Chapter One - Why is he here?
***McKenna ***
I arrive home from college, well, to my brother’s home. I am currently staying with him because I lost my apartment and job a couple of months ago, and he took me in. I know I will never be stuck while he was around. He raised me from when I was twelve with help from my grandma after our mother passed away and my dad ran off. Sadly, my grandma passed when I was fourteen, and it was only me and Carter. He was twenty, but he didn’t even think twice about taking care of me. He gave up his twenties to take care of me. Something I will always be grateful for.
He offered to buy me an apartment, but I told him no. I couldn’t take that sort of money from him, so my other choice was moving in with him. I help out the best I can since the job I have now pays way less than my last job because it is only part time. I am hoping I can move out in a few months. I feel like I have already stolen so much of his life. I don’t want him to have to give up anything else from me. Yes, I am twenty-two, but he forgets that sometimes and looks after me the way he did when I was a teenager.
I am done with classes for the summer, so I am hoping to find a second job or a new position as full-time staff to help with my apartment fund. As I parked in the driveway, I noticed an unfamiliar car. Carter must have someone over. If it were a woman, he would have texted me to let me know, and I would have come home later to give them some privacy. It must be a friend or something to do with work. My brother has his own business.
I grab my things and stroll inside. I freeze the second I step in the front door when a familiar laugh rings through the house. No, it can’t be. He can’t be here.
“McKenna, can you come in here, please?” Carter calls out.
I am sure I am imagining things. I take a deep breath and head into the living room. It would seem I am not imagining things. My brother’s best friend Paxton sits on the sofa beside him. To me, he is my brother’s best friend, but to everyone else, he is one of the biggest rock stars in the world.
The man who I have not seen in about six years. My first crush. No, it was more than a crush. Yes, I was young, but he was my first love, even though I knew I would never have a chance with him. Paxton and Carter have remained close since he left, but I have not even as much as heard from him. He was there for Paxton and me when we went through some of the hardest times in our lives, but then he vanished to chase his dream, and I believe he forgot I even existed.
I still and my breath hitches in my throat the second my eyes fell on Paxton. He is still so damn handsome. His dark hair is longer than it used to be. His dark eyes, almost black, still seem like they hold the entire world in them. I notice the piercing on his brow about his left eye and the one on his lip, too. He has been working out, that is for sure, his chest and arms are bigger. Yes, I have seen some videos and photos of him online because it is impossible not to since he is everywhere. I just haven’t paid much attention to them because it took me so damn long to get over him, which was pathetic considering he was never mine.
“Hey, Kenna, it has been a long time,” Paxton says and flashes his beautiful smile at me.
I swallow hard when he does. His smile was always a weakness for me. I am sure it is the same for many people.
“What are you doing here?” I blurt out.
He chuckles and stands, strolling over to me, tall and confident.
“Because I missed you, dimples.” He smiles.
Oh God, I have not heard that nickname in such a long time. He is the one who gave it to me because, apparently, I have dimples when I smile.
“Don’t call me that! I am not a kid anymore.” I protest.
Paxton glances me over from head to toe, “No, haven’t you grown up well, Kenna.”
Kenna is another nickname only Paxton has ever called me. I don’t like it. No one else calls me, but he always did.
“Seriously, why are you here?”
The annoyance is breaking in my voice. I shouldn’t be annoyed at him, but for some reason, I am.
Paxton rubs the back of his neck, a nervous habit he has always had, “I needed to get away from it all for a little while. Carter said I can spend the summer here with you guys.”
I have noticed from what I have seen online or what Carter has said about Paxton that he has been getting into a lot of trouble for the last couple of years. Drinking, drugs, partying, fighting, being rude to people, and I am sure he got caught with a sex worker at one point. I have no idea what has happened to him because he was never like that. Yes, he enjoyed having a good time, and he liked the ladies, but not to the extent he seems to now. It is a shame because he used to be one of the good guys with a heart of gold and respected people. The only thing I can think of is that fame has become too much for him.
“Okay.” I shrug.
Paxton looks at me strangely, “Really, I haven’t seen you in six years, and that is all you have to say?”
“What do you expect me to say?”
“Can I at least get a hug?” he asks, his big doe eyes staring down at me.
He extends his arms. I hesitated but stepped in closer, and he wrapped me in a tight hug. God, he smells good. No, I can’t go down this road again. I hug back, and when I do, his seems to tighten.
“Can’t breathe,” I whisper.
He chuckles and pulls back, “Sorry, dimples.”
I glare at him, “I told you not to call me that.”
A smirk rises on his lips, “I know, but I am not one for listening well.”
I roll my eyes at him, “Call me it again, and you will regret it.” I huff.
Paxton steps close to me, “Damn, when did you get so feisty? The last time I saw you, you wouldn’t even as much as say boo to a mouse.”
“People change. You, of all people, should know that.” I snap.
“Kenna, why do you seem mad at me? Have I done something to upset you?”
He looks confused and hurt at my coldness towards him.
“Nope. I am going to my room.”
I turn and walk away before he has a chance to say another word to me. I rush upstairs to my bedroom, close the door and rest against it. I drop my bag on the floor and groan. Why am I so annoyed at him? There was no need for me to be so rude. I will apologise to him later. I feel like maybe I have pent-up hurt because he left, and I have abonnement issues after losing everyone else. It isn’t his fault. He went away to chase his dreams and make a better life for himself, which he did.
I groan in frustration at myself and toss myself onto my bed. I need a little time to process him being here. I must get used to it if he plans to stay with us the entire summer.