Chapter 1
Unknown’s POV
I'm not as strong as I used to be. I know that I need a child. She has to be much stronger, so she could defeat evil. I tried it hundreds of years ago, but the mastermind was able to escape. His followers died, but he had a daughter, so his bloodline continued. According to the prophecy, now he has a descendant, a small boy, more evil and fueled by revenge.
"My love, what are you thinking about?" -asked my one and only love. My soulmate.
"I'm worried about the future."
"You still have time to worry about that. Not much, I know, but enough to figure everything out."
"I have only 3 more months. Any more than that would be too late. Everything would be lost even before she could stand up for her people."
"She will be strong, just like you my love. I believe in her, even though she doesn't exist yet."
My sweet child, you have to have hope and faith. Without it everything good in this world will disappear and evil will rule.
I failed once, I can't let that happen again.
Jasmine's POV
"Jasmine Hope Silverstone, come here this instant!" - shouts my mom from the living room.
At the age of 20, soon 21 you'd think that this young lady isn't afraid of anything. Well, almost true. My mom wears the pants in the house. She can be quite scary when she wants to. My dad is a policeman, catching criminals on a daily basis, but at home he can be afraid of my mom sometimes.
Right now we're moving from Pittsburgh to a small town which is located in the middle of nowhere. I always forget its name; something about Creek, Wolfcreek, that's it. I know it's a strange name. I don't understand why they would name a town like that, I just hope that there aren't actual wolves. I love animals, but wild animals can be unpredictable. My mom is an elementary school teacher and she got a new job offer, so here we are. Packing and moving.
"Yes mom, what is it?"
"Why aren't you all packed up? We're leaving tomorrow."
"Relax mom, not many things have left. Did you check on Dave too, or just me?"
Dave is my older brother, we love each other, but he can drive me nuts most of the time. He just graduated from college, but decided to come with us and look for a job in Wolfcreek.
"I'll do so after I check on you. You have a tendency to leave everything for the last minute."
"That's not true." - I mumbled under my breath.
"What was that Jas?"
"Nothing." - I answer quickly, not wanting for WWIII to break out in our living room.
With that, I went back to my room. The minute I opened the door my phone rang. It was my best friend Aurora Maxwell. I've known her since kindergarten and we were inseparable ever since. The good thing is that she's coming to live with us. We're both in college studying to be vets. The college we chose to study at is in Wolfcreek and has a good reputation. In case you're wondering, why we only started attending college this year is because we both had a gap year and we didn't get accepted for the first try.
"Hi bitch!" - greeted me my oh so lovely best friend.
"Hey, Ro. Are you ready for tomorrow?"
"Yupp, can't wait to leave this place."
Her parents aren't the best. Her dad has a huge debt because of gambling and her mother has an alcohol problem. Not to the extent that they would treat her badly.
"I know, you've been telling me this sentence every day at least a hundred times since we've gotten the acceptance letter." - I tell her while laughing.
"Still, I have to say it a few more times."
"I know, I know. Don't get your panties in a twist. I'm going now, still have some things to pack up and it's already 9 p.m. See ya tomorrow Ro."
"Sure, tomorrow Jas."
After an hour and a half I finished boxing my things, took a shower and got ready for bed. As I layed in my bed I was thinking about the new chapter in my life. I just hope everything will be alright in the new town.
I was half asleep when my door opened, and Dave came in.
"Are you asleep? No, okay."
I didn't have time to answer or prepare when he jumped on my bed, crushing me as he landed on top of me. You see, it wouldn't have been a problem if he wasn't 6'1" and I wasn't only 5'1". A whole foot height difference.
"Oh, you cow. Move your ass off of me." - I desperately told him gasping for air as the weight disappeared. "What do you want? I was trying to sleep."
"Nothing, I was just bored."
"Ugh, I can't believe you. Want to sleep here?"
"Yeah, I was waiting for that question." - said my dearest brother while laughing.
"Scoot over a bit, you're still crushing my arm."
A few minutes later, I felt my eyelids getting heavy as I was falling asleep waiting for tomorrow to come.