Chapter 6
Jasmine's POV
I just simply cannot believe that they had the nerve to show up at our house. And on top of that my parents welcomed them with open arms even though I told them they were the creepy guys from yesterday. Not long after I came back upstairs I heard Ro yelling the same things as I did only moments ago. I heard her coming up the stairs and she barged in my room while mumbling profanities.
As I heard the front door close I relaxed and prepared for my mom's wrath. I knew that I pissed her off this time with my behavior, but I couldn't help it. Surprisingly she didn't come to lecture us, so we decided to check what's going on. Mom, dad and Dave were sitting in the living room. They didn't hear us coming and continued to talk.
"How will Jas deal with upcoming things? And what will we tell her?"
"I don't know son, I don't know."
What is going on, what aren't they telling me? Does it have something to do with those guys? We couldn't hide longer, because my mom noticed us, but pretended that nothing happened earlier. From her actions I concluded, something big is going on and all three of them knew it. They wouldn't say anything even if their lives depended on it; therefore, I didn't question it.
In the evening we decided to watch a movie. It's a tradition that Dave, Ro and I would watch a movie once a week. This time it was my turn to choose and what else can it be than The Notebook? Dave wouldn't tell me the secret concerning me, so he has to suffer somehow.
"No, no, no…you can't be serious Jas. Not again. We watched The Notebook at least sixty times."
"I don't care. I always watch the movies you choose even if they're horrors."
"But we only watch them once, I repeat once and not all over again. How would you feel if you had to watch Conjuring all over again?"
He saw my horrified expression and muttered "exactly" under his breath.
After the movie ended we headed upstairs to our rooms. I showered, washed my hair and brushed my teeth and headed to bed.
The next day started off uneventful. Only three more days until the first semester starts. Around 1 p.m. my mom came in and started fumbling with the balcony door. I didn't think much of it and continued reading my book. I noticed that something was missing and that was music. I decided on Bad Romance, by Lady Gaga. I needed to use the bathroom and when I came out I was shocked.
Inside my room stood the guy from yesterday. He was blocking the door, so my eyes darted towards the balcony door.
"Hi, I'm Axel."
I just stared at him not knowing what to do next. The only logical thing I could think of was running towards the balcony door. I tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. It was locked. It didn't take long for me to piece it together that my mom locked it when she came in earlier.
"I just want to tell you that I don't have bad intentions. I was staring because you're beautiful. Truth to be told, you surprised me yesterday with your outburst, but thinking about the situation I'd have done the same."
He was handsome, and had green eyes. I felt like I saw those eyes before, but couldn't remember where.
"I'm sorry about yesterday." - I blurted out, surprising even myself. What is going on with me?
"It's fine, I won't take it to heart."
Ladies and gentlemen, this was the moment when I stopped being angry with him. When he smiled he had dimples. Dimples. My only weakness when it comes to guys is when a guy has dimples while smiling. I must have been staring like an idiot, because he started to smile even more. I blushed and looked everywhere, but him.
"Can I sit down?"
"This might be my only chance, but I have to ask you something?"
"Uhm…okay, what is it?"
"Willyougooutonadatewithme?" - he said quickly.
"Sorry, but I didn't understand a word."
"Will you go out on a date with me?"
For a minute I couldn't say anything. But thinking about it I was too prejudiced against him when I didn't even know him. I had to make up for this mistake so I agreed to go out with him. We exchanged numbers and he said he will text me later about the details.
When he left I realized what I had done, but there was no going back. I had to keep my promise. It was like I couldn't think straight with him in the same room. My brain short circuited and I became a different person.
When my mom heard that I agreed to go on a date with Axel, she was over the Moon. Ro on the other hand wasn't so happy about this, saying that I have to be stronger when seeing guys with dimples.
I heard my phone beep, indicating that someone messaged me. It was Axel.
*"Hi Jas. Is Sunday okay for our date?"
*"Yes, I'm free. College starts on Monday."
*"Perfect. I'll pick you up at 7 p.m., just dress casually."
*"Sure. See ya on Sunday."
*"Sweet dreams Jas."
I have no idea why, but I blushed after reading the last message. No guy had wished me sweet dreams before. I didn't have to worry about what I would wear on Sunday, because it wasn't something fancy which I didn't mind. Going to an expensive place on the first date means that the guy wants to show off and not win our hearts.
My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was Ro.
"Now spill the beans. What happened this afternoon?"
"My mom helped him. She locked the balcony door and took the key. After I came back from the bathroom he was standing before my door. His name is Axel. He told me that he only started the other day because he thought I'm beautiful and asked me out on a date and I said yes."
She just stared at me blinking with her eyes rapidly. Just like those cartoon figures.
"It's time for you to finally go on a date. You'll be 21 in a month."
This was not the answer I expected, but I was happy that she wasn't mad at me for giving in too easily.
This will be my first date ever. Back in Pittsburgh I wasn't interested in dating. Sure I checked the guys out, but never had the urge to go on a date with them even if they asked me out. This time it was different. I can't explain why, but it was.
I felt like a teenage girl and I was excited. When I laid on the bed staring outside the window with a smile on my face, something in the back of my mind told me that Axel is the One. With that thought I fell asleep hoping that this time I won't wake up in the middle of the woods surrounded by wild animals