Noah Miller.
The walk to college was fairly uneventful, apart from the fact that people looked at me strangely because I was eating two sandwiches while walking. All I did was ignore them. I see Dylan crossing the street.
'' Dylan! '' I caught his eye.
He looked at me and waved his hand. I walked in quick steps towards him.
''Noah!'' He hugged me. ''I missed you. '' That made me roll my eyes.
''You saw me yesterday, Dylan.'' He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.
Come on. I can't miss my best friend.'' I snorted at that.
''It's okay; I missed him too. '' Actually, I did.
Staying indoors and being ignored all the time is quite frustrating.
'' So, where do you want to take me? '' I asked as we started walking again.
''We could go to a nightclub.'' I looked at him in surprise. '' What?
'' Are you crazy? Since when do I like this kind of place? '' He snorted.
'' Stop putting yourself down, Noah; you're beautiful. '' I nodded.
'' I don't care about that, Dylan; I just don't feel comfortable in a place like that.
'' You have to go out for a while, Noah. Do you always want to spend your weekends with your family, who only work? They're too stupid, so let's go out for a while and relax a bit.
I let out a sigh at that.
'' But... I'm ashamed.'' I said, stopping walking and looking at the floor. ''It's very difficult to have good self-esteem with those idiots in our class.
'' I know how hard it is to hear these things about you, Noah. But you're a very handsome young man. I'm not saying this because I'm your friend; I'm saying it because it's true.
I smiled sideways at that.
"I really appreciate you being my friend." He smiled and hugged me.
''And you can always count on me for anything.
'' Now let's go to that hell we call college. '' That made me laugh.
We started walking again.
"Did you see the news about the De Luca couple?" I looked at him.
''No, what happened?'' I asked curiously.
''There are rumors going around that they're bisexual. '' I was very surprised by this information.
'' But do you really believe that? '' I asked, and he shrugged.
"To tell you the truth, no. I don't really believe it. It must be people who want to keep them and create this illusion. '' I nodded.
'' That's to be expected; they're the most famous couple in the United States. There must be a lot of people wanting a chance to have them in their beds. '' I said, and he agreed.
"I'd like that." He laughed, and that made me nod my head.
08:15 '' Columbia University '' New York '' USA.
We let out a sigh when we arrived at the college.
''Our happiness is over. ''I said sulkily.
Yes, let's go in.
We headed inside the college and ignored everyone on the way, who kept smiling mischievously at us.
'' Are you going out with me today? '' He asked again.
''I don't know, Dylan.'' I said it, a little unsure.
'' Please, Noah. '' He put his hands together and looked at me with his little pouty face.
''Don't look at me like that, please. '' He kept looking, and that made me sigh, defeated. ''All right, we can go.'' He started jumping up and down with excitement.
"We're going to have a lot of fun." He said it excitedly.
Dylan is twenty''three years old, but he doesn't even look that age; he's very boyish when he wants to be; he's short and dark; his hair is purple; he dyed it recently; and his eyes are light green. We met in the college library. I was reading a science book when he came in and sat down at my desk, already chatting. After that, we became friends.
''What time?'' I asked while he was still jumping around excitedly.
''We can go at eight, if that's okay with you, of course.'' I nodded.
''All right, my family would give God the glory for me leaving after a thousand years.'' I said this as we walked into our living room.
''You can sleep over after the nightclub.'' I nodded.
'' They won't let me; they're afraid to let me sleep at other people's houses. '' I said begrudgingly.
'' Your parents are overprotective, but all they do is work and leave you on the sidelines.
'' There's no need to get angry about it, Dylan. '' We sat down in our usual places. '' I'm used to it.
'' You don't have to get used to being forgotten all the time, Noah. If I could, I'd steal you away from your family. '' I put my hand on top of his.
''I really appreciate that, but you don't have to stress about it, Dylan.'' He sighed at that.
''It's okay; I'll try to control myself a bit.'' I smiled at that.
Thank you.
'' Look guys, the couple in the room! '' Jacob spoke loudly, attracting people's attention.
He's the most popular boy in college; he's picked up all the girls here and even the teachers, or so the rumors say.
He's tall, maybe six feet tall, white, with black hair, a tattoo on his neck, and light brown eyes.
''Are the fags going to start hitting on each other so soon?'' He asked, grinning evilly, and that made me sigh.
''And is the asshole going to start picking on me so soon?'' Dylan asked seriously.
He smiled sideways.
''I see the little beast is fierce.'' He looked at me. ''You should control your little animal better.
I looked at him, surprised.
'' Animal? You called me an animal!!!'' Dylan stood up angrily.
'' Dylan. '' I grabbed his wrist.
'' Yes, I did. '' He moved closer, coming face to face with Dylan. '' What are you going to do?
'' That's enough, you three! '' We looked back to see the teacher enter. ''Go sit down now!
'' You're lucky. '' He said, turning his back to us.
'' That fucking bastard! '' He sat down very angrily. '' I hate that bastard! I feel like killing him, but unfortunately, I don't want to be arrested.
I held his hand, and he smiled slightly.
'' I know you prefer to ignore it so you don't get into a fight, but I can't ignore it. I'm sorry. '' I smiled at him.
"There's nothing wrong with that, Dylan; you can relax." He nodded, and we went back to paying attention to the teacher.
I wonder why he always picks on us. I'm sure we're not the only gay people here, but he really likes to pick on us. Also, I'm not the only nerd here; Jacob is a real jerk.
I really need a beer to drown my sorrows.