The Pack
"When i got back from taking her home the pack was in the meeting room and i knew they wanted answers. Dominick was the first to speak he usually always is." Why did you bring a High Priestess here Logan? You know what she could do to this entire pack if she is angry enough about the blast. She obviously didn't agree to come here or wasn't invited otherwise the protection spell wouldn't of worked. " Then Zach chimes in." Hey guys we all need to calm down here. That poor girl was happy with our Alpha. She was smiling and literally didn't put up fight or look scared at all til she got knocked on her ass. Lets see what Logan has to say.
"She is my Fated Mate guys. She doesn't know who i am or what pack we are, and she has a husband and 2 children. Her children are almost grown so she definitely has been with them a while. I am not even sure she knows about fated mates or why i have been watching her." The room went silent as everyone realized what i was saying. The Alpha has found a mate who is a full blown High Priestess witch and has a human family. This complicates things a little. I will need to get in touch with her again and we will have to see how much she really knows about what is going on. See if she knows anything about why we would be fated to each other and if she has heard from Selene at all. First i need to formally invite her to the lands so the spell doesnt kick her ass again, unfortunately i dont know her name. I will find it out though or find a way to get her here so she can safely cross."
My mother told me when i was a little girl that one day the man meant for me would find me. She never said it would be a wolf and a man though and i never imagined i would have a family when he finally did find me. I didn't know what she meant and since nobody ever came for me i forgot about it after a while. Some things just don't stick when it's not a constant reminder, until the black wolf started showing up. I knew there was something different about him and now i know what it is. I don't fully know what he is or even what pack he belongs to but i know i have to find out. If this is what my mother meant and he is my mate then that would explain why he kept coming back and why i am not afraid of him. We would be naturally drawn to each other and be connected. That also means i have a huge problem. My husband and children!!!! They are not the problem but seeing as how i think the wolf is my fated mate being married to someone else and having kids may be a problem for him. This is going to be complicated and is not what i was expecting this day would go like.
"I don't care if she is my mate or not, witches dont follow our rules and a fated mate is not something they are allowed to get. There is a reason for this and we have to contact Selene and find out what it is and why. Is she able to be trusted? Is is a mean joke or a real bond. I always imagined i would have a full blooded wolf as a mate from a high ranking family. A wolf witch hybrid was not part of that fantasy. I do have to say though instead of being disgusted as most wolves would be i am very intrigued and am excited to see what is to come of this."
I feel this pull to go to the border of that pack. I know it is probably the mate bond trying to bring me and the wolf closer so we can bond but i can't do any of that until i know what is going on and why i have a wolf mate. As i walk into the livingroom thinking about only that i see my kids and husband sitting there looking at me. As much as I am dreading this I know what this is about and i am ready to have this talk. I sit on the couch and let them begin. "I love you with all that i am and our kids are almost grown so you have done your job there and been a good mother to our children. With that being said i know that something big is coming otherwise he wouldn't be here. A mate yes a choice yes but fated and forced with another can only mean that what is coming is going to need the union of an Alpha male and a full blood witch. It can't be our daughter because i am human and the men don't recieve any powers we both know it is only the female blood line. So we will accept whatever you choose but i know he will be coming back for you and you both are going to have to talk to selene. We love you and we will continue to love you no matter what Sarah."
With that i break down crying not knowing what to do but knowing i have to find out what is going on and what is coming. I stand and head to our bedroom for some time to think, this is all happening out of no where and i really just wish i had my mother to talk to about it all. As i sit on the bed there is a knock at the door and i assume it is one of the kids trying to console me so i say come in, as he enters it is nobody close to who i expect. Walking into my room is a full blown Alpha wolf. I know he is because of the Aura he is putting off and i can sense his power. He has dark hair, with some silver in it. Blue eyes that you can't help but stare at and muscles that look like he works out, but i know they don't have to just their runs keep them in shape. I don't know his name but i know he is the wolf who has been coming to see me. Behind him is my husband with a smile, " Sarah this is Alpha Logan, he needs you to go with him so you two can talk to Selene and find out what is coming. I have the kids and what they might need handled for a few days while you take the trip. Please be safe while you are gone and i will make sure everything here stays good. I love you." with that Logan steps in and my husband shuts the door. I swear if it wasn't for my mother explaining what was going on with me or going to happen later down the road i am pretty sure that my husband would of bailed a long time ago!!
18 Years Ago:
She is of age now and things are going to start happening. Things that neither her nor you will understand but will have to work together and learn to control. Her emotions are tied to her power Steven. As her power developes her emotions will have to be controlled some what. You can help guide her but it will be up to her the level of control available. There will come a day that Selene is going to call on her and need her and her power. A giant black Alpha wolf will be her protector and will be who finds her. I don't know his name or what pack he is the alpha of. For the wolf she will be his chosen mate but to Sarah she will just feel the need to be around him. What is needed of them together will be up to Selene but she will need to go. If you love my daughter and want to be with her as you claim then you need to know all of this. It may not be right now but it will happen and when Selene sets everything in motion you will need to make the choice to either let her go and do what is needed to save us all or choose to keep her to yourself and allow whatever is coming to come. Sarah will have trouble deciding due to the bond and the connection, she won't be able to do it alone. The choice will be up to you!!!