Chapter 4
Jasmine's POV
Next day Ro and I went outside to see the town. Dave let us borrow his car so we didn’t have to walk that much. First we headed to the mall to buy a few clothes. In the third shop I fell in love with a summer dress which had sunflowers on it and I just couldn’t leave it there. I changed into it immediately and headed to the next shop. Some time later I saw a bookstore and dragged Ro inside with me. She knew about my obsession with books, so she didn’t have a choice, but to follow me.
“You have so many books at home. Why do you need more?”
“You can never have too many books. That’s the first rule of being a bookworm.”
“Okay, okay. I will never understand you, woman.”
After I bought three books we headed outside. We still wanted to take a walk in town and visit places. As we were walking by a small jewelry shop we saw two guys staring at us creepily. It was not the kind of stare that indicates we were new in town and they knew it, but rather I will eat you for dessert.
“Jas, do you see those creepy guys?”
“Yeah, I think we should go. It seems like they want to come over here. We’re lucky that you parked nearby.”
As we got in the car I saw one of the guys move and stare as Ro drove away.
“I hope we won’t meet them again Ro. I have to tell mom to be careful and dad to keep an eye on those guys in case they try to do something to us or someone else.”
“Agree. Mr. S. has to keep an eye on them. Did you see how tall and muscular they were? Gosh, they could pick you up with their pinkies.”
“Shut up! I'm not that small.” - I huffed.
“Sure Jas, sure! You’re not short, just penguin size.” - she wheezed while trying not to crash the car because of laughing so hard.
After we arrived home we picked up our bags and went upstairs to unpack. Thankfully dad was home so I could tell him about those guys.
“Dad, today in town we saw two guys staring at us creepily. I don’t have a good feeling about them. I think you should keep an eye on them.”
“Sure thing sweety. I’ll see what I can do about it. My first shift is tomorrow, I’ll ask my colleagues if anybody reported two guys stalking.”
“Thanks dad. I don't know anybody in town, but I don’t want them to get hurt because of them.”
After our conversation I headed upstairs and sat on my balcony enjoying the sounds of nature. Suddenly I heard a howl in the distance and realized that my wish about not finding wolves in these woods didn’t come true. As long as they stay where they are I don’t care. Today was full Moon, he or she must have howled because of it. I felt the pull too, much stronger than before, so I got up, locked the balcony door and headed inside. I closed the curtains to block out the moonlight and changed into my pajamas. It was 10 p.m. already, but I wasn’t sleepy and took out the book I bought today and started reading.
I don't know when I fell asleep. All I remember is waking up in the middle of the night not knowing where I am. All I can see is the moonlight and trees surrounding me. I started to panic and looked for a way out of the woods. I didn't see a path and had no idea which way to go. Suddenly I heard a noise coming from the bushes and a magnificent wolf emerged. I held my breath, but didn't run. Running would make things worse.
"Good boy. I won't hurt you, so don't hurt me either."
The wolf just stared at me, then slowly sat down on the ground doing nothing. I was amazed, its fur was midnight black and his eyes were emerald green. Suddenly he stood up and advanced towards me, but didn't hurt me. From his body language I knew he wanted me to follow him. Call me crazy, but I followed the wolf. About 20 minutes later he stopped and I saw that we were in town. I turned back, but the wolf had already disappeared.
When I got home my parents were standing outside on the front porch talking to another police officer. When my mom noticed me, she started running towards me while crying.
"Jas, my baby, where were you? We were so worried."
"I don't know what exactly happened mom. I must have been sleepwalking. All I remember is waking up in the woods." - I left out the part, when I met the wolf not wanting to give her a heart attack. "I started walking and ended up in the town center and from there I knew my way back home."
"I'm glad you're okay. I heard about those guys, I was worried that they kidnapped you."
"Don't worry mom, I'm home now. Let's head inside. By the way, how did you know I'm not in bed?"
"We heard some noise coming from your room and we went to check on you. The balcony door was open and you were gone."
After this whole ordeal we headed back to bed. In the morning I woke up in bed this time. I checked the time and it was 8:20 a.m.. I headed downstairs and my brother and best friend tackled me in a hug.
"Sis, don't do something like that. We were so worried about you. We went to search for you in town, but didn't see you anywhere. We missed each other."
"I know, I'm sorry I've never sleep walked before."
"We know Jas. Let's forget about this."
I was the only one who hadn't had breakfast yet, so I headed to the kitchen, took out some cereal and milk and ate my breakfast. I headed upstairs wondering what could have happened last night. I put on some yoga shorts and a T-shirt, I put my hair up in a bun.
Jas and Dave invited me to go out with them, but I didn't want to. I connected my phone to my Bluetooth speaker and Save Your Tears, by the Weekend and Ariana Grande started to play. Others might have found this action of mine surprising, thinking how can she concentrate on the book and the music at the same time, but for me it's just like breathing. Simple and doesn't require much effort.
I sat down and opened my book where I left off yesterday evening. I could only read one chapter when the doorbell rang. At first I didn't go downstairs as I was in a bad mood because of yesterday's events. I heard two guys talking with my parents. In the end I got up and went downstairs. What I saw made my blood boil, I was enraged.