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Chapter 6 Denying the Surgery

Ralap, still beaming, led Amelia to Frederick. As he was about to make the introduction, the usually kind-hearted Amelia spoke first, "I refuse to operate on her."

Her declaration took both Ralap and Amber by surprise.

Amber, jumping ahead of Ralap, asked urgently, "Why?"

Ralap also looked at Amelia eagerly, equally puzzled.

Amelia's lips were pale as she turned to Frederick with a faint smile. "I've been fully booked with surgeries recently. I simply don't have the time. There are many more skilled doctors in our department. Mr. Zepho is a remarkable talent as well. He could perform Ms. Roberts' surgery and certainly do it more reliably than me."

Ralap was about to volunteer, pleased by Amelia's praise, when Frederick's clear voice cut through. "Cancel the other surgeries, make time."

Frederick stood resolutely opposite Amelia. His face was expressionless, but his presence exuded an undeniable pressure.

Glancing at Amelia, then fixing his gaze on Ralap, he inquired, "Can this be arranged?"

Ralap looked at Amelia, then back at Frederick. He sensed something off between the two of them, but in consideration of the bigger picture, he promptly agreed, "Of course it can."

After speaking, he tugged at Amelia's sleeve and muttered quietly, "That simple surgery you have tomorrow, I'll handle it. You just focus on Mrs. Roberts' surgery. The hospital investment is depending on you."

Amelia frowned, feeling extremely unwilling, and she looked at Frederick with discontent. "I've not been in the best state of mind lately. Mr. Hastings, are you really comfortable with me operating on your girlfriend? Surgical mishaps are not uncommon. Please consider it carefully."

Ralap's expression turned to a mix of shock and awkward amusement. He hastily apologized to Frederick. "Ms. Davis might be a bit too tired, hence her less than ideal way of expressing herself. Mr. Hastings, please don't hold it against her."

With a flicker of anger, Amelia turned and walked away. Lifting her eyes, she saw Daniel waiting for her not too far away.

He was smiling and waving at her. Noticing her fatigue as he approached, he stretched out his hand to gently ruffle her hair, looking at her tenderly. "You look like you're about to faint. If you're that tired, we should probably cancel our date tonight."

The thought of the real estate tycoons Daniel said he would introduce her to flashed through Amelia's mind. If the Davis family's stalled property could be sold, it might provide some relief. "No, the date must go on. I'm not tired at all."

Instantly perking up, she strode to her office and slipped out of her lab coat. Then she left with Daniel.

Watching Amelia's departing figure, Amber spoke with a hint of envy, "Ms. Davis has such a loving boyfriend. He drops her off in the morning and comes to pick her up at night."

Lifting her gaze slowly, she looked at Frederick standing next to her. He appeared sullen, with an indistinct annoyance in his expression and a profound, icy look in his eyes. "I’ve had Felix help you with the admission. I must be going now."

Frederick left with an unyielding expression, stepping into the elevator without a moment's hesitation.

Amber stood still, watching the elevator doors close, and suddenly tightened her grip on the hand hanging by her side.

Daniel led Amelia straight to the restaurant. In the private room, only three seats remained unoccupied while the others were already filled.

As Daniel entered the room, he pulled out a chair for Amelia to sit before apologizing to everyone with a smile. "Sorry, we got held up in traffic. Thanks for waiting."

Everyone in attendance was a bigwig in the Kasfee business community.

The Vanderbilt family, an old and esteemed name in Kasfee, had spent years developing their ventures abroad but had always maintained their connections back home.

Daniel, now at the helm of the Vanderbilt legacy, naturally commanded respect, and people were willing to give him face.

"It's alright, we've just arrived ourselves," someone remarked.

"But since you were late, you have to drink three glasses," they playfully demanded.

Daniel agreed with a laugh.

As the gathering commenced, Daniel was attentive to Amelia. Their special connection did not go unnoticed, which made the crowd more receptive to the prospect of doing business with the Davis Group.

When Amelia discussed the Davis Group's projects, she could delve into details, and with Daniel's support, some began to entertain the idea of purchasing the land she spoke of.

"The city's development focus is shifting towards the west suburbs and north town. It seems that the Davis Group's land in the south suburbs won't see development for another decade, making it a less-than-appealing investment," someone pointed out.

"Mr. Vanderbilt, having just returned from abroad, you still need to acclimate to Kasfee's market and growth," said Frederick as he walked in, his tone indifferent but tinged with mockery.

As soon as he arrived, everyone rose from their seats.

"Mr. Hastings, didn't you say you were tied up and couldn't make it?" they asked.

"We started eating without you. It was an oversight."

The event coordinator quickly got up to greet Frederick, ready to offer him the best seat.

"Mr. Hastings, please, take this seat..."

Frederick, not sparing a look at the host, pulled out the chair next to Amelia and sat down gracefully.

Amelia felt as though the pressure in the room had suddenly dropped, and she instantly straightened her spine, knowing Frederick wouldn't make things easy for her. She hadn’t expected him not only to withhold support for the Davis Group but actively disrupt their business dealings.

The atmosphere tensed. Amelia, slightly angered, glanced sideways at Frederick.

He looked back at her calmly, his composed demeanor suggesting he wasn't the one who had just stirred trouble.

Noticing the tension, everyone took their seats in an attempt to relax the atmosphere.

Amelia controlled her frustration and was about to speak when Daniel, seated beside her, interjected, "That might not be the case.

"Mr. Hastings, perhaps you forgot about the millennium-old church in the south suburbs."

Frederick narrowed his eyes, his gaze lingering on Amelia and Daniel for a few seconds.

Amelia caught a hint of mockery in the depths of his piercing gaze. Frederick was about to retort to Daniel when she quickly stretched her hand under the table and placed it on his leg.

If he continued to spout nonsense, that piece of land would likely remain unsold!

The sudden touch of Amelia's delicate hand on his leg made Frederick smile subtly, casting a meaningful glance at her slender, fair hand.

The skin where she touched seemed to ignite a tiny flame within him.

Yet, she appeared calm and composed. Glancing sideways at him, she forced a smile so fake it couldn't be mistaken for genuine.

"Mr. Hastings, while the southern suburbs may not be within the city center's plan if the Millennium Church were transformed into a commercial district with attractions to draw tourists, wouldn't that hold commercial value as well?"

Frederick regarded her with a slight squint in his eyes as if weighing his thoughts.

Amelia tensed. She was acutely aware that the Davis family's ability to sell this parcel of land hinged on Frederick's response.

Her eyes, pretty and appealing, flickered slightly. She stared at him, fearing he would reject her proposal.

"Hmm," Frederick replied, his tone cool and slightly hoarse.

"Such a plan might indeed be valuable."

Amelia breathed a silent sigh of relief and slowly withdrew her hand. But the next second, he took hold of it firmly.

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