Chapter 2
Jasmine's POV
When I woke up the next morning Dave was gone. Probably in the kitchen stuffing his face with mom’s delicious breakfast. After I finished in the bathroom, I got dressed into some shorts and a tank top and went downstairs for breakfast. I wasn’t surprised when I saw Ro at the table and the hall full of suitcases and boxes.
“Good morning fam!” - I greeted everybody.
“Morning!” - they chorused.
“Hurry up, especially you Jas, we leave in an hour. Make sure everything is packed, we won’t turn back once we leave.”
“Mom, why are you always emphasizing me in your sentences?”
“Because we all know you.” - said my dad, earning a laugh from everybody.
“Gang up on me, why don’t you?” - I huffed, and this made them laugh more.
After breakfast the moving truck arrived and we started to pack all the boxes. When we were done, we put our suitcases in the cars. Dave saved up enough money to buy his own car. I’m going with him and Ro, and our parents in a separate car. During the car ride we made a few stops to eat, use the bathroom and fill up the car with gas.
After the 10 hour car drive we finally saw the sign saying we arrived in Wolfcreek. The town was quite big, with schools, a mall, a doctor's office and various restaurants and designer boutiques. As we drove down the main road we saw a few people. Some of them seemed to be around 20, others were younger, probably high schoolers. Few minutes later Dave parked on the driveway and we got out of the car. Mom and dad arrived already and they started to bring the suitcases inside. When everybody and everything was inside it was time to choose between the bedrooms. I knew that apart from the master bedroom only one more room has a big balcony. I looked at Dave and started to run up the stairs.
I arrived first and immediately fell in love with the room. I opened the balcony door and stepped outside. Seconds later I sensed Dave’s presence beside me.
“It’s not fair, Jas, I’m the older child.”
“You snooze, you lose big bro.”
He just huffed and left my room. As I was standing on the balcony, the Moon started to rise. It was almost a full Moon. Ever since I was little I felt connected to the Moon and I can’t explain why. When it’s closer to the full Moon, this sensation is getting stronger and stronger. My mom told me not to worry about it and that it’s normal to love the view of the night sky full of stars and the Moon. A little while later I went downstairs to get my stuff and saw that Ro was doing the same.
“Which one is your room?” - I asked her.
“The one directly in front of yours. I heard your brother complaining to your parents that he wanted the room with the balcony, but you were faster.”
“His loss.” - I said while laughing like a hyena.
After both of us were finished with bringing our stuff upstairs I didn’t bother with unpacking. I was too tired for that and decided to go to bed. I have time to unpack later, because college starts a week later. After my shower I brushed my teeth and headed straight to bed. As I was lying there I couldn't help, but think about the future. Call it a gut feeling, there’s no other explanation, but I know, from now on my life won’t be as peaceful as I want it to be.
The next day was quite uneventful. I decided to stay in and after lunch I started unpacking the boxes. I opened Spotify and seconds later Dancing’s Done by Ava Max could be heard all over the house. My family is already used to this ritual of mine. l cannot do anything without listening to music. Without music time slows down, and the chores seem never ending.
The last two boxes were filled with my precious babies. My books. I’ve loved reading since fifth grade. While other kids asked for money, the latest iPhone model or other expensive things, for my birthday, for Christmas I always asked for books.
When I was finished, it was time for dinner. All of us gathered in the kitchen as my mom placed salad, baked potatoes and grilled chicken on the table.
“It’s delicious Mrs. S..” - said my best friend. The only person who calls my mom Mrs. S. is Ro. In kindergarten she couldn’t pronounce Silverstone and she stuck to Mrs. S. up until today. My mom doesn’t mind it, Ro is like her other daughter.
“Thanks Rory. Girls, do you have plans for tomorrow?”
“I was thinking about going to town and getting familiar with it. You coming, Ro?”
“Absolutely, I was just about to ask you the same thing.”
“Be careful of the woods girls. Don’t go wandering as we still don't know which paths are safe.”
“Don’t worry dad, we won’t discover the woods this time. I don’t think we will have time for that.”
Unknown's POV
“See my darling, you chose wisely. She doesn’t know the truth, but she feels that something’s coming. Don’t worry, everything will be alright.”
“I really hope so. The entire werewolf race depends on her, she can’t fail.”
“She won’t, I’m sure of it.”