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Chapter 3 Is She Really Pregnant?

"What do you think my punishment for you will be?" He narrowed his black eyes, his tone inscrutable.

Hearing this, Lauren panicked. "I didn't mean to, it was...”

“No, I can't die, I still have so many things to do, I..." Lauren, sensing danger, blurted out irrationally.

She had heard stories of Quentin's ruthlessness but never imagined it being turned on her.

"Aren't you tired of being placed in this position?" Quentin asked lazily, a commanding presence without even showing anger.

"Never." Lauren suppressed the panic within her and met his gaze with unexpected resolve.

She made many mistakes, but she never regretted marrying Quentin, even though he never showed her a hint of tenderness.

"Hmm! Interesting," he said.

Quentin leaned in, pinning Lauren beneath him, an ambiguous tension weaving between them.

"What are you going to do?" Lauren asked, trembling with fear.

A devilish smile crossed Quentin's face. "Exactly what you've been wanting."

With those words, his hand reached for her collar and mercilessly ripped open her clothes...

"Quentin, I just wanted to have your child," Lauren suddenly said.

At her words, Quentin's movements froze. After a moment, he pulled away from her, his tall figure standing by the bed, his back rigid and facing her.

After a long pause, his deep voice filled the air, "Lauren, you are not worthy of carrying my seed!"

Lauren felt her heart shatter into pieces, a visible desolation sweeping across her fair, innocent face.

If not for the Dowager, she wouldn't have thought about bearing his child. Yet, as his words echoed in the air, a peculiar unease settled over her, stirring an unsettling sensation within her heart.

‘Lauren, sweetie, it's been two years. You never cared before, so why the anguish now?’

She let out a self-deprecating chuckle, her slender fingers reaching for the collar of her blouse, buttoning it up one by one, her heart a tumult of different emotions.

In the half month that followed, Quentin didn't return.

Lauren's days seemed to have reverted to the very beginning, as she kept vigil over the villa alone, like a pet, caged within its walls.

Without expectations, she might have been fine, but once hope ignited, she could never go back to how things were.

She became inexplicably short-tempered, and with her period being annoyingly overdue, Lauren was on the verge of a breakdown.

She went to the hospital alone for a check-up, anxiously waiting for the results by herself until...

"Congratulations, you're pregnant. Two weeks along, and the baby is very healthy," the obstetrician said to her.

Lauren's mind thundered as if struck by lightning.

She was pregnant!

Was she really pregnant?

"Doctor, are you sure it's not a misdiagnosis?" Lauren asked earnestly, her beautiful dark eyes wide with disbelief.

The doctor nodded affirmatively, "Yes, your husband should be thrilled to hear the news."


Lauren's bright eyes dimmed as she remembered his last words to her.

He said she had no right to bear his child.

Lauren bowed her head, her messy bangs falling forward, concealing half of her delicate face and her expression.

The doctor mistook her silence for joy and proceeded to tell her some precautionary measures, reassuring her not to worry, and reminding her that the child within is resilient and won't face any problems.

Lauren had already lost interest in listening and walked out of the hospital, feeling desolate.

Outside, the sun was blinding, and the temperature was soaring, but Lauren felt a chill throughout her body.

She wandered without direction until she found herself in front of a park entrance.

Entering the park, she found a spot to sit down aimlessly.

Shortly after, a colorful ball rolled to her feet, followed by a sweet voice, "Auntie, could you please give me back my ball?"

Lauren looked up and saw a little girl in a frilly dress, blinking her big innocent eyes at her.

In that instant, something healed inside her heart. She picked up the ball and handed it with a smile to the little girl.

"Thank you, Auntie," the young girl said politely.

Lauren's lips curved into a smile as she watched the little girl walk away, her hand instinctively reaching toward her belly.

Inside, a new life was blooming, and she wondered what it would unfold into when it grew up.

She found herself starting to look forward to it, even though everything was still so uncertain.

Biting her lip, Lauren pulled out her phone, as if making up her mind about something.

She dialed Quentin's number.

It was probably the first time she had initiated a call to him in over two years.

The phone rang for a while without an answer.

Lauren comforted herself with the thought that maybe he was busy. Just as she was about to give up, the call suddenly connected.

"Who's this?"

A sultry female voice stung Lauren’s ear deeply. Quentin's scandals had been numerous over the years, and she had grown accustomed to them. Yet, when she actually wanted to share a piece of personal news with him, it was another woman who answered. Her heart ached unbearably.

As she kept silent, she faintly heard a man's voice from the other end, "Who is it?"

"Some woman. I don’t know. She's not saying anything," the woman replied impatiently.

"Quentin, you better confess, are you cheating on someone with a new flame?"

"Quentin, I heard Mrs. Robinson is very open-minded. How about I move into your house? It would be more convenient for you, right?"

Lauren couldn't bear to listen to their flirting any longer and hung up without hesitation.

Her past weakness and indifference stemmed from having no one to protect, but now things were different. Her child was the motivation for everything she did, including facing that enigmatic man.

She hailed a cab from the roadside and gave the driver Quentin's company address.

Since he wasn't available on the phone, she'd tell him in person.

The car quickly arrived at the entrance to the company – a grand office building. Lauren stood at the door, feeling incredibly small.

She looked up at the seemingly endless skyscraper, thinking that if it weren't for that fortuitous act of saving someone, she would never be able to reach a man like him in her life.

Lauren sighed internally and stepped into the building.

She had never been to his company before, so no one recognized her.

The receptionist stopped her, "Do you have an appointment? Mr. Robinson is quite busy. We usually schedule in advance."

"I don't." Lauren pursed her lips. "But if you call him and tell him Lauren is here, he'll probably see me."

The receptionist hesitated but made the call. After briefly speaking, she addressed Lauren, "Please come this way, the CEO will see you."

"Thank you," Lauren acknowledged and turned to enter the elevator.

The moment her fingertip pressed the button for his floor, her heart pounded with nervousness.

Exiting the elevator, she was greeted by a low-key, luxurious office – a minimalist design in black, white, and gray that greatly highlighted the owner's taste and sophistication.

Her gaze unintentionally swept across the office, only to come to a firm halt on the silhouette within the frosted glass.

She had really caught him red-handed!

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