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Chapter 5 To End His Mistress's Life

Frederick's question was abrupt, but Felix immediately caught on to the fact that he was inquiring about the Davis family.

"I found out," Felix reported.

"The Davis family has invested a massive amount of money in real estate over the past few years that's now mired in disputes. The projects have been unable to start, making it impossible to recoup the funds.

"Plus, they have debts coming due this year, and suppliers and contractors have broken contracts. This has caused some of their ongoing projects to stall, leading to substantial losses. They've defaulted on payments, so their cash flow is completely deadlocked."

Frederick frowned, his expression turning serious. If the Davis Group didn’t inject a significant amount of capital to kickstart the projects soon, the company would likely face bankruptcy. No wonder Amelia proposed that she would agree to divorce if Frederick helped the Davis Group.

Noting Frederick's solemn demeanor and his silence, Felix ventured cautiously, "I've heard that Mrs. Hastings's sister has started to liquidate the Davis Group’s properties to pay off debts. But they're getting lowballed, prices going for 30% under or even lower than market value."

Many in the North City business district were waiting to see the Davis Group falter, ready to snag a deal at their expense.

Felix had thought that sharing this information would spur Frederick into action. However, Frederick simply sat with a cold expression, without offering any opinion. He really was an enigma to read.

In the hospital, Amelia held Daniel's medical report in her hands, scrutinizing every detail. Only when she was certain that there were no issues did she pass the papers to Daniel.

"Your body functions are all healthy," she said. "Here's your report. Make sure to keep it safe."

Daniel looked at Amelia's earnest face and felt a wave of pleasure. He said softly, "It's hard to believe that the girl who used to cry so much has become an excellent attending physician."

He reached out to take the handed-over report, glanced at it briefly, and smiled.

"If I remember correctly, you used to say you wanted to be like your sister. How did you end up as a doctor so suddenly?"

Amelia's smile stiffened slightly. Years earlier, Frederick had been seriously injured, nearly losing his life. Back then, Amelia was madly infatuated with him. Despite Rachel's objections, she impetuously chose to enroll at Nordianville Medical University.

Now, as she reflected on her impulsive youth, there was a tinge of regret in her heart. If she hadn't pursued medicine, she might be working hard for the Davis Group now.

"It was a coincidence," Amelia replied softly, unable to hide the melancholy in her eyes.

Daniel continued to smile gently, though his clear eyes harbored a touch of complexity.

"It's good to study medicine. You can make a great contribution to the people. The Davis Group will pull through. Don't worry too much, Amelia."

While speaking, Daniel tenderly ruffled Amelia's hair, just as he used to do.

"I'll take you out tonight to meet some real estate tycoons. They might be really interested in Davis Group's projects."

At the mention of "Davis Group," Amelia's mood plummeted.

"Is Ms. Davis here?"

The office door was pushed open from the outside. Amber stood at the threshold, pausing in surprise before offering an awkward smile and speaking softly, "Sorry, I saw the door was ajar... I hope I'm not interrupting?"

Seeing a patient enter, Daniel calmly withdrew his hand, picked up the report from the desk, and rose from his chair. "I'll pick you up after work."

Before Amelia could respond, he strode out the door.

Amber stepped aside to let Daniel pass, smiling. "Is that your boyfriend? He's quite handsome."

Amelia was slightly irked but didn't correct her. Noticing Amber still standing at the door, somewhat puzzled, she asked, "Ms. Roberts, did you need something from me?"

Amber was surprised to see Amelia. "You're the god-granddaughter Mrs. Brittany claimed yesterday, Frederick's god-sister."

Amelia didn't respond to Amber but looked at the medical report in her hand. Amber realized she was holding something Amelia needed, and she immediately presented the report to her with a slight grimace. "The obstetrician, Dr. Nicole Adams, asked me to bring this up to you."

Amelia was puzzled. She didn't understand why Nicole would send Amber to her. She reached for the report that Amber handed over. As she saw the diagnostic summary at the top of the report, she was shocked.

Amber wasn't pregnant!

Amelia's expression turned grave as she flipped through Amber's medical records. Amber, noticing her concern, quickly asked, "Ms. Davis, is there something wrong with my body?"

Amelia hummed deeply, looked up at Amber, and said seriously, "Today's report shows there's no viable fetus in your uterus. You need further examination. Usually, for a false pregnancy, there are two scenarios: an ectopic pregnancy or an ovarian tumor.

"Both situations require a family member to come in and sign for surgery as soon as possible."

Amber felt embarrassed. She lowered her head and was silent for a while. Then she looked up at Amelia with a troubled expression and asked, "Can I have my boyfriend come in to sign?"

Amelia, who was writing up a requisition form, paused, feeling a bit bitter. "Yes," she replied. After saying that, she handed the form to Amber, instructing her to go and queue for the examination.

Amber nodded, took the form, and stood up. She pulled out her phone to call Frederick. Her voice was weak and revealed her fear and despair as if she had just received a terminal diagnosis. "Frederick, please come to the hospital. There's something wrong with my body."

Amelia watched Amber walk away, rubbing her temples. She gave a self-deprecating smile. She organized the documents on her desk. Fortunately, she had a surgery scheduled soon, otherwise, she might have had to encounter Frederick.

The thought of her husband bringing his first love in front of her, his lawful wife, to seek medical attention made Amelia uncomfortable. To avoid any disturbance, she went early to the surgical suite to prepare for the operation.

Four hours later, she left the operating room. The sky had darkened outside. After hours of intense work, she felt physically and mentally exhausted. Moreover, she was in the early stages of pregnancy. When she came out of the operating room, her hands were trembling.

Amelia, who was in charge of the interns, appeared exhausted. An intern doctor immediately approached and offered his hand for support, respectfully saying, "Ms. Davis, may I assist you?"

She gave a weary smile, not rejecting his kind gesture, and joked, "I'm getting old, not as energetic as I used to be."

As soon as the words left her mouth, she felt a sharp gaze upon her. Turning to look, she saw Frederick standing with Amber, both wearing cold expressions not far away.

Amelia stiffened, slowly withdrawing her hand from the intern's grasp.

Nearby, their department head, Ralap Zepho, was all smiles. He approached Amelia with enthusiasm. "Ms. Davis, you've finally finished the surgery. Mr. Hastings and Ms. Roberts have been waiting for you for hours. Mr. Hastings greatly admires your surgical skills. he specifically requested you perform Ms. Roberts' surgery. Please, go examine her."

After speaking, Ralap leaned in to whisper, audible only to him and Amelia, "Mr. Hastings said if you operate on Ms. Roberts, he will donate a new set of medical equipment to the hospital. Amelia, whether our patients can benefit from the latest medical gear is all on you."

Amelia frowned. No matter how patient she was, this irked her.

She thought, "Frederick must be out of his mind. I've been deliberately avoiding them, yet they have the audacity to seek me out! Isn't he afraid that I won't be able to control my emotions in the OR and accidentally kill his love?"

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