Chapter 3

Zamyr's POV

The next morning I arrived at Maddie's house. Thankfully, she was already up. I was happy that she was chill about the fact that her best friend is mated to a fae. I accepted a glass of water and we sat down on the couch.

“Thank you again for your help with the situation.”

“I told you it's not a problem, but what exactly should I do? Sav knows me the best, I can't lie to her.”

“You don't have to lie. You just have to act normal when something 'strange' happens. You will be able to see it, but she won't.”

“I think I can do that, at least I hope so. She'll freak out, that's for sure. Please just don't make it seem like the house is haunted.”

“I'll try my best, but you know that it'll look exactly like that. Otherwise I won't be able to let her know about my presence.”

She couldn't say anything else, because someone was at the door. The moment I concentrated I could feel that the person at the door was my Rose. I saw them carrying two huge suitcases. Both of them were struggling. I wanted to help them, but it'd be strange if a suitcase just starts floating in the air. My Rose would run for the hills for sure. I watched in horror as the wheels of the suitcase got stuck and tumbled down the stairs with Rose. I reacted quickly and I caught her as subtly as possible and put her on top of the suitcase. My Rose didn't understand what happened and how she landed on the suitcase. I hated doing this to her. I hated seeing the confusion on her face.

When they carried the suitcases again I helped Maddie carrying it up the stairs and I catched my Rose looking at Maddie in a strange way. She figured out that something was different. The same thing happened with the glass. She was freaking out, but I had to let her know about my presence. When she went upstairs I was able to talk to Maddie.

“I feel so bad for Sav. She doesn't understand what's going on”

“I feel bad too, but I have no choice. I don't like to see the horror in her eyes, but you made a promise that you'll help me. You can't give up now.”

“I know, I know that I made a promise that I'll act like nothing's happening.”

“Also, try to be more subtle. Try to mask your facial expressions no matter what you see. Sooner or later she'll think that one of you is insane.”

“Sure, I'll try to be more subtle.”

She wanted to say something else, but my Rose came down. And shit, she caught us talking, but this time Maddie managed to divert it. She's getting better and better at this. I sat down on the couch and started thinking about my current predicament. Things were going pretty good. My Rose knows that someone's in the house apart from them and that's a good sign. She needs to keep believing that. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize that I slowly pushed the glass towards the edge of the table until it shattered on the floor.

Both women rushed in and I stood closely next to my Rose. When Maddie looked at me a frown appeared on my mate's face. She didn't know why her best friend was looking at something that wasn't there. That something was me, of course. When my Rose turned her head she didn't even realize that she snuggled up to me. I was standing so close to her and I was so happy at that moment. I knew that it wasn't real for her, but for me it was. Maddie watched all this and she blushed. She really needs to work on masking her emotions and expressions or this won't end well.

“Snap out of this. Try to act unfazed or my mate will think that something's wrong with you mentally. We have to work on this as it seems.”

I was aware of the fact that I had to go back to my realm after I left so abruptly in the middle of the night. I had to pack some of my things and figure out where I would stay. I was contemplating on asking Maddie to let me stay here, but I don't know if she'd agree to that request. Also I needed to let my people know that my soulmate is a human so it would take some time until they meet her. After the whole fiasco my Rose returned to the kitchen and continued cooking and Maddie gestured to follow her.

“What was that? You scared the hell out of me.”

“It was just an accident, I didn't even realize that I pushed the glass towards the edge of the table.”

“It's fine. What is your plan now?”

“I have to go back to the fae realm and clear everything up. I left in the middle of the night and I don't have any clothes on me. Once I finish I'll come back and continue with my plan.”

“Where will you stay?”

“I don't know it yet. It can't be that hard since I'm invisible to the human eye.”

“Stay here. You need to be close to Sav anyway. I have two guestrooms; one for you and one for Sav. I don't mind housing two people.”

“In that case I'll accept your proposal. Thanks Maddie.”

“Don't mention it. I can't wait to see my best friend in love. She deserves it after everything she's been through.”

I didn't ask my questions. I wanted to hear it from my Rose and not from a third person. I bid Maddie goodbye after I refused to take a ride to the outskirts of the town. I had powers and now they'd come in handy. After centuries it came naturally. Within minutes I was in the woods. I concentrated on the veil that separated the realms and soon I could see it. I took a step towards it and I was back in my realm. When the people saw me they quickly surrounded me waiting for me to say something.

“Everything's perfectly okay. I found my soulmate, but she's human. It'll take some time until I can make her believe in me. For that to happen I have to go back to Earth. In my absence Cedic will take over. Of course, I'll come back. I won't abandon my duties.” - as I was talking, Cedric emerged from the crowd and stood next to me.

“I'm happy that you found her. You deserved it after all those centuries.”

“Thank you Cedric. I'm happy too, but I don't have it easy. It might take me months if not years to make her believe in me.”

“You'll make it happen, I just know it.”

“I know. I'll do everything in my power, but she needs to start believing that everything she sees is real. And that's the hardest part. Her best friend is a fae and she's helping me.”

“Can you trust her?”

“Yes. She's different from the fae who left because they wanted to demolish the kingdom. I don't think she's ever been in the realm. She knows everything and respects her roots.”

“I hope you're right. Even though we can't lie, those fae have the ability. Be careful and don't get fooled. We can't lose a King.”

“You won't lose me Cedric. She's different. You're forgetting that many of the fae were forced to leave by their families even if they didn't want to.”

“I didn't forget them. I just don't trust them.”

I understood where Cedric came from. That period of time was hard on everybody. Those who wanted to demolish the kingdom were the minority. They didn't want war, knowing they'd lose so they left instead. It didn't matter that some of those family members wanted to stay, the elders made them leave.

After I packed my necessities I made my way back to the veil. Half an hour later I was unpacking at Maddies. She told me she'll make sure to keep the room locked so my Rose wouldn't see my clothes or the clearly occupied room. Deep down I wanted her to discover that the guest room next to her isn't empty. I wanted her to steal one of my hoodies. I wanted to see her in my clothes. I wanted her to sleep next to me so I could hug her. I wanted to kiss her and take her back with me to the fae realm.I wanted to undress her and pepper kisses all over her body as she moans my name. I wanted to see her naked then wake up next to her in the morning. I snapped out of my lustful thoughts after I realized I rushed forward in time. Soon after that there was a knock on my door.

“Come in.”

“I brought you some dinner. You left before lunch so you must be hungry.”


“Oh, before I forget, here's the key to the door if you want to lock it.”

“Thanks Maddie, for everything. For your help, accomodation and food. When everything's over you can ask for something as payment.”

“I'm not doing all this for money or something. I genuinely want to help you and Sav. All I'm asking for is that you will neve hurt her intentionally.”

“I promise you that. I'd never hurt my Rose intentionally.”

“Your Rose, huh?”

“Yes, she's my Rose and will be forever which in my case literally means forever.”

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