Breakfast at the Office
I bounced down the hallway to the kitchen, breezing past an annoyed Joey, who stood by the front door, tapping his foot. I grabbed the breakfast I made for him off the counter before hurrying back to him. I smiled at him as I grabbed my new purse.
“Okay, I’m ready,” I announced.
He narrowed his eyes on me. “Oh, so glad that you could deem yourself ready. We’re ten minutes late.”
I pecked his cheek. “It’s 8 AM, Joey. You said we start work at 9. We are only 10 minutes away from the office. You’re being ten minutes late; everyone else’s half an hour early.”
He frowned at me as he slammed the door and locked it. “Time is important, Madison. My clients are very rich and don’t wait for anyone. Next time you’re late, I will leave you here to walk.”
I stared at him angrily. “You would make me walk?”
“Yes. I said I was leaving at 8 AM. I meant it. This will be your only warning. Don’t be late again.”
“Fine!” I snapped.
I walked past his car, earning an even more aggravated noise from him. “What are you doing now?”
He groaned as I turned onto the street. I heard his car start behind me, making me even more furious at him. He pulled up beside me with the window wound down.
“Madison, get in the car.”
I shook my head. “Fuck your car, Joey. There’s more to life than money and being on time. I’ll walk. Fresh air is good for the soul.”
He cursed loudly before zooming off. As soon as he was out of sight, my shoulders slumped. I was severely disappointed in how our morning had started. I had shyly snuck into my room, trying not to wake him up. I had expected him to sleep in one of the guest rooms and was completely shocked to find him curled up in my bed, cuddling the pillow I had spritzed with my lavender peppermint oil. I was just getting out of the shower when he knocked on the door to see if I needed anything.
I had almost invited him in to join me in the shower, but I had chickened out at the last moment. When I got out of the shower, I quickly got dressed before checking to make sure he was getting ready, so I could whip him up some breakfast without him knowing. I wanted it to be a surprise. I wanted him to be happy with the fact that I was the one under his contract. I looked down at the large red container in my hands. Fuck him. If he wanted to be a dick, I would just sit at my desk and let him fend for himself for breakfast.
I would enjoy the cheese, ham, bacon, mushroom, onion, and tomato omelet that I had made. I was going to glare at him as I slowly ate the thick homemade hash browns smothered in cheese with even more sauteed mushrooms and eggs. I had even thought far enough ahead to fill one of the smaller compartments with a mix of fresh-cut cherries, almond chunks, and small granola balls, just like he liked.
“Fuck him,” I mumbled as I made the second turn.
“You really shouldn’t talk about your boss like that,” he said as he fell into step beside me.
I jerked away from him with my heart pounding like crazy. “What the hell are you doing?”
He raised his eyebrow. “Taking time to smell the flowers.”
“I-I thought you were already at work,” I stammered.
“My car is there. Jane gave me a lift back so I could walk with you.”
“Why would you do that?”
“Because, babygirl, there’s more to life than money and being on time.”
“Such as?”
He grinned at me. “Such as the sun shining above as I walk to work with the most beautiful woman at my side.”
I glanced at him. “Flirting is not in the contract,” I told him.
He grinned mischievously. “There’s a lot of things not in the contract, Maddie, like letting you sleep in my bed and eating you for dinner.”
I flushed. “You didn’t get another plate? There was more.”
“I didn’t, no. Your delicious food wasn’t what I wanted seconds of.”
“What do you- oh.” I blushed harder. “I was so right last night. You are such a perv.”
He chuckled as he held the door open for me, his eyes glinting down at me. “After you, Miss Morgan.”
I smiled sweetly at him. “Thank you, Daddy.”
His smirk faltered as I walked past him, only getting close enough to let him smell my perfume. He followed me into the elevator, where we rode silently up to the office. He greeted Jane before going into his office. She smiled at me.
“Good morning, Miss Morgan. I hope your evening was good.”
