hurt which I was thankful for. Alley appeared in the room making the boys jump. We were all used to it but it was as if they just couldn't get used to all of it. "Don't be such babies." Alley laughed. "A little warning next time yeah?" Tye grumbled. "So tell me what's going on." Alley said, looking at me. "I think I have memories that have been taken from me. Sage is in there digging around but I know you have a way to actually see inside." I replied. "What exactly are you looking for?" Alley asked, sitting beside me. "Childhood memories, we are trying to figure out why Xander hates me so much but the only things I remember are partially good and nothing else." I replied. "Okay we can give it a try, get me some pillows and blankets and lay them out on the floor, I will have you lay your head in my lap so we are both comfortable. We are going back centuries so it might take us a while." Alley said quickly.
Tye and Jackson jumped to their feet and ran off leaving us girls alone. "Is it going to hurt her?" Pythia asked. "Depends on the memory itself and what we find. Physically there shouldn't be any pain but those memories may have been hidden for a reason." Alley replied gently. "Either way I need to know. There has to be a reason and maybe we can fix it so we can avoid another war." I said. "What if he just wants his own kingdom to run?" Pythia asked. "I suppose it is possible if he were to stay overseas but even then we would have to make rules and all for him to follow and abide by." I replied. "We will figure all that out once we get through this." Jackson said as they walked back in the room. We laid out all the blankets and I laid down. I rested my head on the pillow that was in Alleys lap while Jackson sat on one side of me and Pythia on the other side. "Once we get where we need to go I'll open the link so the three of you can see what we see okay? Just sit patiently, Jackson hold her hand to keep her grounded." Alley said.
Jackson laced his fingers through mine and I smiled at him. "Just remember that they are only thoughts and aren't real right now." Jackson said with a soft smile. "Close your eyes and take some deep breaths and relax." Alley said as she placed her hands on the sides of my head. I did as I was told and closed my eyes and rolled my shoulders back. It felt like I was trying to meditate, "Don't fight me on this, open your mind to me." Alley whispered. I started feeling a slight pressure building up before it felt like something popped. When I opened my eyes it was pitch black. "Alley? Alley!" I yelled out. "I'm here give me a moment." Alley said before I seen her hand light up with fire. She lowered her hand and little fire balls Ade their way down and started to spread out. "It is your mind, you hold the key to everything but behind ever door could be a hidden one. Start by separating your thoughts, let's start when you both started training and everything." Alley said. I heard a deep growl and looked over to see Sage walking towards us. "Did you find anything?" I asked. "In a way but something is keeping me from accessing it. Follow me." Sage said as she turned around and walked back where she was coming from.
We followed closely behind her until she came to a stop. It looked like a tangled mess, thick dark branches twirled around each other and they were laced with thorns. "I'm assuming what we are looking for is behind all of this." Alley said, stepping forward. She reached her hand out and the branches tightened aggressively. That's odd. How have I never felt something like this? "We need Pythia. This is thick with dark magic." Alley said. "How can you tell?" I asked. "Because I am white magic and it is trying to repent me from it. You don't carry white or dark magic so it won't shift but Pythia carries both so she might be able to do something." Alley said as she closed her eyes. For a moment she disappeared leaving me facing whatever the hell this was. "What do you think it is Sage?" I asked. "Honestly I'm not even sure, I've never seen anything like this before." Sage replied. I felt a breeze next to me and there stood Pythia and Alley.
Pythia smiled at me softly before she stepped forward, "This is very old dark magic, I don't allow anyone to practice this anymore." Pythia said, tilting her head to the side. "What is it? Why haven't I felt this?" I asked. "This is the ultimate protection, something bad is hidden behind this, you haven't felt it because it adjusts to you as you grow, learns your body and your mind to blend in so you don't even know it is there. Are you sure you want to know? what is this hiding?" Pythia asked, looking at me. I'm sure I would regret it but I needed this mess out of my head. "We have to know. What do we need to do?" I asked, feeling determined. "You have to will it to go away, once it starts to die off I will be able to break them and make a path for us. Just think about them dying off, you want to rid your mind of this." Pythia said standing next to me. It was like a giant puzzle that finally started to move, the branches started changing colors and Pythia stepped forward and started breaking her way through them.