Chapter 10
Savannah’s POV
“Okay, more explanation!”
“He lives in the realm, but had to come to Earth. I can see him, because you know, being almost fae and all. You can't see him, but that might change now, I'm not sure about that. Anyway, I offered him a place to stay after I met him at the party. And the next day you moved in because of your sister. I panicked and that's why I acted strangely. It was so hard seeing you freaked out. I saw everything he did, but you saw nothing. He was the one who shattered that glass and played with the Ouija board. It was not a ghost or a spirit. I'm so sorry, but we had to do that. But, gosh, you were so stubborn and no matter what we did you always refuted and conjured some kind of scientific explanation.”
“Well, you know me. Were you expecting something else?”
“I was hoping that you won't make this harder than it has to be.”
“Is he really your family's friend then?”
“No, I've never seen him before that party.”
“So, you offered a stranger to stay with you? What if he hurt you Maddie?”
“He won't hurt me and I had to help him.”
“What do you mean you had to?”
“That's not my story to tell. He'll tell you everything. What is your plan now?”
“Honestly, I have no clue where to start. I need to find that grimoire, but nobody knows where it is. I don't think she left it in Salem, that'd have been too dumb, being hunted and all. Even if nobody else can read it, they can destroy it.”
“Nobody can destroy a grimoire who's not a witch, Sav. It's guarded with powerful magic. No human can destroy it. What they do to the grimoire, it'll happen to them too. If they try to burn it, they'll burn instead. If they try to bury it, they'll be buried instead.”
“Oh, wow. Okay, then it's definitely out there somewhere. It's probably a dumb question, but do you know a witch who can help?”
“I don't, but Zamyr can help.”
“Can we trust him? We don't even know him.”
“We can. I can't tell you why, but we can.”
“Okay, I'll give him a chance. Could Iris hide the grimoire in one of the realms?”
“There are only two possibilities. Earth or the witches’ realm. Nobody can cross the veil to other realms, unless they have a soulmate there. And before you ask, I can't tell anything about that either. It's not my place.”
“At least we narrowed it down. Dorothea said that my power will show soon. Do you know what I should expect?”
“I have no idea. You need a witch's help. They'll know that you're one of them too. They'd be stupid to refuse helping you. But I don't know which solution will be better for you. Finding a witch on Earth or in their own realm.”
“What do you mean?”
“We have no idea how you inherited the witch gene. Nobody else in your family showed potential. If Iris was that strong and you might be on the same level I'm not sure the witches here can help you. You might overpower them and that can cause a disaster. The witches in their own realm are definitely stronger and they could contain your magic if anything goes sideways. But given the history, they might not help you.”
“So basically I'm stuck between two not so good choices. Let's say the witches here will help me. What's the worst case scenario?”
“It's hard to tell. The destruction of your surroundings is a high possibility. Humans can see you and history might repeat itself. That definitely should be avoided.”
“Then I'll go somewhere remote, far from civilization and figure this out myself.”
“Absolutely not Sav! Are you out of your mind? You have no idea what to expect. There's no manual, nothing. What if you can't control it and something happens? It'd be different if someone in your family had a slight idea about being a witch. Let me remind you, there's no one. You're alone. I can't help you either. Only a witch can help you, you need to accept this.”
“Okay, okay. Calm down. I promise I won't do something stupid. It was just an idea. When we go home we'll look for a witch who can and will help. I'll take a shower. It's been a long day and I'm drained.”
Surprisingly, I took all this in well. No panic attacks and hysterics. My boring, mundane life changed into something else, something otherworldly. I made a promise to Dorothea that I'll do everything I can, to seek justice and discover the truth and secrets. I need to do this step by step. After my shower I felt like I'd fall asleep anytime now. I needed to pack, but I needed sleep too. In the end sleep won. The next morning I woke up to Maddie. She was packing.
“Good morning Sleeping Beauty.”
“Morning! What's the time?”
“It's 7. We need to leave in an hour if we don't want to arrive in the middle of the night. I packed your stuff too.”
“Thanks Maddie. How are you feeling?”
“I'm okay. Dorothea's potion helped a lot.”
I quickly did my business in the bathroom, got dressed and left the room. After breakfast we were ready to go. I’d never forget this trip. It opened my eyes and made me realize that some things, even if they sound insane, might be true.
“I'll drive Maddie.”
“Okay, tell me when you're tired and we'll switch.”
After lunch Maddie switched with me and I got to enjoy the scenery. I was starting to feel hot, so I turned down the heat. Maddie looked at me with a questioning gaze, but remained silent. About ten minutes later my head started throbbing. I closed my eyes and pressed my head to the glass. Soon after nausea followed and cold sweat dripped down my forehead.
“Maddie, can we stop for a few minutes. I'm not feeling good.”
“What's wrong?”
“I don't know. My head hurts and I might throw up any minute.”
“Do you have medicine?”
“Yeah, but I don't think I can keep it down.”
“Okay, let's not panic. Lay down on the backseat and I'll keep the door open so you can get some fresh air. If you don't feel better, I'll search for a doctor nearby.”
“Thanks. Hopefully whatever this is, it'll pass soon.”
I lost track of time. I could've been laying down for five minutes and for an hour even. My head was throbbing more and more as time passed and my nausea was worsening too.”
“That's it, I'll look for a doctor nearby. You look worse than you did five minutes ago.”
“I'm feeling worse too. I don't know what's happening.”
“Oh, God, Sav! You're burning up. Okay, we don't have a thermometer, but we have medicine. You have to take it, Sav.”
“I can't Maddie. I won't be able to keep it down. I can barely speak.”
“This is bad. We're in the middle of nowhere and there's no civilization for 40 miles.”
“Do you think this is connected to me being a witch?”
“Let's hope not. I don't know what to do in that situation and Dorothea didn't really specify it. And if that's what's happening we need help, like right now.”
“And from where do you want to get help?”
“I haven't figured that out yet.”
I opened my mouth to say ‘Then you should start thinking about that.’, but a scream prevented me from doing that. I was the one screaming, when the pain intensified. I felt that something wanted to burst out from my body, but it was trapped and couldn't get out.