I nodded. “It was, thank you. How was yours?”
“It was pleasant. Let’s get started. The first thing you do in the morning is order Mr. Morgan breakfast.” She held out a notebook to me until I took it from her. “These are Mr. Morgan’s favorite meals. He is very strict about what he eats every day. Today is Friday. That means he will only accept three over-easy eggs, two pieces of bacon, three pancakes, and a coffee from IHOP. I have already placed the order for you since you were late this morning. You are to make sure his food is here right at 9 AM.”
“Yes, Mrs. Taylor,” I said, trying to ignore the pang of hurt in my chest as I looked at the tupperware container that I had placed on her desk.
She explained how to review his schedule for the day, where to check to see if there were any phone calls or other business he wanted done that day, and how to preorder his lunch, which was also written down for me day by day. When a delivery guy arrived, Jane signed for it before handing it to me with orders to take it to him. I glanced at the time, thankful that I had five minutes to get his breakfast to him so I could reheat the breakfast I made for myself since he had breakfast. After heating up my breakfast, I carried both into his office, locking the door behind me. He clicked on something on his computer before smiling at me. I held up his food.
He leaned back in his chair with a smirk on his face. “Try again.”
I set both containers of food down on the desk before starting to unbutton my blouse. “Your breakfast, Mr. Morgan.”
His eyes moved down my body with my fingers. “What are you doing?”
My hands faltered. “I thought for breakfast I was supposed to be naked,” I whispered.
He pushed his chair back. “I’d rather you come join me for breakfast. I want to show you something.”
I hesitantly walked around the desk to sit on his lap. I looked at his screen and was surprised to see that he was watching videos of dogs on his computer. He wrapped an arm around my waist as he played a video of a golden retriever being startled by his own fart. I opened his container before reaching for mine as he took a bite of his food. When I began to eat mine, he kissed my neck.
“Yours looks delicious. I bet it tastes better than mine. Want to share?”
I flushed. “Well, I made it for you, but Mrs. Taylor said that you would only eat that so-”
“Ignore her, Maddie. Let me taste.”
I shyly held a forkful of the omelet up to his lips. He ate it, moaning in delight.
“That is the best fucking breakfast I’ve had since you left!”
I giggled as I held up another bite for him. “I was going to eat it in front of you as punishment for you being a jerk this morning.”
He turned my face so that he could meet my eyes. “I’m extremely sorry about this morning. I was a really big asshole.”
I stared up at him in shock. What did he just say? He pointed at the screen.
“This is called a Daschund. I always called them weiner dogs. I never knew they had another name.”
I giggled. “Daschunds are weird dogs. Now, if you want to talk about cool dogs, Rhodesian Ridgebacks are amazing.”
“Rhodesian Ridgebacks? Is that your favorite breed?”
“No. My favorite breed is the Lab. They are so smart, loyal and friendly. Just a big ass teddy bear. That’s what Minnie was,” I said sadly.
He kissed my shoulder. “I’m sorry Amber did that to you.”
“It’s not your fault,” I sniffled.
We spent the next hour talking about dogs while we watched videos. At 10:30 AM, he hugged me tight before telling me that he had to go. He had meetings outside of the office all day. My face must have looked crestfallen because he quickly promised to see me at lunch. He pecked my lips before walking me to his door.
“Noon. Carrie’s Diner, okay?”
I nodded, smiling excitedly. I loved Carrie’s Diner, but I hadn’t been able to go since I ran away. I never had extra money to splurge on their $10 loaded cheeseburger, bottomless fries, and handmade strawberry shakes. I was so excited I could hardly breathe as I made my way back to Jane’s desk. When he left 15 minutes later, I waved goodbye to him. I had renewed energy, and there wasn’t anything that could bring me down. Well, that’s what I thought until Jane pulled up a spreadsheet that held client contact information. Well, fuck. I was going to order two shakes for all this boring work that Jane had just stuck me with. Fuck my life.