Chapter 9
Jasmine's POV
As expected, the next morning I woke up as a grumpy cat and on top of that it was my first day at college. When I realized what time it was, I knew I wouldn't be able to go home, so I messaged Ro to pack up my things and bring my bag with her. Thankfully Macy gave me some spare clothes and I was able to change into fresh clothes. In the kitchen I instantly poured myself a cup of coffee with sugar and some milk. Macy was making pancakes and I helped her set the table. All six of us sat down and started eating. I put a little Nutella on mine - who am I kidding - I put a lot of Nutella on my pancakes. They were staring at me like I’m an alien, especially Axel and I immediately snapped at him due to the lack of sleep.
“What are you staring at? Haven't you seen a girl eating pancakes with Nutella?”
“Uhm, I have, but not with that amount.”
“What’s wrong with the amount? It’s not you who’s eating it. So shut up and eat!”
He wanted to say something else, but my glare prevented him from saying something stupid, which would make me angrier. After the first bite of the heavenly breakfast my mood was lifted. Axel had some things to talk about with one of the professors at the college, so he gave me a lift. At the gates everybody was staring at us, more likely at me when I got out of the car. Ro was already there with my bag in her hands.
“Thanks for bringing my stuff.”
“No problem, but you look like you didn’t sleep last night. Don’t tell me something happened between you and Axel?”
“God no! I just couldn’t fall asleep.”
“Okay, okay no need to snap at me.”
“Sorry, but you know how I am when I don't have enough sleep.”
“I know, I was there a few times when your tantrums were on show. I can still feel that kick to my ribs from last year.”
We easily found the building where the veterinary studies are. As soon as we stepped inside I saw red. Barbie was standing in the middle of the hall with three other girls who looked exactly like her. I was proud of myself when I saw her nose. It was crooked, showing last night’s events. Ro already knew everything, I told her while we were walking towards the building.
“You did a number on her Jas. No amount of make-up can cover up a crooked nose.”
“I’m proud of myself too.” - I stated, which might have been a little bit too loud, because the students in the hall turned towards us. When Barbie saw me she came my way, her face screaming revenge. I was already annoyed and I knew that one of her stupid remarks would make me attack her, probably even physically.
“What the hell are you doing here, slut?” - she asked loudly. The hall became silent as everyone was watching the events.
“I assume the same as you. Studying to become a vet. Or are you just bitching around?”
“The only one who’s bitching around is you. How can you be a vet? Do you even have a relative who’s a doctor? Probably not. My aunt is a doctor in this town.”
“Let me tell you one thing. It doesn’t matter if your relative is a doctor or not. What matters is knowledge and skills and you probably lack both of them.”
For a few seconds everything was dead silent. The only thing I saw was her face gradually reddening when she pounced on me like a rabid animal. I was prepared for the attack and sidestepped her just in time. She was taken aback when she saw me standing on my feet. She quickly composed herself and came at me again. This time I wasn’t quick enough and the two of us landed on the hard tiles and I was the one who broke the fall. Just as things started to get out of hand a voice boomed and everybody froze.
“What is going on here?” - I realized that the voice belonged to Axel.
“They’re fighting.” - someone said from the crowd that gathered around us at some point. Then Axel’s eyes landed on me and he quickly made his way towards us.
“Are you okay Jasmine? And what did I tell you yesterday Barbie?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, just really pissed.”
After the incident Barbie was dragged away by someone and the crowd disappeared. I didn’t wait for Axel to say anything and walked towards the lecture hall. I heard Ro telling him something, but I didn’t understand it. I tried to calm down, but for some reason nothing was working. Ro didn’t say anything when she saw my expression. These are the times when I know why she is my best friend.
The first week was over in a blink of an eye. In anatomy class the first topic the professor talked about were wolves. It was quite strange; honestly, we are going to be vets, not zookeepers. In my opinion, talking about the anatomy of cats and dogs would have been more appropriate, but the professor knows better. During this week I was feeling furious more times than average and I didn’t know the reason.
1: I haven’t seen Barbie all week.
2: I slept enough.
3: I ate delicious dishes.
Yesterday evening I got mad at my dresser, because I bumped into it on my way to the bathroom. I don’t know how, but I managed to push it down to the floor. Then I got madder, because all the things from the drawers landed on the floor too, alongside with the things I put on the top of it. For God’s sake, I’m 5”1’, I shouldn’t be able to do these things. My dad ran inside when he heard the thud of the dresser and he was utterly surprised when he found it on the floor with my things under and around it.
Also, Ro and Jason started dating; however, I have no idea when they met so many times that things escalated this quickly. She wasn’t even surprised when in class we started with the anatomy of a wolf. She was definitely hiding something crucial from me, but sooner or later I’ll discover the truth. I talked with Axel every day in the past week. We couldn’t meet, because he had some things to take care of and went on a business trip.
Ro was on a date with Jason, so I decided to take a walk in the woods. It was still bright outside and I had a few hours until sunset. I chose the hiking trail that started at the back of our house. I started humming Diamond Heart, by Alan Walker. Deep inside the woods I couldn’t help, but look around in awe. The leaves were still green, given it was just September. Birds were chirping and insects were buzzing. I felt the pent up anger and frustration leave my body. I found my happy place.
As I was walking further down the trail I found a meadow. In the middle of it stood a magnificent maple tree. As I neared it I could see some strange symbols carved in the tree trunk. I could hear some buzzing and it was getting louder and louder. Lucky me tripped on a rock just in front of the tree and I fell down. I felt a sharp pain in my leg and saw that my leg was bleeding. Some of the blood even landed on the roots. After I stood up the tree was glowing. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I must have hit my head when I fell down. The glowing suddenly stopped and everything went back to the way it was, except me.
I could see everything, but it was like a different person was in charge. I had the urge to head to Axel’s house, but I had no idea why. As the house came into view a while later a lot of people were outside, I even saw some wolves. Everybody froze when they saw me, I was freaking out deep inside, but my body and mind didn’t cooperate. Without a care I walked between the people and headed inside. When Macy saw me she became pale alongside James.
“Jasmine, honey, what are you doing here?”
“Where is Axel?”
“He’ll be home in a few minutes. What’s wrong?”
But I didn’t answer her question and just started smirking devilishly.